> Så skete det!
> Jeg var ved at overføre 1 GB via Appletalk til en filserver fra en
> ekstern firewire disk på min Icebook, Starter en quicktime film, kører
> den i fuld skærm. Da jeg hiver mit hovedtlf. stik ud midt i filmen går
> systemet i sort med en "kernel panic".
> Start igen. Kernel panic igen.
> Hiver alle stik ud. Starter fint op. kører igen glimrende.
I dag købte jeg et Macworld 10.2001, og der står en artikel om OSX crashes
og afhjælpning. Det er faktisk deres feature artikel.
Most Mac users have come across the dreaded system bomb from time to time,
but the types of crashes that cause it do not occur in Mac OS X. Don't start
celebrating quite yet, though-OS X has its own version of the system crash.
It's called a kernel panic-and it's just as debilitating as any OS 9 crash.
A kernel panic happens when the underlying Unix core that Mac OS X depends
on fails. You'll know it's happened to you if strings of text containing
error messages appear over the current display on your screen-right before
everything stops working. Kernel panics are rare but can be triggered by
familiar demons: corrupted software, a software bug, or incompatible
hardware. For example, as of OS,X 10.0.4, a kernel panic may occur if you
eject a CD while the iTunes application is opening; if you start -up with a
blank CD in a SCSIconnected CD-RW drive; or if third party RAM isn't within
your Mac's specifications, even if that RAM works fine in OS 9. Here is how
to recover from a kernel panic:
1. Restart if a kernel panic occurs, just restart your Mac-you should be
2. Reinstall or Check for Updates Typically, the only thing you can do to
prevent the panic's return is to avoid whatever caused it. In the long term,
you need to get a bug-fix upgrade to the offending software. An update may
already exist; to find out, run OS X's Software Update and check sites such
as VersionTracker.com. Otherwise, on the off chance that the kernel panic
was caused by corrupted software rather than a bug, try to reinstall the
suspected culprit."
Teksten er scannet og OCR'et, så der forekommer fejl, som jeg ikke gad bruge
for megen tid på at rette.