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About ¤&%)(&)( <span>-codes
Fra : Jesper Ryskin

Dato : 02-10-01 16:38

Hi there - sorry to Danish people for writing English, I'm writing to two
newsgroups in search of an answer.

Sorry to yell at you, but at the lack of MS employees around, allow me to

WHY THE F*** does FrontPage KEEP on putting the f****** <span>-tags in my
text, with the local language (which means it puts in <span language=da> in
every f****** sentence)?

Guess what:

I have marked my website as "English". I have markes ALL the individual
pages as... "English".

And still, the f****** FrontPage thinks: "Oh well, he is Danish, he probably
would like me to mark every f****** sentence as Danish - I'll just override
whatever information he has given me about the site and the pages. He'll be
soooo happy with that!"


OK - taking a deep breath. Sorry to yell at YOU guys, but you know how it
is - you have got to let it out sometimes ;)

BTW - if anyone is thinking: What do he care if it inserts <span>-tags, then
it's very simple: Since I write English on my sites, EVERY SINGLE WORD will
be marked as misspelled. And I cannot do a spelling check, of which I am
100% dependent, as this message probably will reveal all to obviously (well,
I could, but FrontPage would tell me every single word is incorrect, and
suggest a Danish word to replace the English).

Off course I am using the local version of FrontPage ("FrontPage DK" - DK as
in Denmark). I assume the International version does NOT insert <span
languange=da> in every sentence - but what the hell, you never know!

Mvh.Jesper Ryskin, ejer af Webconsult

Din computer larmer! I hvert fald mere end du sikkert gerne ville have.
Se på www.webconsult.dk om hvordan du får dæmpet din PC-støj.

Jens Peter Karlsen (03-10-2001)
Fra : Jens Peter Karlsen

Dato : 03-10-01 14:41

Dine chancer for at få et svar ville være større ved at anvende et
lidt mere høvisk sprogbrug.
I Tools | Web Settings på Language Tab'en sæt kryds i "Ignore Keyboard
when deciding encoding of new pages".
Kør Start | Programs | Microsoft Office Tools | Microsoft Office
Language Settings. Og sæt default sprog til Danish.
Vil ikke have indflydelse på sider du har lavet.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

On Tue, 2 Oct 2001 17:37:46 +0200, "Jesper Ryskin"
<ryskin@webconsult.dk> wrote:

>WHY THE F*** does FrontPage KEEP on putting the f****** <span>-tags in my
>text, with the local language (which means it puts in <span language=da> in
>every f****** sentence)?

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