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Sådan gør man Down under!
Fra : kk

Dato : 08-03-11 13:57

Denne har jeg modtaget fra en ven og kollega bosiddende i Malaysia og

This took place in Australia … and was caught on tape.

This is one of the big news items on tonight’s news over here. The
woman in the burqa [tudung and veil] was pulled over by the police
because she was a “P” plate (provisional) driver and the plates weren’t
displayed correctly. He asked her for her license and asked her to
remove her burqa so that he knew it was her license.

She then accuses him of being racist and that the only reason he pulled
her over was because she was wearing a burqa. She then tells him he
will be sorry and that she would take him to court.
Then she contacted the media and says that he was very racist and
touched her burqa and she was intimidated by him. However, luckily
for the policeman the police car’s video camera was operating and it
was all caught on film.
She has now been charged and supposedly is going to be jailed for 6
The judge said she was the racist one. Now her solicitor is saying it
wasn’t her who made the complaint but someone else in a burqa. Then
they are saying she shouldn’t go to jail as she has 7 children.

Here is the video:

Martin Larsen (08-03-2011)
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 08-03-11 15:04

On 03/08/2011 01:56 PM, kk wrote:
> Denne har jeg modtaget fra en ven og kollega bosiddende i Malaysia og
> muslim:
> This took place in Australia … and was caught on tape.
> This is one of the big news items on tonight’s news over here. The woman
> in the burqa [tudung and veil] was pulled over by the police because she
> was a “P” plate (provisional) driver and the plates weren’t displayed
> correctly. He asked her for her license and asked her to remove her
> burqa so that he knew it was her license.
> She then accuses him of being racist and that the only reason he pulled
> her over was because she was wearing a burqa. She then tells him he will
> be sorry and that she would take him to court.
> Then she contacted the media and says that he was very racist and
> touched her burqa and she was intimidated by him. However, luckily for
> the policeman the police car’s video camera was operating and it was all
> caught on film.
> She has now been charged and supposedly is going to be jailed for 6 months.
> The judge said she was the racist one. Now her solicitor is saying it
> wasn’t her who made the complaint but someone else in a burqa. Then they
> are saying she shouldn’t go to jail as she has 7 children.
> Here is the video:
> http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/Video.aspx?videoid=af53d2ac-f507-4e8d-983a-a5a259bbe6fc
Lad os nu få det burkaforbud!


Ivannof (09-03-2011)
Fra : Ivannof

Dato : 09-03-11 03:25

On 8 Mar., 15:04, Martin Larsen <mlar...@post7.tele.dk> wrote:
> On 03/08/2011 01:56 PM, kk wrote:
> > Denne har jeg modtaget fra en ven og kollega bosiddende i Malaysia og
> > muslim:
> > This took place in Australia … and was caught on tape.
> > This is one of the big news items on tonight’s news over here. The woman
> > in the burqa [tudung and veil] was pulled over by the police because she
> > was a “P” plate (provisional) driver and the plates weren’t displayed
> > correctly. He asked her for her license and asked her to remove her
> > burqa so that he knew it was her license.
> > She then accuses him of being racist and that the only reason he pulled
> > her over was because she was wearing a burqa. She then tells him he will
> > be sorry and that she would take him to court.
> > Then she contacted the media and says that he was very racist and
> > touched her burqa and she was intimidated by him. However, luckily for
> > the policeman the police car’s video camera was operating and it was all
> > caught on film.
> > She has now been charged and supposedly is going to be jailed for 6 months.
> > The judge said she was the racist one. Now her solicitor is saying it
> > wasn’t her who made the complaint but someone else in a burqa. Then they
> > are saying she shouldn’t go to jail as she has 7 children.
> > Here is the video:
> >http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/Video.aspx?videoid=af53d2ac-f507-4e8d-983a-....
> Lad os nu få det burkaforbud!
> Mvh
> Martin- Skjul tekst i anførselstegn -
> - Vis tekst i anførselstegn -

Lad os få nogle flere hændelser af samme slags og lad dem ende i
retten og foran kameraer, så får vi forbuddet!

Som med så mange andre ting, der ender i lovgivning og eventuelle
forbud: Det ville jo ikke være noget problem, hvis det ikke blev

Hilsen Ivan

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