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Source of Black Energy (of inflicted Unawa~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 01-11-11 20:39

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Source of Black Energy (of inflicted Unawareness) is l. ron hubbard

                         31 Oct 2011
                  {FPP draft Note 20111031-V3.0-t}

                        (Version 3.0,
                         on 1 Nov 2011)



(Fine Particle Physics)

Black Energy is Broken Life Energy that PREVENTS connection,

much like a black curtain, or like being wholly immersed in
water made black with ink is to your photon perception,

Black Energy blocks your feeling and sensing, your actual Perception
and your connection to feel Life.

(Connection IS Perception and IS Awareness - and you can have as much
light or photons as you like, but without Life Energy to connect to
and Perceive these, you are as blind as a bat. You got that now?).



l. ron hubbard has very massively inflicted that Black Energy
(Black, broken Life Energy Particles) onto people in their past
(in past life as spirits and also in their past physical life),

   and still right now, as a ghoul, he is RIGHT NOW inflicting that
   and other harmful Energies (like Pain etc.) massively onto

      some of whom then commit suicide - as l. ron hubbard
      already boasted of (to his literary agent "friend," Forest
      Ackerman, if I remember correctly),

      anyway, he attacks anyone VERY VIOLENTLY with Harmful Life

   in order to prevent perception of him and to prevent you from
   perceiving his VAMPIRING on other's (and maybe on also your)
   Life Energy, etc., etc..

   In other words:

He is a pest, and will always remain a pest.*







For those who are interested in the deception he did work on
for years in his past life time, I am giving this very specialized
account about his personality cult that is called 'Scientology:'

You have to understand something about Life itself, in order to
understand any 'Scientology' processing (therapy) "gains:"


   Much like a stage magician or hypnotist, l. ron hubbard ONLY
   wants people to have SOME, and preferably spectacular and
   definitely only short-time "gains,"

      WITHOUT an understanding in people, and WITH deliberately
      FALSE "understanding," of what is happening to them (of
      what they experience)

   IN ORDER TO BIND people to him and DOMINATE them spiritually.

      That is the whole purpose or goal of l. ron hubbard's
      'Scientology' therapy sessions (he calls it 'Processing'):

      to make them believe and do whatever he says (or said),




PREVENTING his devotees from actually UNDERSTANDING Life, serves
also as a very effective instrument or method, for demanding of
them unconditional compliance with his instructions,

      because they do not actually UNDERSTAND how it works, so
      they have no freedom in thought and in action, other than

      'DOING VERY PRECISELY what l. ron hubbard orders in his
      written and spoken instructions:'

         You will find this a highly traumatic condition in
         ALL devotees to l. ron hubbard.

   What his devotees are 'allowed,' yes, are DEMANDED to "study"
   ONLY and to "understand" ONLY, are

      his PRECISE instructions. *(a)

         This already massively violates the First and Second
         Law of Human Rights. [FLOHR][SLOHR]


l. ron hubbard ('Scientology') thus takes great care, NOT TO PROVIDE
AN UNDERSTANDING TO 'Scientologists,' of what IS going on with them,
in 'Scientology' therapy,

   this is highly debilitating, and therefore always results in
   a relapse,

      - it has taken me many, many years, to find out WHAT I WAS
       PREVENTED FROM FINDING OUT in 'Scientology' therapy
       sessions, really very important things too,

       while the therapy does CLAIM "to make you find out the
       truth" -

and he deliberately provides very, very FALSE data, about "Life,"
to 'Scientologists,'

   a very false "understanding" about people, with all his training
   courses, and of course about himself too,

      to feed his personality cult,

   and very false "understanding" about the 'Scientology Processes'
   (the therapy questions and procedures that he prescribes to

   This I have elaborated extensively and published for you, should
   you need and desire to become free of Satan.



That - FALSE indoctrination of "understanding" - is just ONE of the
many reasons, why any stage-magic-like "spectacular gain"

   by devotees of l. ron hubbard (of Satan, as he is referred to by
   those who DO understand him) - and he himself had never any
   "gains" at all, (it explains)

(why) such ill-gotten "gains" will never last, at all,

      and very much on top of that, l. ron hubbard will
      - spiritually, invisible to you, and invisible to the
      'Scientologist' - do everything possible, inflict any
      Evil by spiritual-Energetic means, to break down those
      "gains" again,

            after all, nobody must become able and
            perceptive enough to understand his "game,"

         and therefore 'Scientology,' (l. ron hubbard)
         PREVENTS 'Scientologist' from knowing about Life
         Energy and what Perception is and what Awareness

         - yes, he is even PREVENTING them from understanding
         the Volney Mathison Life Energy Meter that all
         'Scientologist' use,

            AND he is preventing them by means of REVERSE
            "understanding" (a REVERSE interpretation) of
            the most significant measurements shown by
            the instrument,

         so that 'Scientologists' will NOT use the instrument
         to face HIM, l. ron hubbard, to find out about him
         and his highly destructive intentions:

   The PURPOSE of l. ron hubbard is, that their "gains" exactly are
   temporary ONLY, so that "you have to come back for more,"

      and of course you should come 'in eternal gratitude to
      l. ron hubbard,'

         his personality cult being quite comparable to that
         of another pathological liar, Mao Zedong.



   It is 'challenging' as one says nowadays, to make it clear to
   'Scientologists,' that

      all writing and lecturing by l. ron hubbard, is:

      him PRETENDING to "want good for others."

   They find that hard to face - and it IS hard to face.

   'Amazing: 'Scientologists' REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan'
    (the Source of Evil) - (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
    Definition of Satan)



   You have to understand something about Life itself, in order to
   understand any 'Scientology' processing (therapy):

l. ron hubbard DELIBERATELY provides a very FALSE "understanding" of
Life, and of "why some 'Scientology' therapy procedures do work for
a while:"

   in all his words, he is ONLY PRETENDING, to "want good for

      To PRETEND and to DECEIVE, that is his nature. That is


And that is heartbreaking, about those who are thus PREVENTED from
finding out about actual Life,

   and l. ron hubbard ('Scientology') brings that about BY exactly
   making the devotees believe, that - with 'Scientology,' and from
   l. ron hubbard -

   "they DO find out 'about Life,' and 'about others'." *(b)



      Nobody really knows very much about actual Life

      - and l. ron hubbard and other Criminal Minds have taken
       great care, throughout the millennia,

       to replace things known or felt by you, (to replace it)
       with FALSE "knowledge" -

      so you are 'very easy game'

      - he can (and does) tell you more or less any lie about
       Life, that he pleases

         (as in his "Fundamentals of Thought" booklet, in his
          "Axioms," in his book 'Dianetics,' in his 'History
          of Man,' in his "Upper Levels," and

          in particular in ALL his "past life" or what he
          calls "Whole Track" "data," etc.:

          It is INTENTIONALLY false).

      This I have described elsewhere.




(Correct data about - spiritual - Life; Fine Particle Physics)

So here we go, with CORRECT data that l. ron hubbard of course HIDES

BUT that he uses (for his 'stage magic,' you might say, of) giving
some short-termed, 'spectacular gains:'



Again: (Fine Particle Physics)

Black Energy is Broken Life Energy that PREVENTS connection, much like
a black curtain or water with black ink. (Connection IS Perception
and IS Awareness).

l. ron hubbard has very massively inflicted that Black Energy
(Particles) on people in their past (in past life as spirits and
also in their past physical life),

   and still right now, as a ghoul, he is RIGHT NOW inflicting that
   and other harmful Energies massively onto people,

      some of whom then commit suicide - as l. ron hubbard
      already boasted of (to his literary agent "friend," Forest
      Ackerman, if I remember correctly),

      anyway, he attacks anyone VERY VIOLENTLY with Harmful Life

   in order to prevent perception of him and to prevent you from
   perceiving his VAMPIRING on other's (and maybe on also your)
   Life Energy, etc., etc..

   In other words:

He is a pest, and will always remain a pest.*



('Not WHY, but WHO')

The SOURCE of Black Energy is l. ron hubbard (in the distant past,
as well as now) - he PROJECTS that ('destroyed connection,' black
curtain, or) Black Energy,

   and he keeps his devotees very stupid about what Perception is,
   about what Awareness is, and in general, about what Life Energy

      He does NOT define these things, and he DOES NOT DEFINE
      most things of Life itself, at all, other than "defining"
      things deliberately very WRONGLY,

      except for a few minor "stage magic" tricks, like his
      Emotional Tone Scale as a tool in certain circumstances
      to bring about some manipulation of people, but in

         l. ron hubbard's, is only FALSE "data" "about Life."

         It is THE Criminal Mind's viewpoint on Life and
         on people.

            And knowing that, one then might study his
            viewpoint because it also applies to
            understanding other Criminal Minds, other

            And conversely, studying the famous sociopath
            Mao Zedong, gives me a greater understanding
            of l. ron hubbard, as well.

   'Amazing: 'Scientologists' REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan'
    (the Source of Evil) - (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
    Definition of Satan)




(truth about l. ron hubbard's "Scientology Upper Level")

   The SOURCE of Black Energy is l. ron hubbard (in the distant
   past, as well as now):

This is also why the 'Scientology Upper Level' 'O.T. III' "works:"

   The only - very TINY bit of - truth in it, and why it may work
   (and has worked)

   on some people who do desire to face Black Energy - to face
   Unawareness inflicted -

   the ONLY bit of truth in that 'Scientology' "Upper Level," is:

      'BLACKNESS DUMPED' ON (a person).' (see below)



      So when someone DOES manage to get a viewpoint on that,

         on Black Energy massively inflicted to surround one,

         and even when the source, the person inflicting it,
         is not seen, nor looked for,

         but even when one does view, that at some
         undetermined time by an undetermined "someone,"
         in some undetermined location,

      a massive amount of Black Energy dumped on one

         - Unawareness-Energy (which consists of PARTICLES,
          please!) -

      blotting out Perception of The Creation and of people
      (of spirits - people are spirits) all around you,


      when someone manages to sense the massive infliction of
      that, even when sensing it to a very slight extent,

         when you face that, that has been inflicted in some

            (though it is also inflicted in present by
             l. ron hubbard and by any dead or alive
             Criminal Mind or Spirit as well, NOW),

      when that is viewed ever so slightly, then - OF COURSE -
      one regains a lot of Awareness,

         but in 'Scientology,' any UNDERSTANDING of these
         things is very deliberately KEPT AWAY from the
         'Scientology' devotees, and

         is replaced - by l. ron hubbard and by his well
         indoctrinated devotees, replacing it - with a
         tremendous amount of FALSE "understanding:"



Quoting the terrible lies of l. ron hubbard of his 'Upper Level'
OT III - which you may find interesting:

> > > >
> > Incident I [Incident One]
[confusing you "as if there is a 'first spiritual Incident'"]

> > Occurs at start of track (4 quadrillion years ago).
[which idiotic "date", is solely INTENDED to confuse you about time,
and about Life, and to prevent you from facing the Source of the
Black Energy, which is l. ron hubbard himself]

[suggesting an overwhelm with Energy that contains sound impression
and light impression]:

[confusing you with FALSE "data"]:

[suggesting an overwhelm with Energy that contains sound impression]:

[confusing you with FALSE "data"]:

[suggesting an overwhelm with Black (disconnection) Energy projected
onto you and surrounding you, cutting of all Perception

   (meaning: all feeling, all non-photon, non-physical Perception,

         - a 'Derealization' as some who equally lack
          understanding of the condition, call it)]:
[dumped on the spirit: You "black out" - as you call it]
> > > >



l. ron hubbard ('Scientology') VIOLATES also here the necessity to
determine WHO inflicted this, let alone when and where and out of
what INTENTION it was inflicted, by whom:

He simply HIDES - in Mao-ist fashion - that HE is the Source OF THAT
VERY EVIL, that MASSIVE EVIL inflicted by him and by his crew *

   "because Life is a game of overwhelming others"

    - as the doctrine and "Axioms" of 'Scientology' indeed state.*



Wholly the opposite

   - and very annoyed that nobody at all takes responsibility for
    l. ron hubbard; that is: for his inflictions and for
    understanding the nature and history of his Dark Soul and for
    his present "game" - *

    and that nobody really takes responsibility for much else that
    is going on - nevertheless

I do remain,

KNT hrp&p

Copyright 2011 by KNT hrp&p - conditions as usual



(a)   So it quickly turns into a tyranny - by PREVENTING his devotees
   from actually understanding Life itself.

      Also in his "management" and "study" 'technology,' it is
      all molded by him from his own viewpoint, which is, that
      "everybody is a Criminal Mind" because he himself is, too.

         It is POISON to studying (to actual education for
         real people), and it is POISON to any form of real

(b)   The 'Scientologists' can not define what the term 'Scientology'
   means, because they have been PRESCRIBED by l. ron hubbard, to
   "understand" what 'Scientology' means...



(*) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V3.0}
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.0 on 12 Apr 2011)

'Their Contract with Satan, or 'Scientology' "Sea Org" Contract,
Canceled by Human Rights Order (CS-SSOC-C)
{HRO 20110211-V2.1}
(21 February 2011 - Version 2.1 on 15 Feb 2011)

'Biggest Secret of 'Scientology' exposed by {HRO 20081017-V2.3.2}
incl. actual 'Definition of Truth,' 'Definition of Punishment,'
and 'Definition of Karma' '
{HRI note 20090923}
(23 September 2009)

'Did you ever face the SHUDDERING Ugliness of l. ron hubbard?'
{HRI note 20090921} [SULRH]
(21 September 2009)



P.S. (regarding their posted "Success Story" quoted below):

In any case, well-done for Roy, for Karen and for Ervin Scott, whoever
they may be, for (making each other) face some Black Energy, and for
pushing it away and getting out of some Black Energy - even without
understanding and with FALSE "understanding" of what was and is going
on and of who does (did) inflict what onto them and onto others.

   I will not here further explain their lack of understanding of
   Life and their lack of assigning the Source of the Black Energy,

   nor their confusion intended and inflicted with Satan's very own
   'Scientology' "Axioms" "about Life" - as Life is "seen" by a
   Criminal Mind, (by l. ron hubbard).


It is typical for 'Scientology,' that also THEY do only provide
"Success Stories" - intentionally cryptic -

   AND OMITTING ALWAYS the most important, ACTUAL data - which
   makes their "Success Story" absolutely useless for research and
   for understanding life,

      because "understanding is not required," only 'exactly
      following instructions' is:

      "We just have to manipulate you into ALSO becoming a
      devotee" of the tyrant.

   They take great pride in HIDING the most important data, which
   is, to relate - as any scientist would - precisely what was

   Thereby, they PREVENT any understanding in others - well,
   "what's new..."


Their "Success Stories" are laced with jargon also, to keep any
understanding of Life down to the level 'allowed' to the devotees,
to 'Scientologists,' by l. ron hubbard:



'Scientologist' Terrilpark <terrilpark3@googlemail.com> posted:

   (Excuse the jargon he uses, and that they are MADE to use, by
    l. ron hubbard, in order to replace and to NOT have to
    formulate real life's concepts,

    thus in order to PREVENT the devotees from facing real life

    ...WHILE they are made to believe, that "they are the only ones
    who do face and understand life."

    Such is the perfidious nature and activity of Satan.)


I am aware, that the following "Success Story" posted by them, is
wholly unreadable to those not having been indoctrinated in
'Scientology,' but

it says - when decoded - that three people got one of them to look at
a past-life vast infliction of Unawareness Energy (of Black Energy)
on himself, and that he feels very good about having been made by the
other two, to look at that, and that he apparently has pushed some of
it (some inflicted Black Energy) out of his away.


> TECH ourside [outside] COS: Magic Question!
> Hi
> Had a Great Session yesterday.
> Karen my C/S wrote down a Question on my Program
> My Auditor Roy asked me the Question
> I look for answer, hit bank confusion, throw in some spin, disbelief,
> a bit of " What the F is this", then hit the wall of utter unknownness,
> and here comes Trillions of Trillions of years of Blackness building
> up and for the life of me I can't make my Body talk, the mouth is
> moving but no words are coming out, I'm in utter disbelief of what
> I now am confronting. Then, Oh My God!!
> A strange and wonderful thing occurs at the moment when the item is
> found it is called As-Isness and the resulting Cognitions just roll
> and the changes start happening, faster than the speed of Thought.
> So I had a Great Session yesterday, Certainty of Self Regained.
> Thanks to Roy, Karen and LRH.
> Ervin Scott
> For more information on services in the Freezone,
> mail me, Terril Park, at basic2basic@yahoo.com
> From: Terrilpark <terrilpark3@googlemail.com>
> Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
> Subject: TECH ourside COS: Magic Question!
> Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 11:56:54 -0700 (PDT)
> Organization: http://groups.google.com
> Lines: 42
> Message-ID: <7c2f0ef0-790e-4213-86cf-f507ce7fedd4@h5g2000vbf.googlegroups.com>
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> X-Trace: posting.google.com 1320001015 12253 (30 Oct 2011 18:56:55 GMT)
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 18:56:55 +0000 (UTC)
> Injection-Info: h5g2000vbf.googlegroups.com; posting-host=;
>    posting-account=z-kNCAkAAABho7h4wRjEtfnBbHoutgcb

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