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Kristne indvendinger til UFO-rapporterne
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 29-05-10 21:40

I går fandt jeg en (for mig) vidunderlig dejlig lovsang på nettet, se evt ...

15. mar 2010
Delirious?: "Holy Is The Lord / History Maker" Encore Concert Performance (HQ)

.... og jeg ville selvfølgelig lige se, om YouTube-brugeren (som havde uploaded
lovsangen) havde lagt mere af samme skuffe ud på nettet.

Til min overraskelse har denne kristne person også nogle afspilningslister
om UFO'er, hvilket er lidt atypisk for kristne (inklusiv mig selv). Så jeg
gennemså lige 3 videoer og besluttede mig så for at rette henvendelse til
denne YouTube-bruger med ordene:

Headline: UFO-report
Date 2010-05-28, US-time
=== citat start ===

Hey Tamim,

I found You through the worshipsong ...
Delirious?: "Holy Is The Lord / History Maker" Encore Concert Performance (HQ)

I then watch Your playlist called ...
Dr. Chuck Missler: UFOs & Nephilim Interview

The Biblecross-reference to this could perhaps be Matt 24,30

Jesus says:
"Then the sign of the Son-of-Man will appear in the sky ... "

Compare with this UFO-report:
(1. contact)

With kind regards og Gud bless You ...
Mogens Kall,
the servant of Michael

=== citat slut ====

Vedkommende skrev så tilbage til mig i dag med ordene:

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I would suggest, if you have high interest in these subjects to visit
the Playlist on the channel. Click the tab and you can read
the summaries of ones that may have appeal.

My recommendations---

1. All of Dr. Chuck Missler's documentaries
2. Dr. Michael Heiser
3. David Flynn
4. All of Dr. Tom Horn
5. And all the "near death experiences."

I did watch all your videos you sent and it would not surprise be
that the meteor 22/7 Pi could have been a diliberate event to
confirm to others that they do contact people back in their "special way."

However, I would not want to "make contact" again with them and
they are what the Bible says they are, the fallen. Again, make sure
to to not bait them for they will come and get willing participants.

Seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He may still be found. Seek to
serve Him alone.

Daily repent, humble yourself, throw yourself to Him in your
private quarters. Meditate on His promises and develope that
relationship more intimate than a "husband and wife."

Know Him now.

God bless you and please subscribe if you have not!

By His Mercy and Grace,


"Revelation Song" - Kari Jobe and Gateway Worship (HQ)

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Og det vil jo så altså sige, at Tamim (i modsætning til mange andre)
anerkender bevisbyrdens gyldighed, men samtidig tillægger hændelserne
en *ekstra* betydning med religiøse negative undertoner.
Denne ekstra (religiøse) betydning er der IKKE bragt videnskabelig
dokumentation for, og udsagnet må derfor betegnes som værende et
såkaldt postulat.

Derfor svarede jeg Tamim med følgende ord:

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Hey Tamim,

Thanks for Your answer, but You *misunderstood* me. They are NOT
"the fallen" but just servants of Jesus Christ (see Matt. 24,31).

But thanks anyway og God bless You ...

With kind regards,

=== citat slut ====

Se evt. tidligere indlæg desangående på ...

Benyt evt. følgende link ...
.... til at oversætte fra engelsk til dansk/norsk version

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael.
Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-)
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Website https://sites.google.com/site/kalltree1 File no: 11266

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