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tekst fra "Moulin Rouge"
Fra : RememberKristina
Vist : 534 gange
100 point
Dato : 30-04-04 20:38

Hey folkens.
Jeg leder efter nogen der har teksten til en sang fra Moulin Rouge. Sangen er den hvor de står på elefanten og synger en masse Love-songs ud i en kører!

Håber at nogen kan hjælpe mig med at finde denne tekst.

Hilsen Kristina.

Fra : TQsen

Dato : 30-04-04 21:25

Har desværre ikke set filmen.....
Men det ville hjælpe en hel del hvis du vidste hvad sangen hed
Men prøv herinde http://www.stlyrics.com/m/moulinrouge.htm
Der er tekster til alle sangene fra filmen.
God fornøjelse og jeg håber at du finder hvad du skal bruge

Accepteret svar
Fra : kaos_kristian

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 30-04-04 23:09

Your Song
Ewan MacGreggor
Go To Top
Recurring Line:
[It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live]
Christian’s Poetry:
[If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do]
My gift is my song and this one’s for you
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It maybe quite simple but now that it's done
Hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words, how wonderful life is
Now you’re in the world
I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss
Well some of these verses well they, they got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on.
So excuse my forgetting, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is - what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It maybe quite simple but now that it's done
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simply but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world

Elephant Love Medley
Ewan MacGregor and Nicole Kidman
Go To Top
Love is a many splendored thing, love
Lift us up where we belong
All you need is love
Please, don't start that again
All you need is love
A girl has got to eat
All you need is love
Or she'll end up on the streets
All you need is love
Love is just a game
I was made for lovin' you baby
You were made for lovin' me
The only way of lovin' me baby
Is to pay a lovely fee
Just one night
Give me just one night
There's no way
'Cause you can't pay
In the name of love
One night in the name of love
You crazy fool
I won't give in to you
Don't, leave me this way
I can't survive
Without your sweet love
Oh baby, don't leave me this way
You'd think that people
Would have had enough of silly love songs
I look around me
And I see it isn't so, oh no
Some people wanna fill
The world with silly love songs
Well, what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know
'Cause, here I go again!
Love lift us up where we belong
Where eagles fly on a mountain high
Love makes us act like we are fools
Throw our lives away
For one happy day
We could be heroes
Just for one day
You, you will be mean
No, I won't
And I, I'll drink all the time
We should be lovers
We can't do that
We should be lovers
And that's a fact
No, nothing will keep us together
We could steal time
Just for one day
We could be heroes
Forever and ever
We could be heroes
Forever and ever
We could be heroes
Just because I will always love you
Satine & Christian:
Can't help loving...
How wonderful life is
Now, you're in the world.
(Opera Interlude)


Fra : kaos_kristian

Dato : 30-04-04 23:12


Her er hjemmesiden - det ovenstående ser ikke så godt ud i ren tekst - håber at det er brugbart...
Den sang du snakker om er elephant love medley

Fra : TQsen

Dato : 30-04-04 23:21

Jamen så er den her:

Artist: Ewan McGregor / Nicole Kidman Lyrics
Song: Elephant Love Medley Lyrics

Love is a many splendored thing,
Love lifts us up where we belong,
All you need is love!
Please, don't start that again
All you need is love!
A girl has got to eat!
All you need is love!
She'll end up on the street! (sigh)
All you need is looooove!
Love is just a game.
I was made for loving you baby,
You were made for loving me.
The only way of loving me baby,
Is to pay a lovely fee.
Just one night,
Give me just one night.
There's no way,
Cause you can't pay.
In the name of love!
One night in the name of love!
You crazy fool,
I won't give in to you.
Don't, leave me this way.
I can't survive, without your sweet love,
Oh baby, don't leave me this way.
You'd think that people would've had enough of silly love songs...
I look around me and I see it isn't so, oh no.
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs
Well what's wrong with that?
I like to know.
Cause here I go... again...
Love lifts us up where we belong!
Where eagles fly,
On a mountain high!
Love makes us act like we are fools.
Throw our lives away,
For one happy day.
We could be heroes...
Just for one day.
You, you will be mean.
No, I won't.
(sigh) And I, I'll drink all the time.
We should be lovers...
We can't do that.
We should be lovers!
And that's a fact.
Though nothing, would keep us together.
We could steal time...
[Ewan & Nicole:]
Just for one day.
We could be heroes,
Forever and ever,
We could be heroes,
Forever and ever,
We can be heroes...
Just because I... will always love you...
[Ewan & Nicole:]
...Can't help loving...
How wonderful life is,
[Ewan and Nicole:]
Now you're in, the world...

(Opera man singing...)

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : RememberKristina

Dato : 01-05-04 19:19

Tak for svaret kaos_kristian.

Fra : kaos_kristian

Dato : 02-05-04 00:59

Det var så lidt-
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