Ayatollah'ernes kæledyr, Syriens Assad, er helt ude i tovene.
Syrien regeres af de magtfulde alawi'er, et mindretal støttet af Iran
Men flertallet af syrere er sunni'er; de vil af med Assad, og daglig kan vi
læse om regeringens massakrer i syriske gader.
Nu truer Assad Israel, der intet har med hans problemer at gøre.
"Syrian President Bashar Assad on Tuesday reportedly threatened to bombard
Tel Aviv with ballistic missiles if NATO or other Western powers dare to
interfere with his violent crackdown on Syrian pro-democracy demonstrations"
"Assad reportedly said the Syrian missile barrage would also be complimented
by an intense Hizballah missile assualt from Lebanon on northern Israel"
"Assad is also reportedly confident that Iran would launch an attack on US
warships in the Persian Gulf"
Og Israel vil selvfølgelig bare vende den anden kind til?
"Israeli officials have reportedly warned Syrian dictator Bashar Assad that
if he uses the downfall of his regime as an excuse to launch missiles at Tel
Aviv, Israel will respond with a massive assault against Syria, Lebanon and
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østen :(