> Lad de andre jumpere være - de skal kun bruges, hvis du har
> kompatibilitetsproblemer med disken.
Hvad mener du...??? den står ikke default til noget!
Jeg kan sætte den til forskellige indstillinger - men hvilken ?
Carsten Junker Thomsen
Lindevangshusene 40,1.th.
2630 Taastrup
tlf. 43 52 62 00
mobil: 26 55 15 80
"Chuke Mimergolf" <spam@nej.for.pokker> wrote in message
> "_ cjt" <cajuth@worldonline.dk> skrev
> > Men derudover er der forskellige indstillinger...:
> > * 15 heads
> > * 16 heads
> > * 2 GB-clip
> > * Autospin Disable
> >
> > Den er 30,7 Gb
> > Hvad bør jeg indstille den til.........???
> Lad de andre jumpere være - de skal kun bruges, hvis du har
> kompatibilitetsproblemer med disken.
> Fra IBM's hjemmeside:
> (
> Some systems may require you to use the 15 head logical architecture. This
> because they translate a drive greater than 4 GB by multiplying the head
> count by 16. The result (16 x 16 = 256) is interpreted as 0 heads with a 0
> capacity and is an illegal head count. Selecting the 15 head logical
> produces a legal translation (16 x 15 = 240). The translated cylinder
> varies to achieve the drive's full capacity.
> Capacity clip to 2GB/32GB with logical head 16: This option can be used in
> situations where there is a BIOS limitation and the drive is not
> See the BIOS 33.8 GB limitations topic. Installing the 2GB/32GB capacity
> jumpers for a drive with a capacity of less than 34GB reduces the drive
> capacity to 2GB.
> Disabling auto spin for logical head 16: These jumper settings are used
> limiting power supply current when multiple drives are used. The command
> spin up is SET FEATURES (subcommand 07h).
> mvh
> Peter