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Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 12-11-01 08:43

An O5 technique by Giacomo Casanova /2/ t8@puck.dhs.org

<< Se il suo dovere la costringe a respingermi contro la sua volonta,
il suo dovere le e dunque di peso, ora, se le e di peso e suo
nemico, e se e suo nemico, perche lo ama tenerosamente, perche
gli lascia cosi facilmente riportare la vittoria? Se e amica
di se stessa, comincera col mettere alla porta il suo insolente
nemico. >>
<< Non e posssibile. >>
<< Possibilissimo, invece. Raccolga e chiuda gli occhi. >>

This fine dyad is exactly the and in the spirit of O5, whether
practiced alone with one's own inner yinyang or in dyad with a
c/o practitioner. The first sentence is like distilled pre
crowlyana and the roots of (french) thelema; Crowley in
Khaled Khan, Bunuel in his films (the dyad happens in Spain
during the Inquisition).

Fear (Inquisition) intrudes one's own (sexual) life and the
girl is thought to refuse what she'd like and accept slavery.
Much like nowdays. Not every woman is Taisha Abelar ascended.

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2012 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for tution, information and further publishing permission.

Casanova is happy to discreate duty (where for our practice,
and far from moral and dogma, duty is beta) and he suggests
reason, knowing reason will seduce the the spanish girl (!?).

The reasoning goes like this: if your duty forces you to
refuse me against your will, your duty must be (but he
says _is_!) a weight, now, if it is a weight, it is your
enemy, why then love it so tenderly and let it gain victory
so easily? ... As often happens, the dyad says 'it is
impossible! I cannot put my duty out of the door' (the
beta nested and pretends to have the right of tenance.

If you cannot dislodge your beta you are probably not
the hausmeister. If you can dislodge it, you can wave
by by from the window and observe it neutrally
dissolving in the street. That's the praxis of O5
and it is thus that every miracle is possible instanter.

In the case of our spanish pareja, the inf(t)ernal
civil war between inner Inquisition and Thelema
was not a very hard one. Your own fight might be
terrible. Using O5, one assumes responsability for
the Inquisition and as a matter of fact becomes the
Inquisitor, inhales (but exhales!) the dungeons of
the era of Pisces (still kicking with Uranus nowhere
at sight!) and stops pretending someone or something
else caused his truewill perplexity.

The example chosen is strong and in an ambivalent
very yinyang voladero mind it will kundarise many
betas. I expect flame from venexian and italian
groups who are very pious.

When the girl (dyad) says it is not possible, it is the
voladero or beta that speaks, the Inquisition, guilt, fear;
but the master (in this case seducer) counters with 'yes
it _is_ (!ntent) possible, close your eyes and recollect'.

This is so close to the atmosphere of O5 that I point it out
as a supreme example how O5 happens in daily life. The daily
life has many opportunities for identifying, puffing up
(phew), labeling (ahhh, must be the postman), discreating
(well allright, now it's gone; I'll drink to it).

Contrary to what one might think, O5 is (practiced) everywhere
in the texture of the matrix. No wonder there are traces in
free minds. Much aware that Casanova and Crowley were not
perfect, we can introduce viveka or telling things apart,
exchange sex for liberation and the formula is still there.

The question would be: what stops you from being illuminated?

And that's a good one. Enough for today.

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2012 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for tution, information and further publishing permission.


Upcoming horoscopes of the RIVO ALTO or Rialto bridge, the GETO
or gheto (ghetto) first ghetto in Venice (Vinegia, Venexia), the
horoscope of the introduction of LOTO to Venice (probably loto
genovese) and several horoscopes of Casanova's life.

http://www.mmc.hr/~wr106/puck.dhs.org/reports/casanova /venexia

/0/ Giacomo Casanova studied magick as he was ARCHIMISTA IN ERBA
alchemist/herbalist, guilty of STRIGARIA E ERBARIA or
witchcraft (STRIGA meaning witch) and (ARBARIA) herbistry.
He met and knew several alchemists and describes his enconteurs
with Comte Saint Germain (who never died) and his death.

IL TALE SOFFIA or ARCHIMISTA in venexian (alchimista) means
'one who puffs' (soffia = he puffs ). It seems the (MESTIER)
people of Venice (POPOEO VENETO) knew tha habit of alchemists.

Casanova has been associated with new world plutino 2001KX76
the largest asteroid (which I secretly call Casanova), the
one associated with alchemy.

/1/ Having almost nagual energy, he was able (like nagual Julian)
to get support from the seduced women. The way in which a
woman feeds a man for seven years after the intercourse is
amazing. Imagine Casanova being fed by thousands of women
all around Europe! Such a vampire is not born every day.

Venexia, Geto, Sestrier de Canaregio
45N26 12E20 Wed Nov 07 09:55:21 GMT 2001

/2/ The text is in italian. As soon as I retrieve the venexian
original, I'll publish it. The high cases are pure venetian.

Wed Nov 07 10:45:48 GMT 2001

ASTROLOGIA GIUDIZIARIA predictive astrology, minute precision
http://puck.dhs.org/reports/italia http://puck.dhs.org/$

O5 breaks the enchantment and (dis)creates your futurity!

http://puck.dhs.org Varuna, 2001KX76, Dark Planets &
Centaurs; I Ching Aspectarian, O5 pocket magick intent.

VENEXIA DE DRENTO - Venice Inside - From Venice, Italy
Claudio Solis mailto:t8@puck.dhs.org http://puck.dhs.org

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