Jeffrey Goldberg, journalist (column writer) for "The Atlantic", og een af
de få 'vestlige' journalister, der har haft mulighed for at interviewe Den
Fidele Castro, er noget overrasket over Castro's syn på den politiske
verden... hvilket jeg nok også er. Den gamle gut er blevet klogere med
Selveste Fidel Castro _indrømmer_, at kommunismen ikke virker.
Læser man artikelen, viser hr. Goldberg, at han er imponeret over Castro og
over Castro's vid og selvindsigt, sågar hans selvironi, der lader mange
romantikkommunistiske båtnakker tilbage i kølvandet.
(Sjovt nok findes der intet om interviewet i hverken Information eller
(Det har nok noget at gøre med, at Castro mener Iran bør lade jøderne være i
fred... bare et gæt)
Sep 8 2010, 12:00 PM ET
There were many odd things about my recent Havana stopover (apart from the
dolphin show, which I'll get to shortly), but one of the most unusual was
Fidel Castro's level of self-reflection. I only have limited experience with
Communist autocrats (I have more experience with non-Communist autocrats)
but it seemed truly striking that Castro was willing to admit that he
misplayed his hand at a crucial moment in the Cuban Missile Crisis (you can
read about what he said toward the end of my previous post - but he said, in
so many words, that he regrets asking Khruschev to nuke the U.S.)."