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Rasmus Lyberth lyrics - English translatio~
Fra : Nancy Louise Freeman

Dato : 02-09-01 23:18

First, please excuse me for posting in English, but I don't speak

Can anyone help me find an English translation of Rasmus Lyberth's
song, "Qaamaneq isinnit isigaara"? I love to sing along with the CD,
but I don't know what I'm singing!


Nikolaj Borg (03-09-2001)
Fra : Nikolaj Borg

Dato : 03-09-01 07:37

"Nancy Louise Freeman" <nimuejohn@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> First, please excuse me for posting in English, but I don't speak
> Danish.

no problem. If you don't speek Danish, we won't force you to.

> Can anyone help me find an English translation of Rasmus Lyberth's
> song, "Qaamaneq isinnit isigaara"? I love to sing along with the CD,
> but I don't know what I'm singing!

Unfortunately, I neither know the song nor speek greenlandish. I tried a
search on google for a Danish translation, but didn't have any luck (or I'm
just no good at searching). If you don't succeed through this group, maybe
you could try asking the language geeks (no offense intended) in

Good luck


Nancy Louise Freeman (03-09-2001)
Fra : Nancy Louise Freeman

Dato : 03-09-01 20:42

"Nikolaj Borg" <nSiPkAoMl@jborg.dk> wrote in message news:<3b93247e$0$242$edfadb0f@dspool01.news.tele.dk>...
> > Can anyone help me find an English translation of Rasmus Lyberth's
> > song, "Qaamaneq isinnit isigaara"? I love to sing along with the CD,
> > but I don't know what I'm singing!
> Unfortunately, I neither know the song nor speek greenlandish. I tried a
> search on google for a Danish translation, but didn't have any luck (or I'm
> just no good at searching). If you don't succeed through this group, maybe
> you could try asking the language geeks (no offense intended) in
> dk.kultur.sprog
> Good luck
> /Nikolaj

Hm. Well, the CD booklet does have a Danish translation of the
lyrics. (I tried putting this through a translation program and got a
lot of nonsense.)

Jeg ser lysglimt
i dine øjne
som dine øjne sendte mig
endelig finder jeg dig
du som gud har skabt

Forstår livets lys
som giver mening
for mig og dig
forstår livets lys
som en åbenbaring
for dig og mig

Hvorfor mon jeg
ikke kan modstå dig
du som er ventet så længe
vis mig dine spor
så jeg kan lære
hvor jeg kommur fra

Forstår livets lys
som en åbenbaring
for dig or mig
forstår livets lys
som giver mening
for mig og dig

se lyset fra min kære
for det lyser så smukt
forstår hvorfor det lyser
for det erindrer
hvor vi kommer fra

Forstår livets lys
for det er nemlig
en gave til dig og mig.

Nikolaj Borg (03-09-2001)
Fra : Nikolaj Borg

Dato : 03-09-01 22:23

"Nancy Louise Freeman" <nimuejohn@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> Hm. Well, the CD booklet does have a Danish translation of the
> lyrics. (I tried putting this through a translation program and got a
> lot of nonsense.)

I'll give it a shot. Please note that I'm sleepy, my English is a bit rusty,
and that several of the words and sentenses have dual meanings. I'm sure the
rest of the group can correct my mistakes.
Well, here goes...

> Jeg ser lysglimt
> i dine øjne
> som dine øjne sendte mig
> endelig finder jeg dig
> du som gud har skabt

I see glimpses (???) of light
in your eyes
which your eyes send me
finally I find you
you who God has created.

> Forstår livets lys
> som giver mening
> for mig og dig
> forstår livets lys
> som en åbenbaring
> for dig og mig

Understand [present tense] the light of life
which makes sense
to me and you
understand the light of life
as a revelation
to me and you

> Hvorfor mon jeg
> ikke kan modstå dig
> du som er ventet så længe
> vis mig dine spor
> så jeg kan lære
> hvor jeg kommur fra

How come I
cannot resist you
you who is awaited for so long
show me your tracks
so that I can learn
where I come from

> Forstår livets lys
> som en åbenbaring
> for dig or mig
> forstår livets lys
> som giver mening
> for mig og dig

Understand the light of life
as a revelation
to you and me
understand the light of life
which makes sense
to me and you

> se lyset fra min kære
> for det lyser så smukt
> forstår hvorfor det lyser
> for det erindrer
> hvor vi kommer fra

See the light from my dear
for it shines so beautifully
understand why it shines
because it remembers
where we come from

> Forstår livets lys
> for det er nemlig
> en gave til dig og mig.

Understand the light of light
because it is
a gift to you and me.


Nancy Louise Freeman (08-09-2001)
Fra : Nancy Louise Freeman

Dato : 08-09-01 03:14

Thanks, Nikolaj!

That makes much more sense than "I notices [lysglimt] to yours [øjne]
that yours [øjne] sent me final finder i yourself you that Gud has
built." (The machine translation)


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