Israel muger fortsat ud i Gaza, men:
"Israel says it will push forward with the offensive until Hamas ends all
rocket fire on southern Israel, and there are guarantees the militant group
will stop smuggling weapons into Gaza through the porous Egyptian border"
Israels offensiv har reduceret antallet af Gaza-raketter:
"Palestinian rocket fire has dropped significantly since the offensive was
launched. Some 15 rockets and mortar shells were fired toward Israel
Tuesday, causing no injuries"
Men Hamas har fremdeles ikke opfattet budskabet:
"We will not allow our enemy to gain any political achievement from this war
on Gaza," said Salah Bardawil, a Hamas envoy in Egypt
Det diplomatiske spor. Israel håber fortsat på en politisk løsning:
"On the diplomatic front, Egyptian mediators pushed Hamas to accept a truce
proposal and, in a hopeful sign, Israel sent its lead negotiator to Cairo"
Det militære spor. Fejler diplomatiet, er israel parat til at fortsætte og
udvide offensiv:
"Israeli military officials say that depending on what happens with what
they described as "decisive" talks in Cairo, Israel will move closer to a
cease-fire or widen its offensive"
Imens fortsætter galskaben:
"On Tuesday, a Gaza resident said he saw Hamas militants in civilian
clothing firing rockets from the southeastern corner of the territory"
Når Israel så svarer igen, gi'r det fine TV billeder af dræbte 'civile'.
Iran-støttede Hamas skal nødvendigvis udslettes. Derefter kan der forhandles
en varig løsning.