 | Sv: living in a happy world Fra : Claus Jungersen |
Dato : 20-12-00 23:27 |
Sounds like Madonnas new producer, Mirwais "Naive Song". You can find the
track on his "new" album "Production" wich, bye the way, are pretty great.
You'll also find the house-ballad with Madonna, "Paradise (Not for me)",
there - song off the year 2000 in my opinion.
/Claus Jungersen
> Lars <l.ihnken@gmx.de> skrev i en
> nyhedsmeddelelse:3A3F922B.1D1F250C@gmx.de...
> > Hallo!
> >
> > Weiß jemand, von wem das Lied ist, in dem die Stelle vorkommt:
> > "living in a happy world, we are living in a happy world..."?
> >
> > Vielen Dank im Voraus!
> > Tschö mit ö!
> >
> >
> >
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Lars Jakobsen (26-12-2000)
 | Kommentar Fra : Lars Jakobsen |
Dato : 26-12-00 12:09 |
On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 22:26:54 GMT, "Claus Jungersen"
<hot_claus@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Sounds like Madonnas new producer, Mirwais "Naive Song". You can find the
>track on his "new" album "Production" wich, bye the way, are pretty great.
>You'll also find the house-ballad with Madonna, "Paradise (Not for me)",
>there - song off the year 2000 in my opinion.
>/Claus Jungersen
And almost like Ace of Base "Happy Nation"
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