Nogle film skal jo bare dissekeres ned i mindste detalje, så her er
tre lettere ligegyldige spørgsmål, som det alligevel kunne være sjovt
at finde svar på:
1. Hvis barn er det, der spiller drengen? Har vi et navn?
2. Ræven kan tale, men hvis stemme er det, man hører? En journalist
fra The Guardian har skrevet følgende, men det er svært at vide, om
det er til at stole på:
"Outside I run into Geoff Andrew, head of film programming at the BFI
Southbank. He informs me that the mangy fox was apparently voiced by
the ex-husband of Amy Taubin, film critic on the Village Voice. Christ
alive. Imagine sitting through a film like that, struggling to hang on
to your mental moorings, only to have your ex-husband show up in the
guise of vermin to tell you that chaos reigns. They'd have had to
carry me out in a straitjacket."
3. Hvor foregår filmen? Todd McCarthy fra Variety skriver: "although
the film was shot in Germany, the nominal Seattle-area setting is
suggested by internal evidence." Det gik ikke op for mig, hvor filmen
skulle foregå. Der var en konvolut, måske med en adresse, men hvad
stod der på den?