 | RAM til Compaq Fra : Ulla og Ole |
Dato : 08-12-01 22:15 |
Er der nogen, der kan fortælle mig, hvilken slags RAM (og hvor mange) jeg
kan smide i min "gamle" Compaq 5030. Der sidder i øjeblikket 128 - (2 x 64).
Ole JJ
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Per Pedersen (09-12-2001)
 | Kommentar Fra : Per Pedersen |
Dato : 09-12-01 11:27 |
Presario 5030 Memory
The Presario 5030 does NOT have any memory integrated on the system board.
The board has two DIMM sockets for memory. One of these sockets is populated
with a 64-Meg module, totalling 64-Meg standard. These sockets can be
populated with 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 MB 3.3V, unbuffered SDRAM DIMMs. The
DIMMs can use either 16 Mbit or 64 Mbit technology. A maximum of 256 MB can
be supported by installing two 128 MB DIMMs. All DIMMs plugged in must be
compliant with Serial Presence Detect Revision 1. Support for DIMMs that do
not correctly implement Serial Presence Detect Revision 1 is not in the
BIOS - non-compliant DIMMs will not work in the system.
"Ulla og Ole" <ole-ulla@foni.net> wrote in message
> Hej
> Er der nogen, der kan fortælle mig, hvilken slags RAM (og hvor mange) jeg
> kan smide i min "gamle" Compaq 5030. Der sidder i øjeblikket 128 - (2 x
> Ole JJ
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