in article, Preben Bødker Nielsen at wrote on 18/07/02 19:58:
> I forbindelse med deres fantastiske "servicetiltag", skriver Apple på:
> <>:
> "Apple has notified all iTools account members via their Email
> accounts."
> Har nogen fået omtalte meddelelse?
> /Preben
Dear iTools member, Today we announced .Mac, pronounced "Dot Mac," that
replaces the Apple iTools service. In the two and a half years since we
introduced iTools, both the demand for Internet services and the cost of
providing them has increased dramatically. As a result, we're no longer able
to offer iTools for free. Instead, we are introducing a new paid membership
program that will allow us to continually enhance and expand our Internet
services offerings for our customers.
In addition to delivering dramatically enhanced versions of popular services
like Email, HomePage, and iDisk, .Mac includes all-new features like
industry-leading virus protection, hassle-free data backup software, and
more. And, as a member, you'll also get updates whenever new features are
added. In fact, there are several great new services coming with the release
of Mac OS X v10.2. So your .Mac membership grows with you over time. Click
amp;lang=en&cty=us&aff=consumer&phone=Y> for all the details on
For the next two months, we invite you to explore what .Mac has to offer.
Your iTools account will remain active until September 30th, and will also
act as your .Mac trial account where you can try out the new service. As a
thank-you for pioneering the growth of these services with us, you'll
receive a special rate of $49.95 for your first year's .Mac membership — a
full $50 off the standard rate of $99.95. If you choose not to join .Mac,
your iTools account will be turned off on September 30th. Join before then
to keep your account active and receive your special $49.95 rate. And keep
an eye on your mailbox. We'll be sending reminders and tips for getting
started with .Mac. Sincerely,
Apple Computer [
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"When the President does it, that means that it's not illegal."
Richard Nixon.