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2002 Varuna
Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 05-11-01 15:53

Preface to King of Terror http://puck.dhs.org

2000WR106, now known as Varuna, was one of the
symptoms of a great war. Here some references:

<< Feb 6th 2001 update

Besides disturbing the water cycle of the planet,
Varuna is about food pollution and death due to impure
food. Moreover, due to the unequal distribution of
food, it is the patron of wars. As big the disproportion
of food/greed/need, that large the war threathening. >>

It did not seem very actual back in February 2001.

<< :|: is unfathomable. In the years 2001 and 2002,
Jupiter ||: conjuncts Varuna :|: thus death and `holy'
wars issue. >>

<< Death as warrior and friend of the warrior
War, _the_ War, Final extermination, neverending war
World War. Galactic War. Massive extermination of planets >>

<< The nearby Algol star warns husbands not to stay from
home for too long (such as for business or military
reasons). Protect your fences. Double lock your doors. >>

<< Since Varuna is about wars >>

<< If Varuna implies war, it is a long war, indeed. The sole
name WR echoes 'war'. >>

<< (Getting rid of the) last enemy
At one level (of dharma) one has to leave his (ex) friends
In this final stage of the game, he meets his main enemy.

Mankind reaching the last stage and starting anew
A new type of death gives birth to a new type of birth
Organized criminal. Mafia-like activities.
Nuclear submarine
Top secret. New army. Unspeakable, unfathomable,
missing, sunk
Invisible death. Hidden source of evil.
Wrong choice while good intentions
The emergence of a magus-astrologer /11/
One-eyed (a possible relation to Asbolus, the centaur)

New deserts, dry lakeland, the lack of water on Earth
The enemy of mankind (voladeros) news:alt.dreams.castaneda
Introspection can lead to Eternity, since time/space
and death/life is transcended
On the popular level and yang sphere, a petty tyrant is
given power to indulge in austere rulership >>

<< Original Meaning: (the first impressions)
The Antichrist.
The Death Star
The bitter end.
Sure death
All Evil, _the_ evil, the evil one (but unemotional).
Death in the sense of death without happyend. Just death.
Plain death without heaven above, fanfares, angels, bells and
whistles, second chance. Flying fast soon into the Beak of the
Eagle. Final and total annihilation of one's being.
World War. Galactic War. Massive extermination of planets to
the bitter end. Too late to repent, too late to spare life.
Final phase of cancer /12/
The dead rise (but to what obscure end?) /13/
The Enemy >>


This is the Feb 6th news:alt.astrology.moderated
article, previous to `Jupiter/Varuna 2001/2002'.

Varuna, the Millenium Planet
(At the time the articles were written, the object's
name was 20000 or 2000 WR106, it was named Varuna).

Transneptune Varuna: The Death Star
an astrological impression
Copyright (C) 2001 Claudio Solis http://puck.dhs.org
tarant8l@users.tmok.com t8@puck.dhs.org
TNO Varuna The Largest Transneptune ever discovered
Next to Pluto and bigger than Ceres, Varuna is the great
discovery in the dawn of the New Millenium.

Delineating the major minor planet Varuna; part V is:
= About Food on this Planet =
Feb 6th 2001 update

Besides disturbing the water cycle of the planet,
Varuna is about food pollution and death due to impure
food. Moreover, due to the unequal distribution of
food, it is the patron of wars. As big the disproportion
of food/greed/need, that large the war threathening.

The cure is a good constitution (as one to be admired
in Israel in the time to come) providing equal distribution
of water, which also stands for the primal distribution
of mana-mana powers, the upper and lower waters of life.
In a lawyer's horoscope, Varuna fosters law and order,
especially orderly distribution of goods, and VOX POPVLI.

Since the planet itself emanates lies (undecoded
energy), one who 'talked to him (or rather her)'
could teach 'it' in wordless fashion, much as zen
is 'taught'. For such a being this analysis is
useless. /1/

Unrelated, it is interesting to compare Nostradamus
predictions and the appeareance of the sign of horror.
Shao Yung's predictions venture to A.D. 3500 and I
would very much like to compare if you have any
relevant sources other than Plum Blossom Numerology.

Delineating the major minor planet Varuna; part IV is:
= About Money and Psyche =
Feb 5th 2001 update

Mercury conjunct Varuna in the second house is so bad
for material matters that the earthquake can split the
house in a half, without real help from the government.

As concerns 1992QB1, the first transneptune discovered,
when in the 12th house, square Varuna,

/2/ the native is
prone to receive mental attacks, whether in dreams,
traditional village witchcraft or self produced phantasm
agoria. He thinks he was bewitched and attacked by real
black magicians in his sleep. (The reader is strongly
reccomended to study passages from Franz Bardon's book I
that explain phantoms, larvae and black magic). /3/

On February 5th, I receive the first little report on
Varuna from a swiss astrologer. He tends to have a milder
view of the matter at hand. The short comment is retrievable
from the archives at http://puck.dhs.org /4/

Delineating the major minor planet Varuna; part III is:
= The Death Star =
Feb 4th 2001 update

(This section is actually cut from the Asbolus/Nessus
centaur research at http://puck.dhs.org) <snip>

Asbolus is about exact prediction, and thus I Ching.
I assume thus that it's exaltation is 23ø Virgo.

The boy Anakin has Nessus on the degree. Thus Elipinon
inspires to clairvoyance through the Force. Since the
Dark Side of the Force gyrated the boy's Head toward
the contra-demon of the degree, we assume Nessus in
this position must have the characteristics of the
refugee's fear; his main drawback, according to Master
Yoda. Always on the move and always on the run, but
having a home and Providence on that generous degree.

I have nicked Varuna 'Death Star'. Varuna 23ø47' gem
neatly squares Nessus at 22ø41'vir. A clash happens
between the indomable Nessus and the mechanical monster
Death Star. </snip>

If Varuna implies war, it is a long war, indeed. The sole
name WR echoes 'war'. I will leave the gematric calculi
for an intimate discussion; however, I did not come to
relevant conclusions as concerns the gematrical implications
of Varuna. /5/

Delineating a new minor planet Varuna; part II is:
= Neighborhood Snapshots=
Feb 2nd 2001 update

The minor planet Varuna is the largest discovery since
Ceres, Pluto, and it falls in the size range, according
to estimations. /6/

Transneptune Varuna: The Death Star
an astrological impression
Copyright (C) 2001 Claudio Solis http://puck.dhs.org
TNO Varuna The Largest Transneptune ever discovered

Majikal interface:

My own view of Varuna is limited to the genie inspiring
me towards this sentence: Varuna is about majikal secrets
of nature.

As concerns majik, Varuna initiates into the majik of
water. If in the hour of Varuna you are instructed not
to utter the Word, you will remain silent and progress.

Weather and weather control are of great interest to
our planet at this time. Shamans can teach how to
cause rain or stop rain. In south Italy it is done
with a well and the statue of a saint. Franz Bardon
did it for the sake of education. A shaman on pucklist
and myself attempted to change the weather, and my
guru has a lesson or two on the topic. /7/

Thus the Varuna born will concentrate on the weather
and the regulation of the water element in his mind
and the omniverse.

Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Claudio Solis http://puck.dhs.org
tarant8l@users.tmok.com ananta@spunge.org t8@puck.dhs.org
The site is dedicated to the astrological research of TNO
KBO PHA NEO Aten Amor Damocles Centaur and other objects.

The 1965 Generation, 200Varuna and Saturn in Transit

Those born 1965 experience the Saturn Varuna transit.
Ideas born 1965, tunes, songs, books, dreams must pass
the test of Saturn.

WR 106 positions 1965

7 Jun 1965 24Ta07
17 Jun 1965 24Ta22
27 Jun 1965 24Ta35

This generation will generally enjoy the transit.
Spiritual hapiness will follow a gradual accumulation
of wealth. Marriages will be faithful.
Any contact with angels will be ultimately succeesful.

The nearby Algol star warns husbands not to stay from
home for too long (such as for business or military
reasons). Protect your fences. Double lock your doors.

Since Varuna is about wars, one might feel aprehension
at the sole attempt at thinking out what could this
transit mean to him. Relax. It is just a test. No more
Vietnams. Like a check with the doctor. Healthy teeth,
o.k.; no more drilling. No more killing. /8/

The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check
for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris.
telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775 (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov horizons@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Sun Feb 04 18:41:05 GMT 2001

1970, Varuna and Jupiter Transit.

Those born 1970 experience a Jupiter Varuna transit.

1 Jun 1970 0Ge41
11 Jun 1970 0Ge57
21 Jun 1970 1Ge12
1 Jul 1970 1Ge26
11 Jul 1970 1Ge38
21 Jul 1970 1Ge49
31 Jul 1970 1Ge58
10 Aug 1970 2Ge05

As rule this is a calm meditative period. The food you eat is
very bad and must change. Restaurants and outing is favored.
The unemployed will get a job, possibly abroad or close to a
centre of power (such as in the goverment).

Don't lend money. Handle your dues with care. Do not entrust
a witch! (k) Two teeth to repair in your lower jaw. Words
make us human, choose them with care. Chants, mantras and majik
al incantations are favored, but you will tend toward lower
witchcraft. Check the active car parts, the axis and wheels,
brakes. Trips to mountains are most favored.

(k) The admonishment is due to the confusing influence of
Kaxandra, the darkplanet (now conjunct Jupiter).
Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Claudio Solis http://puck.dhs.org
tarant8l@users.tmok.com ananta@spunge.org t8@puck.dhs.org
The site is dedicated to the astrological research of TNO
KBO PHA NEO Aten Amor Damocles Centaur and other objects.

Sun Feb 04 18:48:11 GMT 2001

The HORIZONS online JPL NASA program has been widely used to check
for minor planets positions, as well as to produce the ephemeris.
telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775 (via browser)
telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 (via command-line)
http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov horizons@ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Sun Feb 04 18:52:09 GMT 2001

Notes added 2/2/2001

When new minor planets receive delineation, it is peculiar
that they are associated with the unconceivable, fringe
and usually omnious. Children are seldom instructed to
jump the train and roam the distant side of town. More
likely they are told the courtyard is safe, but the
neighborhood is definitively evil.

It is the neighbor and his customs that are savage, since
we are civilized people. While our children might be prone
to adopt aliens, the commander of our antisaturnian fleet,
Mr. RA-T-0 surely takes no prisoners.

I've as yet not much feedback or an alternative delineation
of the Varuna monster that somehow sneaked into _our_ system
and lurks at it's borders. /9/

One feedback from the U.K. says Varuna produces really sinister
an effect on people (the test aliens were parents in this
case); my mind works along this line as I'll be adding a few
short comments, to warm up news:alt.astrology.moderated for the
delineation year(s) to come.
Albeit the puns have a definitely
personal frustrations background, it just might share a bit
of daily horror with the millennium civilization backstage.

A fringe planet must have allusions to hidden gods, death,
the end of the world and alike neighborhood snapshots.

Today (and it is Groundhog's day) one my friend told me
I am 'conscious of my Unconscious'. But don't ask me how
I figured out about the Mac. I might happen to be Mac-
conscious, too.

Varuna; more puns:

The three magi visit one year old IHShVh (Joshua) in the
cave. Varuna is descending. Waiting is not waiting.
Meditation, illumination, fed by the holy amrita.
The liquor of gods.
Three satelites.
The King of Horror.
Thinking about the devil, he comes along.
A silent, morbid character who does not speak of himself,
not that he has much to speak of. Nobody will ever know
him, whether there is something to know of him or not,
with a great likelihood there is nothing interesting
behind his dull silence.
Samsara is nirvana.
No human has seen God. when he 'saw' (darshan) God, he
was human no more.
The Abyss _is_ looking back at you!
The unknotted secret of Yin and Yang (is that the Mind
makes war against the Secret). Tao knows neither.
The Father of all Doubts tests your Eternity.

Some possible astrological meanings as added 2/2/2001:

Extreme carefullnes and circumspection in business.
This will apply peculiarly to the second decan of Cancer.
In relation to the computer industry, Varuna favors security,
speed and Suisse. As the matter of fact it favors swiss
astrology programs, ephemeris and possibly a new invention.

Varuna energies seem to regulate springwater, and lands that
have large amounts of clear springwater. This makes some sense
when we think of the potential want of water in the time to come.

The rise of Apple MacIntosh http://www.woz.org
This is possibly due to Aqua, meaning water *)+<:)
An unstoppable computer virus in fall 2001

(Getting rid of the) last enemy
At one level (of dharma) one has to leave his (ex) friends
In this final stage of the game, he meets his main enemy.

Mankind reaching the last stage and starting anew
A new type of death gives birth to a new type of birth
Organized criminal. Mafia-like activities.
Nuclear submarine
Top secret. New army. Unspeakable, unfathomable,
missing, sunk
Invisible death. Hidden source of evil.
Wrong choice while good intentions
The emergence of a magus-astrologer
One-eyed (a possible relation to Asbolus, the centaur)

New deserts, dry lakeland, the lack of water on Earth
The enemy of mankind (voladeros) news:alt.dreams.castaneda
Introspection can lead to Eternity, since time/space
and death/life is transcended
On the popular level and yang sphere, a petty tyrant is
given power to indulge in austere rulership

A popular wedding ceremony followed by a court appeal.
A marriage of major importance is indicated, leading to
wealth, infidelity and misfortune; it does look like a
political marriage. A woman brings misfortune by seducing
an important person. An unfaithful marriage is _most_
detrimental, but fealty is favored in the sense of
eternal comittment. This looks like the reemergence of
strict social norms, perhaps due to AIDS.
The rise of Lord Krishna (krsna) and Rama (ram).
An Empire on the rise. Aryian?

Original Meaning: (the first impressions)
The Antichrist.
The Death Star
The bitter end.
Sure death
A business trip
Death as unknowable mystery
Academic insult and demotion
Zombie's last luncheon.
All Evil, _the_ evil, the evil one (but unemotional).
Death in the sense of death without happyend. Just death.
Plain death without heaven above, fanfares, angels, bells and
whistles, second chance. Flying fast soon into the Beak of the
Eagle. Final and total annihilation of one's being.
World War. Galactic War. Massive extermination of planets to
the bitter end. Too late to repent, too late to spare life.
* Final phase of cancer
Second (third) death. The death of the astral (and mental)
'body'. (As in the aegyptian mysteries).
There is water underground (or the lack of)
The dead rise (but to what obscure end?)
Was there any hope at all? The Snake pulls the aspirant Down.
God is hidden and the progress (if any) is slow
Death is everything or nothing (or neither): a butterfly,
a hand, the torso, a night in Spain, the fountain of Kybele,...
Walking as if mired and veins pinning one to the ground
The Enemy
Rushing into final conflict and battle as
* Unsheathing the sword after the confession
Hate (the opposite of love)
Feeding the pigeons (as it rains)
The Opponent
Death and life. To live is to die daily. Life as decay.
Life feeds death. The zombie.
The idea of death must have life to feed upon.
Every day closer to death. Death as certainty.
Organization and oppression (Ordnung und Disziplin)
* The last sacrament
Having nothing but to repent (io be redeemed, still.--)
, (but) keeping a volcano of
disagreeable agression to finally defeat oneself.
It looks like to stop and repent is the way out after a
long lonely night of uncertainties and horror, but one
keeps his stock of (self) agression and is defeated.
* Silence and recapitulation would save one, yet he is
indulging in fighting his way out with force!
Death as warrior and friend of the warrior
War, _the_ War, Final extermination, neverending war

Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Claudio Solis tarant8l@users.tmok.com
http://puck.dhs.org telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775
The computations were performed by the HORIZONS program at
JPL NASA, Pasadena U.S.A. http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Varuna has been discovered on my birthday, Nov 28th 2000
besides Ceres (asteroid) and Pluto (centaur), it is one of
the major _minor_planets_, according to present research.

The ephemeris were obtained (as ever) using the HORIZONS
program at JPL NASA, Pasadena U.S.A.
$ telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775

My own natal Varuna is in opposition with Mars and conjunct
Moon's South Node in the 10th house.
It thus forms part of a Grand Cross including RG33 QM107
Uranus opposing Chiron TO66 and 1992QB1.

Besides the Hamburg hypotheticals called 'uranian' planets
and a mysterious set of 17 transneptunes, the modern astrologer
now has a wealth of _real_ observed objects to experiment
with (instead of just clever make believe).
Recent discovery Varuna seems to be worth being entered in
your chart. It is rather big (the size evaluation says it is
of the size next to Pluto and _possibly_ bigger than Ceres).

The first transneptune to be discovered was 1992QB1 called
'Smiley', of which I wrote on news:alt.astrology.moderated

Copyright (C) 2001 Claudio Solis tarant8l@users.tmok.com
http://puck.dhs.org | astrology | i ching | majik | o5 |

Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Claudio Solis tarant8l@users.tmok.com
http://puck.dhs.org telnet://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov:6775
The computations were performed by the HORIZONS program at
JPL NASA, Pasadena U.S.A. http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov

Appendix: references to war:

food, it is the patron of wars. As big the disproportion
of food/greed/need, that large the war threathening.
Dark Side of the Force gyrated the boy's Head toward
If Varuna implies war, it is a long war, indeed. The sole
name WR echoes 'war'. I will leave the gematric calculi
me towards this sentence: Varuna is about majikal secrets
The nearby Algol star warns husbands not to stay from
Since Varuna is about wars, one might feel aprehension
al incantations are favored, but you will tend toward lower
short comments, to warm up alt.astrology.moderated for the
makes war against the Secret). Tao knows neither.
Death as warrior and friend of the warrior
War, _the_ War, Final extermination, neverending war
World War. Galactic War. Massive extermination of planets to

/1/ Indeed, there was one who talked to the planet in mystical
ways, Maharaj Prthu (Prithu) as retold in the vedas.

/2/ This combination proved fatal to WTC. 1992QB1 acted as
the opponent (guerilla leader , devil) on the descendant
at the time of the impact. http://puck.dhs.org/reports/qb1

/3/ Puck Occult Mailing List archives and links;

/4/ Varuna has no mild effect.

/5/ I made none. Not even the vedic. I might agree with the
name in that Varuna has a secret night side, but I generally
oppose giving names to planets just like that.

/6/ Plutino 2001KX76 is larger than Charon, and Varuna is larger
than Ceres. At the time Varuna was the largest minor planet.

/7/ The guy was from London. O5 can change the weather, too.

/8/ The actual text should read `many will never return from
war', but I could not alarm America at the time. Since
milk and water hazard, women will tend to miscarry.

/9/ A russian text is available but it deals with Varuna
squared in horoscopes of famous people.
Since February 2001 there was no feedback, delineation
and not a great interest at all. articles posted to
MTA mountainastrologer.com were wiped out, since finding
an object larger then Ceres is none of their business.
The articles were ignored or treated as `spam' in this
er,... dawn of New age something... I was even forbidden
further publishing... at the same time they were discussing
the Moon entering tropical Pisces, ... Varuna got no thread!
Kepler Institute was not interessed, Bill Meridian supported,
all in all the major discovery is unnoticed after one year
and a major war in sight. The final one?

/10/ I must have been simple! At the time one was thinking Varuna
will be the event of the decade. When 2001KX76 `came', it was
already clear that this planet does not care for objects larger
than Ceres. The sole idea to use them in astrology was instantly
under attack. How dare we, Juan, Jon, Robert, Harald, Alois?

/11/ I intuit a new leader born among the refugees, a fakkir.

/12/ << He sends illness >>

/13/ The rising of the dead is described and possible through
mystica yoga and majik as described by the Vedas, Abramelin
and Franz Bardon, as well as the Holy Bible.

A note on Varuna:

Varuna is the patron of water, night and the West :|:
He is all knowing and punisher, so prayers for pardon
are addressed to Him. He sends illness and is often in
the company of Mitra and Indra.

:|: is unfathomable. In the years 2001 and 2002,
Jupiter ||: conjuncts Varuna :|: thus death and `holy'
wars issue.

The fifth line of :|: describes the sacrifice (to
Krishna), perhaps horse sacrifice, since Jupiter can
stand for horse or centaur.


There is a special chapter on Varuna Rulership, too.


||| |:| :|:|:: |||||| :|:::| |||:|: |||::: ::: ||||:| |:|::|

The =O5= formula, publications, logo, methods and procedures
are (C) Copyright 1994-2012 Klaudio Zic. Mail t8@puck.dhs.org
for tution, information and further publishing permission.
(C) 2001 Klaudio Zic - All Rights Reserved. Klaudio is the author of a
series of articles on the centaur and transneptune objects in astrology,
world 2001KX76 and Varuna. Current reports http://puck.dhs.org/reports
Articles: http://puck.dhs.org/usenet.html http://www.escribe.com/theory/puck
New planets are coming this way! Mail t8@puck.dhs.org for updates and news.
http://puck.dhs.org - I Ching Services - http://ghettobox.dhs.org/t8

Sat Oct 06 18:32:59 GMT 2001

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