The Times opsummerer de hektiske minutter på Marvi Marmara.
"Six of the nine activists killed in Monday's raid on an aid convoy were
shot by a single Israeli commando who is now being considered for a medal of
valour ... he saw three of his superior officers who had landed ahead of him
lying injured, one with a bullet wound to the stomach, another shot in the
knee and the third beaten unconscious":
SkyNews bringer lidt lyd fra radio kommunikationen.
"Go Back To Auschwitz", Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy:
Sagen er på kort sigt en kæmpe propaganda-sejr for de tyrkiske islamister,
men på længere sigt kan prisen blive høj for tyrkerne.
Andetsteds kan man således læse, at over 30.000 israelere har aflyst deres
ferie i Tyrkiet...