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Iodine - The Most Misunderstood Nutrient p~
Fra : Jan Rasmussen

Dato : 12-06-11 09:12

Så lige dette foredrag: og det virkede meget overbevisende og logisk, men ud over han
også vil sælge bøger(kan ikke forestille mig at han modtage noget fra Phama, med den holdning han
hvor meget skal man fokusere på Jod? - jeg kan se at den mængde der er i mine multivitaminer er


Except for a few small areas of the world, everyone is severely
deficient in iodine, an element that is required by every cell in the
human (and other mammal) body for proper functioning. The RDA of iodine
is about 160 micrograms per day, and most people don't even get that
amount these days. The amount the body uses daily is in the range of 10
to 15 milligrams/day -- about 100 times that amount.

It will take anywhere from 3 months (for very healthy people) to 5 years
(for people with chronic or severe illness) to get their iodine to the
level of sufficiency using an intake of 50 milligrams daily. Excess
intake of iodine is naturally eliminated from the body in the urine.

People in the USA used to get the iodine from iodized salt and in
commercially made bread. But the amount of salt in most diets is way
down (and some people stopped using iodized salt), but most importantly,
bromine is now used in bread making instead of iodine. Fifty years ago,
each slice of bread provided the current RDA of iodine; today bread
contains bromine, an element that's toxic to the human body (Mountain
Dew, some Gatoraid and other drinks also contain bromine).

The medical establishment has been on an anti-iodine campaign for
decades -- directly against the research results showing iodine to be an
effective (and sometimes only) preventative or even cure for many
chronic conditions.

Iodine - The Most Misunderstood Nutrient presented
nb. (Har ikke noget med BBC at gøre)



Beriget salt mindsker antallet af strumatilfælde.
"Siden år 2000 har det været påbudt at berige salt med jod, fordi der
blev konstateret jodmangel blandt danskerne. Jodmangel kan medføre struma,
forstørret skjoldbruskirtel. Siden 2000 er antallet af strumatilfælde faldet med cirka en

Så det der med at spare på saltet er måske ikke så smart, hvis man ikke få tilskud fra anden kilde.

Jan Rasmussen

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