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En flue i kaffen
Fra : John

Dato : 30-12-08 14:57

What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?

The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.

The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.

The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.

The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no

The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the Chinese,
Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money to invent a Device
that prevents flies from falling into coffee.

The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his coffee,
Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European
Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives

And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, The
Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that He
should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian


Joakim (30-12-2008)
Fra : Joakim

Dato : 30-12-08 15:04

"John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok> skrev i meddelelsen
> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no
> charge.
> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the Chinese,
> Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money to invent a
> Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his coffee,
> Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European
> Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives
> And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, The
> Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that He
> should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian

Genialt. Den skal de se i Israel.

DADK (30-12-2008)
Fra : DADK

Dato : 30-12-08 15:18

Joakim wrote:
> "John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:495a2894$0$56772$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
>> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
>> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
>> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
>> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra
>> with no charge.
>> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the
>> Chinese, Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money
>> to invent a Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
>> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his
>> coffee, Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from
>> the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to
>> purchase explosives And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian,
>> the Frenchman,
>> The Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the
>> Israeli that He should give away his cup of coffee to the
>> Palestinian
> Genialt. Den skal de se i Israel.

Går på krykker i Århus.

Her en anden

Gud prøvede at afsætte stentavlerne med de 10 bud til et eller andet

Først spurgte hans franskmændene, men de var lidt skeptiske
- "må man ikke være utro?"
- "nej"
- "så er det ikke noget for os"

Så gik han til tyskerne
- "Må man ikke slå ihjel?"
- "nej"
- "så er det ikke noget for os"

Så gik han til jøderne
- "Hvor meget koster de"
- "de er gratis!"
- "Vi tager to!"

@ (30-12-2008)
Fra : @

Dato : 30-12-08 15:28

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:17:38 +0100, "DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> wrote:

>Joakim wrote:
>> "John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok> skrev i meddelelsen
>> news:495a2894$0$56772$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>>> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
>>> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
>>> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
>>> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
>>> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra
>>> with no charge.
>>> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the
>>> Chinese, Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money
>>> to invent a Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
>>> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his
>>> coffee, Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from
>>> the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to
>>> purchase explosives And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian,
>>> the Frenchman,
>>> The Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the
>>> Israeli that He should give away his cup of coffee to the
>>> Palestinian
>> Genialt. Den skal de se i Israel.
>Går på krykker i Århus.
>Her en anden
>Gud prøvede at afsætte stentavlerne med de 10 bud til et eller andet
>Først spurgte hans franskmændene, men de var lidt skeptiske
>- "må man ikke være utro?"
>- "nej"
>- "så er det ikke noget for os"
>Så gik han til tyskerne
>- "Må man ikke slå ihjel?"
>- "nej"
>- "så er det ikke noget for os"

du glemte en

Så gik han til muhamedanere
"Må man ikke vidne falsk"
"så er det ikke noget for os"

>Så gik han til jøderne
>- "Hvor meget koster de"
>- "de er gratis!"
>- "Vi tager to!"

If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends.
You talk to your enemies.
/Moshe Dayan/

Joakim (01-01-2009)
Fra : Joakim

Dato : 01-01-09 12:08

"DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> skrev i meddelelsen

> Så gik han til jøderne
> - "Hvor meget koster de"
> - "de er gratis!"
> - "Vi tager to!"

Hov, der er vist sneget sig en mindre tastefejl ind?

> Så gik han til jyderne

Sådan. Så er den fixet.

Og det stemmer samtidig bedre overens med virkeligheden.

Det siger min erfaring mig i hvert fald.

@ (01-01-2009)
Fra : @

Dato : 01-01-09 13:37

On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:08:20 +0100, "Joakim" <ncm_abfjern@hotmail.com>

>"DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
>> Så gik han til jøderne
>> - "Hvor meget koster de"
>> - "de er gratis!"
>> - "Vi tager to!"
>Hov, der er vist sneget sig en mindre tastefejl ind?
>> Så gik han til jyderne
>Sådan. Så er den fixet.

>Og det stemmer samtidig bedre overens med virkeligheden.
>Det siger min erfaring mig i hvert fald.


os jyder skider da de ti første bud et langt stykke,

hvorimod vi bestræber os på at leve efter det 11. bud

If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends.
You talk to your enemies.
/Moshe Dayan/

Joakim (01-01-2009)
Fra : Joakim

Dato : 01-01-09 15:18

"@" <123@invalid.net> skrev i meddelelsen
> On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:08:20 +0100, "Joakim" <ncm_abfjern@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>>"DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
>>> Så gik han til jøderne
>>> - "Hvor meget koster de"
>>> - "de er gratis!"
>>> - "Vi tager to!"
>>Hov, der er vist sneget sig en mindre tastefejl ind?
>>> Så gik han til jyderne
>>Sådan. Så er den fixet.
>>Og det stemmer samtidig bedre overens med virkeligheden.
>>Det siger min erfaring mig i hvert fald.
> os jyder skider da de ti første bud et langt stykke,
> hvorimod vi bestræber os på at leve efter det 11. bud

Muligvis, men det var nu ikke pointen i vittigheden.

DADK (01-01-2009)
Fra : DADK

Dato : 01-01-09 21:53

Joakim wrote:
> "DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:495a2d8a$0$90271$14726298@news.sunsite.dk...
>> Så gik han til jøderne
>> - "Hvor meget koster de"
>> - "de er gratis!"
>> - "Vi tager to!"
> Hov, der er vist sneget sig en mindre tastefejl ind?
>> Så gik han til jyderne
> Sådan. Så er den fixet.
> Og det stemmer samtidig bedre overens med virkeligheden.
> Det siger min erfaring mig i hvert fald.

Den ville være lige morsom, uanset hvad.

Joakim (03-01-2009)
Fra : Joakim

Dato : 03-01-09 10:16

"DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
> Joakim wrote:
>> "DADK" <dadk@webspeed.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
>> news:495a2d8a$0$90271$14726298@news.sunsite.dk...
>>> Så gik han til jøderne
>>> - "Hvor meget koster de"
>>> - "de er gratis!"
>>> - "Vi tager to!"
>> Hov, der er vist sneget sig en mindre tastefejl ind?
>>> Så gik han til jyderne
>> Sådan. Så er den fixet.
>> Og det stemmer samtidig bedre overens med virkeligheden.
>> Det siger min erfaring mig i hvert fald.
> Den ville være lige morsom, uanset hvad.

Det er en subjektiv vurdering.

Jeg synes for eksempel ikke den var særlig morsom.

En vittighed er først morsom, når den indeholder et gran af sandhed.

Den manglede her.

Bruno Christensen (30-12-2008)
Fra : Bruno Christensen

Dato : 30-12-08 15:19

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:04:13 +0100, Joakim wrote:

> "John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:495a2894$0$56772$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
>> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
>> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
>> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
>> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no
>> charge.
>> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the Chinese,
>> Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money to invent a
>> Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
>> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his coffee,
>> Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European
>> Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives
>> And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, The
>> Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that He
>> should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian
> Genialt. Den skal de se i Israel.

Hvorefter danskeren tager sin pung og siger "Den sidste omgang var vist på
min regning"


@ (30-12-2008)
Fra : @

Dato : 30-12-08 15:12

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:56:52 +0100, "John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok>

>What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
>The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
>The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
>The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
>The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no
>The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the Chinese,
>Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money to invent a Device
>that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
>The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his coffee,
>Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European
>Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives
>And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, The
>Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that He
>should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian

ovenstående er mere sandt end mange aner

If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends.
You talk to your enemies.
/Moshe Dayan/

Isachsen (30-12-2008)
Fra : Isachsen

Dato : 30-12-08 16:58

@ wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:56:52 +0100, "John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok>
> wrote:
>> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
>> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
>> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
>> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
>> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra
>> with no charge.
>> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the
>> Chinese, Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money
>> to invent a Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
>> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his
>> coffee, Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from
>> the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to
>> purchase explosives
>> And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman,
>> The Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the
>> Israeli that He should give away his cup of coffee to the
>> Palestinian
>> John
> ovenstående er mere sandt end mange aner

Hvorfor det, egentlig? Fordi det harmonerer med våre s.k. fordommer?


@ (30-12-2008)
Fra : @

Dato : 30-12-08 17:21

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 16:57:31 +0100, "Isachsen" <tavekkorigi@setoinett>

>@ wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:56:52 +0100, "John" <nogen@pladderballe.ok>
>> wrote:
>>> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
>>> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
>>> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
>>> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
>>> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra
>>> with no charge.
>>> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the
>>> Chinese, Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money
>>> to invent a Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
>>> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his
>>> coffee, Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from
>>> the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to
>>> purchase explosives
>>> And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman,
>>> The Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the
>>> Israeli that He should give away his cup of coffee to the
>>> Palestinian
>>> John
>> ovenstående er mere sandt end mange aner
>Hvorfor det, egentlig? Fordi det harmonerer med våre s.k. fordommer?

det er generaliseringer

men en rammer særligt plet, arabere har lige siden profetens dage
kunnet opfinde undskyldninger for sig selv,

f.eks. når man forholder dem det faktum at de altid har været
morderiske røvere så påstår de hårdnakket at det eneste de har gjort
har været at forsvare sig

javel ja

forsvaret sig hele vejen fra Medina til Wien og til ca. midt i
frankrig ved Tours/Poiters
If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends.
You talk to your enemies.
/Moshe Dayan/

Ukendt (30-12-2008)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 30-12-08 23:25

John wrote:
> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with
> no charge.
> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the
> Chinese, Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money to
> invent a Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his
> coffee, Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from
> the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to
> purchase explosives
> And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, The
> Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli
> that He should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian

Kunne man inkorporere den med muslimen som dypper fluen i kaffen, og så
drikker den,- det er jo fra en autentisk hadit, som en palæstinenser for et
par uger siden hævdede snart ville kunne kurrere næsten alle sygdomme.

For det er profeten som siger: "hvis en flue falder i dit vandkrus, så dyp
den i væsken, for på den ene vinge sidder sygdommen, men på den anden vinge
sidder kuren"

The Palestinian blames the fly for his sickness, then blows it away with a
small homemade rocket.

Poul E Hansen (03-01-2009)
Fra : Poul E Hansen

Dato : 03-01-09 05:33

On 30 Dec. 2008, 16:57, "Isachsen" <tavekkorigi@setoinett> wrote:
> @ wrote:
> > On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:56:52 +0100, "John" <no...@pladderballe.ok>
> > wrote:
> >> What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup?
> >> The Italian - throws the cup and walks away in a fit of rage.
> >> The Frenchman - takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.
> >> The Chinese - eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
> >> The Russian - drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra
> >> with no charge.
> >> The Israeli - sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the
> >> Chinese, Buys himself a new cup of coffee and uses the extra money
> >> to invent a Device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.
> >> The Palestinian - blames the Israeli for the fly falling in his
> >> coffee, Protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from
> >> the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to
> >> purchase explosives
> >> And then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman,
> >> The Chinese, and the Russian are all trying to explain to the
> >> Israeli that  He should give away his cup of coffee to the
> >> Palestinian
> >> John
> > ovenstående er mere sandt end mange aner
> Hvorfor det, egentlig?

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