Jeg vil gerne putte nogle flere RAM i min bærbare, og jeg har hentet
følgende fra producentens hjemmeside:
The entire range is designed to accept either EDO or SDRAM SODIMMS. The
machines are shipped as standard with SDRAM memory. There are 2 SODIMM
sockets on the motherboard, under a small door on the base of the
machine. It is not permissible to mix these 2 types of memory in one
machine, either both chips have to be EDO or both chips have to be
SDRAM. EDO SODIMMS are commonly available in sizes 16MB, 32MB and 64MB.
SDRAM SODIMMS are commonly available in sizes 32MB, 64MB and 128MB.
Samsung recommend the use of SDRAM memory only.
Nu er jeg bare i tvivl om hvordan det skal forstås. Betyder det at jeg
kan købe hvilket som helst mærke, bare det er SDRAM? -Det er lidt
interessant, for der er jo stor prisforskel mærkerne imellem.
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