Når 2 jøder så 4 meninger er en vits om jøders højtudviklede evne til
at se en sag fra to sider og evt ikke låse sig fast i eet bestemt
Det kan lyde uærligt, men det giver en god brainstorming
As everyone knows, where there are two jews there are three opinions.
Den selvironiske Woody Allen har i flere film anerkendt at jøder har
hang til hævntørst
"Jewish with a vengeance", Woody Allen
Woody Allen : Hollywood - skuespiller og instruktør, 1935-
Mit svar er ja, hvad var spørgsmålet? Woody Allen i talkshow på TV.
Showing up is eighty percent of life.Woody Allen
"The doctor receive a call "My friende think he is a chicken". I will
send an ambulance at once, to have him taken to the psychiatric ward,
answers the doctor. "But I need the egg!" stopped the caller him, and
Woody Allen adds "WE ALL NEED THE EGG" (end of film "Me and Annie")
Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right. Woody Allen
Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone else, that you
like.Woody Allen
On bisexuality: It immediately doubles your chances for a date on
Saturday night.Woody Allen
Showbusiness is worse than dog eat dog, it is dog does not return
other dog's phone calls. WOODY ALLEN
Food in this place is really terrible. Yes, and such small portions.
That is essentially how I feel about life. WOODY ALLEN
Jeg har ikke noget imod at dø, men jeg vil bare ikke være tilstede når
det sker. Woody Allen
Når jeg lytter for meget til Wagners musik, kan jeg ikke beherske mig.
Jeg får lyst til at invadere Polen. Woody Allen