FNs tilstedeværelse i Libanon ligner en ren farce a la Keystone Cops.
"A number of recent clashes between United Nations soldiers in southern
Lebanon and local villagers could lead to an escalation along the
Israeli-Lebanese border as Hizbullah works to prevent peacekeepers from
implementing Security Council Resolution 1701"
"civilians stoned the patrol, which decided to leave the scene, hitting a
motorcycle that had been parked blocking the road. The crowd then surrounded
the patrol, punctured the vehicles' tires, smashed the windows, and tried
grabbing weapons mounted on the vehicles. In response, the soldiers, from
the French Battalion, fired warning shots in the air"
Der har rigtig været feststemning, som på Nørrebro?
Læs hele den lystige beretning her:
Og om Keystone Cops her:
"The Keystone Kops featured in a series of silent film comedies about a
totally incompetent group of policemen":
På spørgsmålet om: Hvad laver FN i Libanon, må svaret følgelig være: