Læste noget interessant på X-list i dag.
Man kunne jo håbe det betyder Lables og Spring Loaded Folders kommer en
Mojn, Thomas
> Subject: finder labels
> From: "Mark Allan"
> Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 00:50:30 +0100
> Those concerned that Finder labels will not make it into Mac OS X can
> stop worrying. Open up the Applescript "ScriptEditor" application
> found in /Applications/AppleScript/Script Editor. Now choose File ->
> Open dictionary, and when the dialog comes up, choose "Finder".
> Scroll along to make sure it's version 10.1 in
> /System/Library/CoreServices
> Down near the bottom of the dictionary of definitions, click on
> either "Type Definitions" or "Label".
> For those who don't have X 10.1.....or if you're just plain lazy,
> here's what it says:
> Class label: (NOT AVAILABLE YET) A Finder label (name and color)
> Properties:
> name Unicode text -- the name associated with the label
> index integer -- the index in the front-to-back ordering
> within its container
> color RGB color -- the color associated with the label
> BTW, the one about Finder prefs is interesting
> too...buttons...spring-open folders? But it DOES say it's subject to
> change
Still, they must be there for a reason, no?
Come Mr. Taleban, tally me bananas!