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Tubaen Tubby
Fra : frostnielsen
Vist : 1304 gange
200 point
Dato : 22-05-12 18:16


Er der nogen der ligger inde med teksten til "Tubaen Tubby" ?



Fra : Nordsted1

Dato : 22-05-12 18:39

Du kan måske lytte den af her


Det går ikke så hurtigt, så det må kunne lade sig gøre

Fra : pifo

Dato : 23-05-12 05:36

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Det er bogen af Paul Tripp, du skal låne

Fra : nomore

Dato : 23-05-12 08:15
Fra : ziggy99

Dato : 23-05-12 19:28

There once was a band, best in the land
Everybody said oh my, they’re grand
But oh, how they laughed when the tuba went by
With an oompah pah, and a great big sigh
Tubby the tuba puffing away never had a tune to play
Always dreamed he’d sing a song instead of puffing all day long
With his oompah, oom pah pah, oom pah, oompah pah pah
Tubby said oh, gosh oh, gee, wish I had a melody
I’d be better off I know if I didn’t have to blow
This oompah, oom pah pah, oompah, oom pah pah
Then a friendly frog came by and said now Tubby don’t you cry
Take my bullfrog serenade and you’ll be the star of the big parade
Tubby sang the song so grand, now he’s leader of the band
He’s as famous as can be with Tubby the tuba’s melody
Then a friendly frog came by and said now Tubby don’t you cry
Take my bullfrog serenade and you’ll be the star of the big parade
Tubby sang the song so grand, now he’s leader of the band
He’s as famous as can be with Tubby the tuba’s melody
Tubby the tuba’s melody

Fra : nomore

Dato : 23-05-12 20:28

Tror ikke det er Buster Larsen

Hvis det skulle være en ren udskrift af sangen/

Accepteret svar
Fra : js270630

Modtaget 200 point
Dato : 05-06-12 10:25

Der findes en dansk indspilning (78/45) med Buster Larsen og Radioens Underholdningsorkester, dir. Hans Peder Åse. Jeg er mere end 100% sikker, for jeg har den selv! Men så skal man i gang med at skrive af! Og musikken er da en væsentlig del af historien!

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : frostnielsen

Dato : 22-08-12 19:03

Tak for svaret js270630.

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