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Den Danske Bank's netbank
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 17-01-09 15:04

please pardon the extensive english...if i tried to write på dansk
both of us would be here ALL day....men, du må skrive dansk tilbage..

i have an over 60's friend living up near Ebeltoft that i helped get
off of the M$ upgrade merry-go-round (and on to the openSUSE never
ending upgrades, for free) and she is VERY happy with everything
except i've not been able to figure out how to get her netbanking
with Den Danske Bank working...(i myself jumped to Sydbank some years
back just because they had no intention of making their site Linux

this page http://www.linux.dk/support/bank/?bkid=10&cn=dk shows that
SOME folks have had success, but not me and not her...she has, in the
past (on openSUSE10.2) using their AktivCard used it, but suddenly
one day it stopped.

my question: is it possible to get everything working in openSUSE
10.3 using any of Firefox, Konqueror or Opera (i even tried ie4linux)..

AND, anyone point me to a step by step guide on getting it working?
(dansk er ok, jeg HAR en ordbog

tusind tak in advance,

A Texan in Denmark

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via Thunderbird, KDE 3.5.7,
SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

Ukendt (17-01-2009)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 17-01-09 18:22

sorry, forgot to include her system info:

openSUSE 10.3 with KDE 3.5.7 (both fully updated)
Sun Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)
ADM Sempron 3000+

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via Thunderbird, KDE 3.5.7,
SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

Michael Rasmussen (17-01-2009)
Fra : Michael Rasmussen

Dato : 17-01-09 19:33

On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 18:21:55 +0100
DenverD <"spam.trap\\REMOVE \"at\" SOME\\texan.dk"> wrote:

> Sun Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)
Sun Java 1.6 is known to, from time to time, not to be working with
Danske Netbank. I solution which always seems to work is to downgrade
Java to 1.5.

Michael Rasmussen
A computer is like air conditioning: it becomes useless when you open

Jan Birk (18-01-2009)
Fra : Jan Birk

Dato : 18-01-09 09:05

> my question: is it possible to get everything working in openSUSE
> 10.3 using any of Firefox, Konqueror or Opera (i even tried ie4linux)..

It is working for me in Ubuntu. I think the problem is related to:

1) Java
2) Activecard

Try and remove Java 1.6 and use SUN java 1.5 (1.5.0_15-b04 is working
for me).

You _have_ to use Activecard.

I have heard about some issues about fonts.

You can test your set up here:



Thomas Jensen (18-01-2009)
Fra : Thomas Jensen

Dato : 18-01-09 19:29

Den Sun, 18 Jan 2009 09:05:09 +0100 skrev Jan Birk:

> You can test your set up here:
> http://www.danskebank.dk/da-dk/Privat/Netbank/Support/Pages/Tjek-din-

This test is useless. It will also tell you java 1.6 is okay.

Also, if you use noscript, you'll have to deactivate it. It's not enough
to allow script globally - you need to deactivate it and restart firefox.

Thomas Jensen, Horsens

jk (19-01-2009)
Fra : jk

Dato : 19-01-09 12:43

On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:04:25 +0100, DenverD <"spam.trap\\REMOVE
\"at\" SOME\\texan.dk"> wrote:

>please pardon the extensive english...if i tried to write på dansk
>both of us would be here ALL day....men, du må skrive dansk tilbage..
>i have an over 60's friend living up near Ebeltoft that i helped get
>off of the M$ upgrade merry-go-round (and on to the openSUSE never
>ending upgrades, for free) and she is VERY happy with everything
>except i've not been able to figure out how to get her netbanking
>with Den Danske Bank working...(i myself jumped to Sydbank some years
>back just because they had no intention of making their site Linux
>this page http://www.linux.dk/support/bank/?bkid=10&cn=dk shows that
>SOME folks have had success, but not me and not her...she has, in the
>past (on openSUSE10.2) using their AktivCard used it, but suddenly
>one day it stopped.
>my question: is it possible to get everything working in openSUSE
>10.3 using any of Firefox, Konqueror or Opera (i even tried ie4linux)..
>AND, anyone point me to a step by step guide on getting it working?
>(dansk er ok, jeg HAR en ordbog

Another solution is: change bank to Nordea.


Since Danske Bank are 'just so great' ! (monopolistic).

best regards


Ukendt (19-01-2009)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 19-01-09 13:04

> Another solution is: change bank to Nordea.
> Since Danske Bank are 'just so great' ! (monopolistic).

which is what i did, but to Sydbank..

in fact i stuck with DDB for over a year thinking i could sway them
to being more open to other operating systems....in the end it seemed
like they would never listen, and were going up on their prices every
week...finally, i just walked across the street (a little over three
years ago) and found a net bank that "just works" AND lower service
charges, and bigger smiles..

unfortunately my friend (who i'm happy to help break the M$ chain)
has a 40 year history with the Danske bank and remains reluctant to

TO OTHER RESPONDERS: i'm listening and keeping notes...i expect i'll
sit at her machine this week (or next) to see if i can be
successful...and, will be reporting back that success (or moaning the
fail and asking for MORE help)

IF THERE IS MORE HELP OUT THERE, bring it on, please!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via Thunderbird, KDE 3.5.7,
SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

pf (20-01-2009)
Fra : pf

Dato : 20-01-09 02:12

DenverD wrote:

> this page http://www.linux.dk/support/bank/?bkid=10&cn=dk shows that
> SOME folks have had success, but not me and not her...she has, in the
> past (on openSUSE10.2) using their AktivCard used it, but suddenly
> one day it stopped.

Try to delete any cookies from DDB in FF and clean up its internal cache
.... if You still have no login to DDB then close FF and delete ~/.java
(or rename it), start FF, remember to delete any cookies form DDB and
cleen up its internal cache and try a new login.

If Your are lucky removing the cookies from FF will do the job


Ukendt (20-01-2009)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 20-01-09 17:20

> Try to delete any cookies from DDB in FF and clean up its internal cache
> ... if You still have no login to DDB then close FF and delete ~/.java
> (or rename it), start FF, remember to delete any cookies form DDB and
> cleen up its internal cache and try a new login.
> If Your are lucky removing the cookies from FF will do the job

thanks for that Peder, but wow what a bunch of stuff to lay on a
'granny'...i'd like to put all that under one "button" for her to
click and launch a bash script....hmmmm...wouldn't have any idea
exactly how to script it--the following leaves lots of questions:

-shutdown FF (how? grep top for PID then 'kill')
-delete /home/-/.java (is that really 'safe'?)
-delete DDB cookies from ff (can this be done via script?)
-clean FF cache (delete ~/.mozilla/firefox/[some-number]/Cache ???)
-launch FF (i can answer THAT one!)

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via Thunderbird, KDE 3.5.7,
SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

Ukendt (25-01-2009)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 25-01-09 18:08

just to close the loop: THANKS for all input...she successfully
logged into DDB yesterday using her Aktivecard with openSUSE 10.3,
Firefox 3.0.1, Sun Java 1.5 (1.6 REMOVED) and:

- Firefox's cache emptied
- DDB's cookies deleted from FF
- NoScript disabled & FF shut down
- while FF was closed: deleted ~/.java

worked perfect...THANKS all!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via Thunderbird, KDE 3.5.7,
SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

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