Jeg tror det, de tager aldrig et nej for et nej, - befolkningerne tænker
forkert, og det skal bureaukraterne nok finde en metode at korrigere.
Se hvad vi også får med i købet:
"There were many other 'honour killers' in prison and we were treated with
respect, even by the prison guards," Mehmet said.
Most honour killings happen in the Kurdish region, a barren land ravaged by
years of war and oppression. Rural communities here are ruled under a strict
feudal, patriarchal system. But as Kurds have fled the fighting between
separatist rebels and Turkey's government, the crime is spreading across the
country into its cities and towns. According to a recent government report,
there is now one honour killing a week in Istanbul.
"Families who move here are suddenly faced with modern, secular Turkey,"
said Vildan Yirmibesoglu, the head of Istanbul's department of human rights.
"This clash of cultures is making the situation worse as the pressure on
women to behave conservatively is become more acute. And of course there are
more temptations."
Ms Yirmibesoglu believes that the entrenched belief in the notion of
honour - at all levels of society - is impeding any progress. "Honour
killings aren't always properly investigated because some police and
prosecutors share the same views as the honour killers," she said. "For
things to change, police, prosecutors and even judges need to be educated on
gender equality."
Men det er vel bare dumme "fordomme"? Artiklen går iøvrigt på, at det er nyt
at man overhovedet *straffe* disse drab, og at man nu er begyndt at forlange
at unge piger som man før ville dræbe, skal begå selvmord.
Men alle kulturer er jo lige gode, det er nu engang deres måde at gøre
tingene på, det må vi acceptere hvis vi er ordentlige mennesker.