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Phil Collins
Fra : Linkin_noller
Vist : 689 gange
50 point
Dato : 29-02-04 22:57

HAr lige hørt en Collinssang i radioen... Og ville meget gerne vide hvad det er for en! Noget af teksten er "There's no way out of this dark place, no hope..." og senere "Can't face another day"... nogen hardcore Phil Collins fans der lige kan hjælpe...?? Ved godt det ikk er meget..

Fra : gedestalden

Dato : 29-02-04 23:03

Prøv at tjekke playlisten for den station, du har lyttet til.


Fra : Linkin_noller

Dato : 29-02-04 23:04

ja men har lige hørt den.. det der heartbeat på radio 2.. det er jo ønsker.. tror ikk den er opdateret endnu

Accepteret svar
Fra : Luke2000

Modtaget 60 point
Dato : 29-02-04 23:26

Nemt... Phil Collins - No Way Out

Fra : Linkin_noller

Dato : 29-02-04 23:37

har bare ikk kunne finde lyrics til den Luke2000?

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Linkin_noller

Dato : 29-02-04 23:39

jo fandt det.. mange tak!!! :D            

Fra : Luke2000

Dato : 29-02-04 23:40

Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change
the things I've done
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come
to take away the pain

There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day

Tell me where, did I go wrong
Everyone I loved, they're all gone
I'd do everything differently
but I can't turn back the time
There's no shelter from the storm
inside of me

There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day

I can't believe the words I hear
It's like an answer to a prayer
When I look around I see
This place, this time, this friend of mine

I know its hard but you
found somehow
To look into your heart and
to forgive me now
You've given me the strength to see
just where my journey ends
You've given me the strength
to carry on

I see the path from this dark place
I see my future
Your forgiveness has set me free
On and I can see another way
I can face another day!

I see the path, I can see the path
I see the future
I see the path from this dark place
I see the future

I see the path, I can see the path
I see the future

Fra : Luke2000

Dato : 29-02-04 23:40

Ingen problem

Fra : Linkin_noller

Dato : 29-02-04 23:41

er fordi den er så ny, så de steder jeg søgte havde ik fået den med..

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