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Lort i husholdningsaffald- an essay on pis~
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 14-12-10 09:24

Lort i husholdningsaffald- an essay on pis/shit management!
Sommerhuse, kælderlejligheder skurvogne, campingvogne der ku gøre gavn
som bolig, droppes ofte fordi folk har fisefornemme krav til
toiletfaciliteter - og det er pjat og snobberi.
Mine lejere i kælderen har bevist at det er ikke kun mig, der evner at
kombinere rationalitet med konventionalitet.

To get rid of piss is easy, without anybody noticing smell. Even in
the hot months of July and August you may in any garden, backyard ,
street, pedestrian walk, find a place that nobody get closer to than 2
meters, and if there is still a problem, you easily establish a
"fascine" that is a underground reservoir where urine / water may
stand invisibly until the clay soil will gradually allow it sink down.
Silvan sells cheaply plast fascines for rainwater, volume :1 m3 ,
costing less than hundred kroner
But urine from 20 tenants using same backyard and being lazy to walk
opstairs to their apartment when beer party an intense summer evening
I can arrange for you in half hour at cost: 40 kr, digging up 1/10 m3
soil, hammering down any pipe, e.g. electricity plastpipe diameter 1
cm, vertically half meter into the middle of the digged hole, placing
20 crammed, used plastic bags around it in the bottom of the hole and
shoveling back all the soil. A funnel is put into the pipe 10 cm under
penis/vagina height and if the 20 summerguests piss out two beers pr
hour into the funnel, the piss will stay in the plastbag-fascine and
will not be visible or smelly.
More difficult is avoiding smell from the shit of a family camping
next to where people pass - unless they do as suggested in one of the
first chapters of the Old Testament for soldiers hiding for the enemy
As boy scout I learned this art of "spade trip" when staying weeks in
tent and not digging latrine.
Each needy individual walk a few meters away from the tent and lift up
a square of grass incl roots as long and broad as the spade
steelplate. You shit into the whole and replace the grass on top of
the shit and only if the sun of July is strong straight on the grass
over the shit, there is a - very small - chance that you may smell it
when standing up, your nose thus being 1½ meter away.
When I bought my house - cheaply - the first months a toilet was
I made my shit on any discarded piece of paper, big enough to hit, and
if urinating at the same time, urine in a cup.
The shit on paper got into a supermarket plastbag, which does not keep
inside the smell molecules perfectly for days if temperature above 18
But if the tightly plastwrapped shit is thrown into the bottom of a
meterhigh garbage container you will not smell it outdoors in July.
If many people are living in an apartment with no toilet and a long
distance to the garbage container, you find an shadowy outdoor halfway
station close to the entrance,
and plastbags with shit produced at night are temporary placed there,
and when one of the people are going to the garbage container anyway,
he includes in his garbage all the bags from the depot.
No touching, no smell, no lack of hygiene

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