On 16-03-2011 22:04, Henrik Münster wrote:
> Jeg kan se, man kan hente/købe dem begge to i App Store. Det er jo
> dejligt nemt, og så bliver man vel automatisk mindet om opdateringer.
Jeg faldt lige over et par begrænsninger i App store-versionen - bare
til orientering - det er ikke noget det store flertal vil mangle:
"Due to Mac App Store rules, the version of TextWrangler available
through the Mac App Store differs a bit from the version, also 3.5.3,
available for download from the Bare Bones Website. Specifically, Bare
Bones had to remove two features for inclusion in the Mac App Store. The
first is a set of command-line tools for using TextWrangler as the
editor for the edit command in Terminal. If you prefer to use the Mac
App Store version of TextWrangler, but you still want these tools, Bare
Bones provides them as a separate download on the company’s Website. The
other missing feature is the capability to do authenticated saves,
which, for example, allows you to save changes to files that you don’t
own, such as hidden files that start with a period (.), files in hidden
folders such as /bin and /usr, and system files. The company says it’s
working on a solution for this limitation."
Robert Piil