Anders Baden Nielsen <> wrote:
> Hej,
> Er det muligt at få min Yamaha 4416S brænder til at fungere som en cd-rom
> læser under MacOS X?
> På forhånd tak.
Fundet på
Reviewer's Name: David Brown
Date Submitted: 4/26/2002
Drive Type: CDRW
Drive Interface: SCSI
Drive Brand: Yamaha
Drive Model Number: CRW4260 (4x2x6x)
Driver Used: Apple Standard
Mac Model: Apple G4 AGP Slot
Mac OS Version: OS X
Reader Comments: OSX 10.1.4
Adapted 2906 SCSI Card.
Works ok out the box with Toast 5.1.
Works Ok out the box in the Finder.
Works in ITunes 2.0.4 having patched file
YamahaCDR.device-plugin using HexEditor, search for CRW4416 and replace
with CRW4260.
Email: pinebox [a] myreabox [.] com
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