Den filosofiske Napoleon
Ingen hærfører har spredt sit talent ud på så mange felter som
korsikaneren Bonaparte
Code Napoleon er dog juristers værk mere end Napoleons men han var en
kompetent over-redaktør af den vigtigste lovsamling siden Romerretten
Følgende er pluk fra hans ofte lidet originale selv-markedsføring
men der er meget sund fornuft og interessant fransk flyvskhed i
En forfatning skal være kort og uklar Napoleon 1803
De dumme taler om fortiden, de kloge om nutiden og de gale om
fremtiden. Napoleon
The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's
designs to one's means. Napoleon I
The old nobility would have survived if they had known enough
to become masters of printing materialsNapoleon Bonaparte
Moralen er meget ofte skalkeskjul for bagvaskelsen. Napoleon
People who are masters in their own house are never
`In politics stupidity is not a handicap.Napoleon
A man will fight harder for his interests than his
All becomes easy when we follow the current of opinion, it is
the ruler of the world. Napoleon
Every man who is worth thirty millions and is not wedded to them, is
dangerous to the government. Napoleon
Public opinion is the thermometer a monarch should constantly
The true wealth of a state consists in the number of its
inhabitants, in their toil and industry.Napoleon
There is one kind of robber, whom the law does not strike at,
and who steals what is most precious to men: time. Napoleon
Lægerne vil i den kommende verden, blive gjort ansvarlig for
flere liv end selv vi generalerNapoleon
History is a set of lies agreed upon.Napoleon Bonaparte
Unhappy the general who comes in the field of battle with a
system. Napoleon
"Kina er en sovende kæmpe, og når den vågner, vil verden ryste"