Jøder fortrængtes fr CenralEruopa ind i Rusland i middelalderen og
måtte ikke eje jord så de blev kloge og misundte bl.a. af denne
Dostojevsky 1821-1881 russisk forfatter
Tilværelsen er et bedrag og den er enig Kirilov
"Lyver du - når du til sandhed"Dostojevsky 1821-81
(Rasumikhin til Raskolnikov)
Sandheden er altid usandsynlig
for at gøre sandheden sandsynlig
må man altid blande noget løgn imellem
`Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more
difficult than to understand him.Fyodor Dostoevski
It seem, in fact, as though the second half of man's life is made up
of nothing but the habits he has accumulated during the first
halfFyodor Dostoevsky
Beauty will save the world.Fyodor Dostoevsky
Suffering is the sole origin of consciousness. Dostoevsky 1821-81
With love one can live even without happiness.Dostoevsky 1821-81
There is no idea, no fact, which could not be vulgarized and presented
in a ludicrous light.Dostoevsky
In despair there are the most intense enjoyments, especially when one
is very acutely conscious of the lessness of one's position.
The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness.
Dostoevsky 1821-81
Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of
it.Dostoevsky. 1821-81
There is no idea, no fact, which could not be vulgarized, and
presented in a ludicrous light, DOSTOJEVSKY.
Hvis han tror, tror han, at han ikke tror. Hvis han ikke tror, tror
han ikke, at han ikke tror. Dostojevsk (Stavrogin i "Forbrydelse og
Realists do not fear the results of their study.Dostojevsky 1821-81
"Hvis vi alle turde være mere latterlige,
ville vi holde mere af hinanden."Dostojevsky ("Idioten") 1821-81
"Superskurke er lette at foragte, svære at forstå" Fyodor
Dostoevski 1821-81