Niels Ebbesen <> wrote:
> Hvilket port nr. bruger Roger Wilco - begge mine unger synes det er
> smadder smart at bruge Roger Wilco, men det synes jeg ikke, for det æder
> godt nok meget båndbredde.
> Jeg har prøvet med seriøse argumenter, men det virker ikke, derfor vil
> jeg lukke for den/de porte Roger Wilco bruger i min ADSL-router, men jeg
> kender ikke portene, så jeg vil lige høre om der er nogen som kender disse.
Channel Management on TCP Port 3782
Roger Wilco and RWBS use a TCP socket on port 3782 for administering
channel membership (for Create and Join operations).
To be able to Join Roger Wilco channel through your firewall, it must
allow you to initiate sockets on port 3782 through it. Very few
firewalls obstruct operations like this by default. If you are having
trouble Joining a Roger Wilco firewall through your firewall, ask an
administrator to see if it would be possible to allow you to open TCP
sockets for read and write on port 3782.
If you want to be able to Create channels, you will need to be able to
receive inbound sockets on TCP port 3782 as well. This capability is one
that is commonly obstructed by firewalls to make the networks behind
them more secure. If others are not able to join Roger Wilco channels
you created through your firewall, you must either content yourself with
joining channels others create or ask your administrator if it would be
possible to allow your computer to receive inbound TCP sockets on port
3782. It is reasonable for administrators to deny such a request, so
firewall users may have to content themselves with joining channels and
do without creation privileges.
Sending and Receiving Audio over UDP
By default, Roger Wilco sends and receives audio as UDP packets on port
3782, and supports UDP port translation on the inbound leg. If needed,
the user can select a different UDP port for receiving audio by visiting
the Adjust/Configure wizard.
The Roger Wilco Base Station (RWBS) receives UDP audio on port 3783 (not
3782). This cannot be reconfigured.
If your firewall is not allowing you to send UDP packets on the port the
other computers want to receive it on (typically, 3782 or 3783 unless
someone has configured their Roger Wilco to use an unusual UDP port),
you will have problems getting your audio out to the other recipient.
If this occurs, you will have to ask the other party to try selecting a
different UDP port for their Roger Wilco that is not being blocked by
your firewall, or ask your system administrator if he/she can remove the
To receive incoming radio transmissions, you need either to be able to
receive incoming packets on the UDP port specified in Roger Wilco's
Configuration Wizard (port 3783 if you are running RWBS), or to have UDP
port translation enabled on your firewall. The simplest and most
effective fix is to reconfigure the firewall to allow inbound packets on
the port to come to your computer unblocked. But it is reasonable for
administrators to balk at such a request for security reasons. An
alternative your administrator might find more reasonable is to enable
UDP Port Translation on the firewall (if it supports this feature). That
will allow you to receive inbound radio traffic, but provides a higher
degree of security than an unblocked UDP port.
Communicating with the Master Servers
By default, Roger Wilco communicates with the GameSpy Master Servers on
port 27900 (Master Server UDP Heartbeat) and port 28900 (Master Server
List Request). If your firewall is not allowing you to send UDP packets
on these ports you will have problems creating channels (especially Base
Stations) and also in retreiving the channel listing.
Jesper. »Vi danskere er med vores kristne-lutheranske
kulturarv så forskellige fra muslimerne, at vi må erkende,
at vi ikke kan leve sammen.«
Sven Bergstein, Pens. Oberstløjtnant, medlem af CD