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10  transor 1971
Fra : S. Kann

Dato : 18-11-09 12:42

Jeg har fået oplyst, at Granatæble-juice kan reducere cancercellerne i
prostata. Ved nogen noget om dette?
Stefan KJ

Knud Erik (18-11-2009)
Fra : Knud Erik

Dato : 18-11-09 21:41

"S. Kann" <kann.horsholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
Jeg har fået oplyst, at Granatæble-juice kan reducere cancercellerne i
prostata. Ved nogen noget om dette?
Stefan KJ

Den skulle være god nok.

Knud Erik

KaZ (19-11-2009)
Fra : KaZ

Dato : 19-11-09 14:19

"Knud Erik" <kepFJERN@postkasse.net> wrote in message
> "S. Kann" <kann.horsholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:1994896e-fd3c-4265-ada0-64f9bdafa099@u7g2000yqm.googlegroups.com...
> Jeg har fået oplyst, at Granatæble-juice kan reducere cancercellerne i
> prostata. Ved nogen noget om dette?
> Stefan KJ
> Den skulle være god nok.
> http://www.dsgnet.dk/Sites/artsym/Prostatacancer.asp
> Knud Erik

Her er et udpluk at andre gode måder og midler:

As the author of the New York Times bestseller, "Knockout: Interviews with
doctors who are curing cancer," Suzanne Somers is making waves across the
cancer industry. Her powerful, inspired message of informed hope is reaching
millions of readers who are learning about the many safe, effective options
for treating cancer that exist outside the realm of the conventional cancer
industry (chemotherapy, surgery and radiation).

For almost 30 years one man has pioneered an alternative therapy, originally
for brain tumours but which now seems as widely applicable to any cancer.
After threats, lawsuits and raids on his premises he is finally being
accepted into the mainstream, with the FDA closely monitoring his work in
clinical trials and approval expected shortly. Chris Woollams reports.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has been investigating nutritional approaches to
cancer and other degenerative diseases since 1981, and has been in practice
in New York since 1987. Dr. Linda Isaacs has been working with Dr. Gonzalez
in his research and practice since 1985. In our office we use individualized
aggressive nutritional protocols to work with many types of cancer, and with
other illnesses such as allergies, autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue.

S. Kann (19-11-2009)
Fra : S. Kann

Dato : 19-11-09 07:38

On 19 Nov., 14:19, "KaZ" <bla...@yahoo.dk> wrote:
> "Knud Erik" <kepFJ...@postkasse.net> wrote in message
> news:4b045c23$0$36559$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > "S. Kann" <kann.horsh...@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> >news:1994896e-fd3c-4265-ada0-64f9bdafa099@u7g2000yqm.googlegroups.com...
> > Jeg har fået oplyst, at Granatæble-juice kan reducere cancercellerne i
> > prostata. Ved nogen noget om dette?
> > Stefan KJ
> > Den skulle være god nok.
> >http://www.dsgnet.dk/Sites/artsym/Prostatacancer.asp
> > Knud Erik
> Her er et udpluk at andre gode måder og midler:
> http://www.naturalnews.com/027526_Suzanne_Somers_curing_cancer.htmlhttp://www.naturalnews.com/podcasts/Suzanne-Somers-Knockout.mp3
> As the author of the New York Times bestseller, "Knockout: Interviews with
> doctors who are curing cancer," Suzanne Somers is making waves across the
> cancer industry. Her powerful, inspired message of informed hope is reaching
> millions of readers who are learning about the many safe, effective options
> for treating cancer that exist outside the realm of the conventional cancer
> industry (chemotherapy, surgery and radiation).
> http://www.canceractive.com/cancer-active-page-link.aspx?n=1268
> For almost 30 years one man has pioneered an alternative therapy, originally
> for brain tumours but which now seems as widely applicable to any cancer.
> After threats, lawsuits and raids on his premises he is finally being
> accepted into the mainstream, with the FDA closely monitoring his work in
> clinical trials and approval expected shortly. Chris Woollams reports.
> http://www.dr-gonzalez.com/index.htm
> Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez has been investigating nutritional approaches to
> cancer and other degenerative diseases since 1981, and has been in practice
> in New York since 1987. Dr. Linda Isaacs has been working with Dr. Gonzalez
> in his research and practice since 1985. In our office we use individualized
> aggressive nutritional protocols to work with many types of cancer, and with
> other illnesses such as allergies, autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue.

Til Knud Erik og KaZ
Tusind tak for jeres input. Man skal vist være opmærksom på, at
Granatæblejuice kan påvirke optagelsen af f.eks. Simvastatin (mod
forhøjet Kolesterol) og Amlodipin (mod forhøjet blodtryk). Begge kan
dog kontrolleres - endnu engang: Tak for hjælpen.
Stefan K

Kim Ludvigsen (21-11-2009)
Fra : Kim Ludvigsen

Dato : 21-11-09 10:49

S. Kann skrev:

> Tusind tak for jeres input. Man skal vist være opmærksom på, at
> Granatæblejuice kan påvirke optagelsen af f.eks. Simvastatin (mod
> forhøjet Kolesterol) og Amlodipin (mod forhøjet blodtryk).

Man skal vist også være opmærksom på, at det omtalte forsøg er fra 2006,
og det var ikke et dobbeltblinded forsøg. Forskerne skulle have startet
et nyt forsøg straks efter dette, men jeg har ikke umiddelbart kunnet
finde resultatet heraf. Det kunne ellers være interessant at kende.

Mvh. Kim Ludvigsen
Undgå virus og andre infektioner på computeren:

KaZ (21-11-2009)
Fra : KaZ

Dato : 21-11-09 16:15

Flere ressourcer:


En bog om forskellige metoder for helbredelse af kræft.

'Chemotherapy heals cancer & the world is flat'
By Lothar Hirneise
Kan lånes på www.bibliotek.dk

Max Gerson (manden bag the Gerson Therapy) har også en del bøger som kan
lånes på www.bibliotek.dk .

http://tinyurl.com/ywqe9p (en 10 min. video)
Filmmaker Stephen Kroschel sets out to find hard evidence of the
effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy, a long-suppressed natural cancer
treatment. His travels take him across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans,
from upstate New York to San Diego to Alaska, from Japan to Holland and
Mexico. In the end, he presents the testimony of patients, scientists,
surgeons and nutritionists, who testify to the effectiveness of the Gerson
Therapy and shows the hard scientific evidence to back up their claims.

The question that remains is, "Why is this powerful curative therapy still
suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure
degenerative disease?"

"A spectacular combination of poetry, science and cinematographic art...
very moving." - Pedro Aponte-Vazquez, Author, Chronicle of a Coverup

"If this documentary is not immediately suppressed, millions of
chronically-ill people will get well." - Andrew Saul, Asst. Editor, Journal
of Orthomolecular Medicine

"It's just exquisite! Deft to the point of sublime. A major step forward."
- John Robbins, Author, Diet for a New America, Reclaiming Our Health

Grethe Hoff (19-11-2009)
Fra : Grethe Hoff

Dato : 19-11-09 22:01

"S. Kann" <kann.horsholm@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
Jeg har fået oplyst, at Granatæble-juice kan reducere cancercellerne i
prostata. Ved nogen noget om dette?
Stefan KJ

Det er vrøvel!!

S. Kann (20-11-2009)
Fra : S. Kann

Dato : 20-11-09 23:00

On 19 Nov., 22:01, "Grethe Hoff" <grethe...@ceroy.dk> wrote:
> "S. Kann" <kann.horsh...@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelsenews:1994896e-fd3c-4265-ada0-64f9bdafa099@u7g2000yqm.googlegroups.com...
> Jeg har fået oplyst, at Granatæble-juice kan reducere cancercellerne i
> prostata. Ved nogen noget om dette?
> Stefan KJ
> Det er vrøvel!!

- hvorfor tror du det?
Stefan K

N/A (21-11-2009)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 21-11-09 10:49

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