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Gmail viser html tags i genereret mail
Fra : Lisbeth Schillig

Dato : 20-02-11 17:10

Jeg bøvler gevaldigt med et php script der skal sende en mail.
Problemet er at den mail der bliver sendt, bliver vist som html
koder når den vises i Gmail. Der er ikke specielle css koder ifm.
teksten så gmail burde kunne vise det.
Er der nogen her der kan se hvor problemet ligger?

P.s. Jeg har prøvet at få hjælp hos ham der har lavet scriptet,
men uden at finde en løsning.

* @package SimpleCaddy 1.72 for Joomla 1.5
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Henk von Pickartz. All
rights reserved.
// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is
not allowed.' );

require_once("caddy.cart.class.php"); // just to make sure we
have the cart functiona available
require_once("caddy.vouchers.class.php"); // just to make sure we
have the cart functiona available
require_once("caddy.shipping.class.php"); // just to make sure we
have the shipping functiona available

class email {
   function mailorder($orderid) {
      global $mainframe;
      $cfg=new sc_configuration();
      $cfp=$cfg->get ("taxrate");
      $cfp=str_replace("%", "", $cfp);
      if ($cfp>1) {
// create html orderheader
      $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select #__sc_orders.*, #__sc_orders.total as gtotal
from #__sc_orders where #__sc_orders.id='$orderid' ";
      echo $db->getErrorMsg();
      $hhtml = ""; // header html
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />".JText::_('SC_ORDER');
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />".date("$dateformat $timeformat",
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />$header->name";
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />$header->email";
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />".nl2br($header->address);
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />$header->codepostal";
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />$header->city";
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />$header->telephone";
      $hhtml .= "\n<br />$orderid";

// create html order details block      
      $query="select * from #__sc_odetails where
      echo $db->getErrorMsg();

      $dhtml = "<p>"; // detail html
      $dhtml .= "<table width='100%' border='1'>\n";
      $dhtml .=
      foreach ($detailslist as $detail) {
         $dhtml .= "<tr><td>$detail->prodcode</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td>$detail->shorttext - $detail->option</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td>".number_format($detail->unitprice, $decs,
$dsep, $tsep)."</td>\n";
         $dhtml .= "<td>$detail->qty</td>\n";
         $dhtml .=
$decs, $dsep, $tsep)."</strong></td>\n";
      if ($taxrate>0) {
         $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td
r->tax, $decs, $dsep, $tsep)."</td>";

         $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td
colspan='2'>".JText::_('SC_SHIPPING_REGION')."</td>";         $dhtml .=
"<td colspan='1'>".$header->shipRegion."</td></tr>";         $dhtml .=
"<tr><td colspan='2'><td
colspan='2'>".JText::_('SC_SHIPPING_COST')."</td>";         $dhtml .=
"<td colspan='4'>".$header->shipCost."</td></tr>";
      $dhtml .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><td
      $dhtml .= "<td>".number_format($header->gtotal+$header->tax,
$decs, $dsep, $tsep)."</td></tr>\n";
      $dhtml .= "</table>\n";
      $dhtml .= "</p>";

      $emailsubject=JText::_('SC_ORDER')." ".JText::_('SC_FOR')."
".number_format($header->gtotal, $decs, $dsep, $tsep)."
".JText::_('SC_FROM')." ".$header->name;

      if ($usecontentasemail==1) {
         $query="select introtext from #__content where id =
         $fields=new fields();
         $fieldslist=$fields->getPublishedFields() ;// the custom
fields defined for this system
         $thefields=unserialize($header->customfields); // the fields
filled by customers
         foreach ($fieldslist as $key=>$customfield) {
$thefields[$customfield->name], $emailcontent); // replace custom
tags with the field names
$emailcontent); // replace the headertag with header html
$emailcontent); // replace detail tag with detail html
$emailcontent); // replace orderid tag with the order ID
         $emailbody=$hhtml.$dhtml; // simply add one after the other
without processing anything else

      if ($mailengine=="alternative") {
         // some servers do NOT like to send to an array of addresses
         // so as an alternative way we send the emails one by one
         $from = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $mainframe->getCfg('fromname');
         $recipient=trim($header->email); // customer email
         $subject = stripslashes( $emailsubject);
         $body = $emailbody;
         $mode = $mode;
         // send to customer
         $rs = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient,
$subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto,
         // now send the eventual copies
         $emailcopies=$cfg->get('email_copies'); // the complete
address list is already trimmed
         $aemailcopies=explode("\r\n", $emailcopies);
         foreach ($aemailcopies as $key=>$emailaddress) {
            $copyrecipient=trim($emailaddress); // trim each address from
any \n ...
            $rs = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $copyrecipient,
$subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto,
         $mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
         // Build e-mail message format
         $mailer->setSubject( stripslashes( $emailsubject));
         $mailer->setBody($emailbody );
         $emailcopies=$cfg->get('email_copies'); // the complete
address list is already trimmed
         $aemailcopies=explode("\n", $emailcopies);
         // Add recipients
         // add the copies
         foreach ($aemailcopies as $key=>$emailaddress) {
            $mailer->addRecipient(trim($emailaddress)); // trim each
address from any \n ...
         // Send the Mail
         $rs   = $mailer->Send();
      return $rs;

class productoption extends JTable {
   var $id;
   var $prodcode;
   var $title="";
   var $formula="";
   var $caption="";

   function productoption() {
      $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
       $this->__construct( '#__sc_productoptions', 'id', $db );

class products extends JTable {
   var $id=null;
   var $prodcode="";
   var $shorttext="";
   var $av_qty=0;
   var $unitprice=0;
   var $published=0;
   var $showas=1;
   var $options="";
   var $optionstitle="";
   var $category="";
   var $shippoints=0;

   function products() {
      $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
       $this->__construct( '#__sc_products', 'id', $db );

   function getProduct($id) {

   function getAllProducts($filter=null, $field=null,
$orderby=null) {
      global $mosConfig_list_limit, $mainframe;
      $query="select count(*) as total from ".$this->_tbl;
      if($filter) $query .= " where `category` = '$filter'";
      $limit = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"viewlistlimit", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );
      $limitstart = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"view{scp}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 ) );
      $pageNav = new JPagination( $total, $limitstart, $limit );
      $query="select * from ".$this->_tbl;
      if ($filter) $query .= " where `category` = '$filter'";
      if ($field) $query .= " order by `$field` $orderby ";
      $this->_db->setQuery($query, $pageNav->limitstart,
      $query="select distinct `category` from ".$this->_tbl;
      $categories[]=array('value'=>"", 'text'=>"", "");
      if ($lstcategories) {
         foreach ($lstcategories as $cat) {
'text'=>$cat->category, $filter );
         $categories[]=array('value'=>'None defined', 'text'=>"No
categories selectable");
      $lists['category'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist',
$categories, 'search', 'class="inputbox" size="1"
onchange="document.adminForm.submit( );"', 'value', 'text',
      return $res;

   function getPublishedProducts() {
      $query="select * from ".$this->_tbl." where published=1";
      $query .= " order by `category`, `shorttext` asc ";
      return $lst;

   function saveproduct() {
//   printf("<pre>%s</pre>", print_r($_REQUEST, 1));
      $aformula=JRequest::getVar( "optionformula");
      $acaption=JRequest::getVar( "optioncaption" , null, null, null,
      $defselect=JRequest::getVar( "optiondefselect");

      if (count($ashorttext)>0) {
         foreach ($ashorttext as $key=>$value) {
            $options .= $option . "\r\n";
      return $this->id;

   function getproductByProdCode($id) {
      $query="select * from ".$this->_tbl." where prodcode='$id'";
      return $p;

   function publishProduct( $cid=null, $publish=1) {
      $cids = implode( ',', $cid );
      $query = "UPDATE ".$this->_tbl
      . "\n SET published = " . intval( $publish )
      . "\n WHERE id IN ( $cids )"
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );

   function RemoveProducts($cid=null) {
      $cids = implode( ',', $cid );
      $query = "DELETE FROM ".$this->_tbl." WHERE id IN ( $cids )";
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );

   function decfromstore($pid, $qty) {
      $query = "UPDATE ".$this->_tbl." set av_qty= av_qty - $qty
WHERE prodcode = '$pid' limit 1";
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );

class fields extends JTable {
   var $id=null;
   var $name="";
   var $caption="";
   var $type="text";
   var $length=0;
   var $classname="inputbox";
   var $required=0;
   var $ordering;
   var $published=1;
   var $checkfunction="checkfilled";
   var $fieldcontents;

   function fields() {
      $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
       $this->__construct( '#__sc_fields', 'id', $db );

   function getField($id) {
   function getFieldNames() { // internal use only
      $query="select `name` from ".$this->_tbl;
      return $this->_db->loadResultArray();

   function getAllFields() {
      global $mosConfig_list_limit, $mainframe;
      $query="select count(*) as total from ".$this->_tbl;
      $limit = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"viewlistlimit", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );
      $limitstart = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"view{scp}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 ) );
      $pageNav = new JPagination( $total, $limitstart, $limit );
      $query="select * from ".$this->_tbl. " order by `ordering` ASC
      $this->_db->setQuery($query, $pageNav->limitstart,
      if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()==1146) {
         return null;
      return $res;

   function getPublishedFields() {
      $query="select * from ".$this->_tbl." where published=1 order
by `ordering` asc ";
      return $lst;

   function getPublishedFieldsArray() {
      $query="select name from ".$this->_tbl." where published=1
order by `ordering` asc ";
      return $lst;

   function saveField() {
      $this->name=str_replace(" ","", $this->name);
      return $this->id;

   function publishField( $cid=null, $publish=1) {
      $cids = implode( ',', $cid );
      $query = "UPDATE ".$this->_tbl
      . "\n SET published = " . intval( $publish )
      . "\n WHERE id IN ( $cids )"
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );

   function RemoveFields($cid=null) {
      $cids = implode( ',', $cid );
      $query = "DELETE FROM ".$this->_tbl." WHERE id IN ( $cids )";
      $this->_db->setQuery( $query );

class sc_configuration {
   var $cfgset=0;
   function sc_configuration($cfgset=0) {
   function get($kw) {
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select setting from #__sc_config where keyword='$kw'
and cfgset='$this->cfgset'";
      return trim($db->loadResult());

   function getAll() {
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select * from #__sc_config where
`cfgset`='$this->cfgset' order by pagename";
      return $db->loadObjectList();

   function setAll() {
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      foreach ($req as $key=>$value) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 3)=="edt") // only edt* fields
            $cfg=new JTable("#__sc_config", "keyword", $db);
//            $value=htmlspecialchars($value);
            $query="UPDATE #__sc_config SET `setting`='$value' WHERE
keyword='$setting' AND `cfgset`='$this->cfgset' LIMIT 1;";
   function show() {
      jimport( 'joomla.methods' );
      <form method="post" name="adminForm" action="index2.php">
         foreach ($cfg as $conf) {
            if ($currentpage<>$conf->pagename) {
               if ($currentpage) {
                  echo "</tbody></table></fieldset>\n";
               echo "<fieldset class='adminform'>";
               echo "<legend>".JText::_($currentpage)."</legend>";
               echo "\n<table class='admintable' cellspacing='1'><tbody>";

            echo "\n<tr><td
            switch ($conf->type) {
            case "text":    echo "<td><input type=\"text\"
name=\"edt$conf->keyword\" value=\"$conf->setting\"
                     echo "</td></tr>\n";
            case "textarea": echo "<td><textarea
name=\"edt$conf->keyword\" cols=\"$conf->sh\"
                     echo "</td></tr>\n";
            case "richtext": echo "<td>";
                      editorArea( 'editor1', $conf->setting,
"edt$conf->keyword", '100%', '350', '75', '20' ) ;
                      echo "</td></tr>\n";
            case "yesno":    echo "<td>";
                     echo "<input type='radio' name='edt$conf->keyword'
".($conf->setting==0?" checked='checked'":"")." value='0'
                     echo "<input type='radio' name='edt$conf->keyword'
".($conf->setting==1?" checked='checked'":"")." value='1'
                     echo "</td></tr>\n";
            case "list":    echo "<td>";
                     echo "<select name='edt$conf->keyword'>";
                     foreach ($pairoptlist as $k=>$value) {
                        $aline=explode(":", trim($value));
                        echo "<option
                     echo "</select>";
                     echo "</td></tr>\n";
            echo "\n";
      <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_caddy" />
      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="configuration" />
      <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" />
      <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" />
      <input type="hidden" name="hidemainmenu" value="0" />

class order extends JTable {
   var $id;
   var $name;                              
   var $email;                              
   var $address;                           
   var $codepostal;                           
   var $city;                              
   var $telephone;                           
   var $ordercode="code";                           
   var $orderdt;                   
   var $total;                    
   var $tax;                   
   var $status;
   var $customfields;
   var $ipaddress;
   var $archive=0;
   var $shipRegion;
   var $shipCost;
   function order() {
      $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
       $this->__construct( '#__sc_orders', 'id', $db );
   function orderheadcsv() {
   function ordertostring($cids) {
      $field=new fields();
      foreach ($aflds as $key=>$value) {
      $csvheader =
ep."Shipping Cost".$fldsep."Shipping Region".$fldsep."status";
      foreach ($aflds as $key=>$value) {
         $csvheader .= $fldsep . "$value";
      $csvheader .= $fldsep .
      $f=fopen("components/com_caddy/exports/export.txt", "w+");
      fwrite($f, $csvheader);
      foreach ($cids as $key=>$orderid) {
//         printf("<pre>%s</pre>", print_r($this, 1));
         foreach ($aflds as $key=>$value) {
            $csvline .= $this->$value . $fldsep ;
         $details=new orders();
         foreach ($lst as $d) {
            $detlin .= $csvline . $d->prodcode . $fldsep . $d->qty .
$fldsep . $d->unitprice . $fldsep . $d->total . $fldsep .
$d->shorttext . $fldsep . $d->option ;
            foreach ($aflds as $key=>$value) {
               $detlin .= $fldsep .$afields["$value"] ;
            $detlin .= $recsep;
            fwrite($f, $detlin);
   //   $csvline .= $recsep;

      $csv .= $detlin;
      return $csv;

class orders {
   function store_new_order($cart,$ship) {
   if (count($cart)==0) return;
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
   //get statuses
   $cfg=new sc_configuration();
   $statuses=explode("\n", trim($cfg->get("ostatus")));

   $cfp=$cfg->get ("taxrate");
   $cfp=str_replace("%", "", $cfp);
   if ($cfp>1) {

   //create order info from the details page
      $o=new order();
      $o->id=null; // ensure a new order is created here

      echo $db->getErrorMsg();

      //create order details from cookie
      foreach ($cart as $key=>$product) {
         $odet=new JTable("#__sc_odetails", "id", $db);
         $db->insertObject("#__sc_odetails", $odet);

      //update order with grand total
      $db->updateObject("#__sc_orders", $o, "id");
      echo $db->getErrorMsg();
      return $orderid;

   function getAllOrders($field=null, $type='', $special=0,
$filter=null, $archive=0) {
   global $mainframe, $mosConfig_list_limit,
$mosConfig_absolute_path, $option;
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select * from #__sc_orders where archive=$archive ";

      if ($filter) {
         if (is_numeric($filter)) {
            $query .= " and #__sc_orders.id = '$filter' ";
            $query .= " and name like '%$filter%' ";

      if ($field) {
         $query .= " order by `$field` $type";

      $limit = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"viewlistlimit", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );
      $limitstart = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"view{orders}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 ) );

      $pageNav = new JPagination( $total, $limitstart, $limit );

      $db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
      if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         echo $db->getErrorMsg();
         echo $db->getQuery();
      $search   = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest( 'search',
'search', '', 'string' );
      $search   = JString::strtolower($search);
      $res['search'] = $search;
      return $res;

   function getorder($id) {
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select * from #__sc_orders where id='$id'";
      return $p;

   function getOrderDetails($orderid) {
   global $mainframe, $mosConfig_list_limit,
$mosConfig_absolute_path, $option;
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select * from #__sc_odetails where
      return $lst;

   function getODetails($id) {
   global $mainframe, $mosConfig_list_limit,
$mosConfig_absolute_path, $option;
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $query="select * from #__sc_odetails where orderid='$id'";

      $limit = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"viewlistlimit", 'limit', $mosConfig_list_limit ) );
      $limitstart = intval( $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest(
"view{items}limitstart", 'limitstart', 0 ) );

      $pageNav = new JPagination( $total, $limitstart, $limit );

      $db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
      if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         echo $db->getErrorMsg();
         echo $db->getQuery();
      return $res;

   function RemoveOrders($cid=null) {
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
   //remove the orders
      $cids = implode( ',', $cid );
      $query = "DELETE FROM #__sc_orders WHERE id IN ( $cids )";
      $db->setQuery( $query );
      $query = "DELETE FROM #__sc_odetails WHERE orderid IN ( $cids
      $db->setQuery( $query );

   function saveOrder() {
      //save an edited order. only field changed is the status!
   $db   =& JFactory::getDBO();
      $id=JRequest::getVar( 'id', 'cp error');
      $status=JRequest::getVar( "edtostatus");
      $db->updateObject("#__sc_orders", $order, "id");


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scootergrisen (20-02-2011)
Fra : scootergrisen

Dato : 20-02-11 17:33

Hvad står der i emailen ?

Karl Erik Christense~ (20-02-2011)
Fra : Karl Erik Christense~

Dato : 20-02-11 18:51

On 20-02-2011 17:32, scootergrisen wrote:
> Hvad står der i emailen ?

Der står:

"Jeg inviterer jer alle til fastelavnsfest hjemme hos familien Schillig.
Hilsen Lisbeth."

Karl Erik.

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Andreas Andersen (20-02-2011)
Fra : Andreas Andersen

Dato : 20-02-11 22:21

Den 20-02-2011 17:09, Lisbeth Schillig skrev:
> Jeg bøvler gevaldigt med et php script der skal sende en mail.
> Problemet er at den mail der bliver sendt, bliver vist som html
> koder når den vises i Gmail. Der er ikke specielle css koder ifm.
> teksten så gmail burde kunne vise det.
> Er der nogen her der kan se hvor problemet ligger?
> :0/
> Lisbeth
> P.s. Jeg har prøvet at få hjælp hos ham der har lavet scriptet,
> men uden at finde en løsning.

Jeg gætter på, at emailen bliver sendt i tekstformat fremfor HTML. En af
de første linjer i scriptet er: $mode=$cfg->get("emailhtml"). Find ud af
hvor emailhtml bliver sat og få den sat til det rigtige. Et gæt er, at
det rigtige er "true". Du kan evt. forsøge med $mode=true;


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