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(rev 3.5.1) The First Law Of Economics - ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 03-11-08 10:06

The First Law Of Economics

1 December 2003

(Issued 18 July 2008)

(Version 3.5.1
on 28 Sept 2008)

(view Summary
by skipping

(suits foreign
language readers)

(law enforcement)


The First Law Of Economics, is:

People desire and enjoy to do a job of value they can be
proud of.

(Individual persons have the desire and enthusiasm or joy,
to undertake something that is of value now or in the
future, to their fellows of Mankind.)

I have elaborated that in

'Basic Economics - In Government and Enterprise, People
Are Not Objects.' *(1)


Also here, we can observe the whole scale *(2) from the top to the
very bottom - where that natural desire and joy, gets more and more

more and more prevented, more and more oppressed and

by Criminal Minds and by means of the false ideas that
these create and force onto others and thus establish
as "culture" into the society,

to evolve into customs, rules and "laws"

that COUNTER the First Law of Economics,

rules and systems of "government" and "education" that oppose
your soul, and thus,

that counter your and other people's joy of being alive,

with demands and "education" that COUNTER the First Law
of Economics, which is

people's desire and joy to do a job of value they can and will
be proud of.



Criminal Minds - who, so some tell us, "do 'not' exist," nevertheless
these - will counter, and have countered the First Law of Economics,

"You can NOT do what you yourself want and desire and know to do, that
is of true value to others, and that you thus will be proud of,"

but "you must do, what 'the society' demands of you," meaning,
(which you will find, should you examine it):

"You must do, what Criminal Minds demand of you."

Criminal Minds want you and everyone to see THEM as
"normal" - and YOU, if you expose them, as "not normal:"

It is "normal," NOT to mention, that Vladimir Putin
is a sociopath, a Criminal Mind, a destructive

And "it is 'NOT normal,' if you DO mention
this very vital truth."

It is "normal," NOT to mention, that his Russian
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, is a
sociopath, a Criminal Mind, a destructive

And "it is 'NOT normal,' to mention this very
vital truth."

The same applies, regarding the Russian ambassador,
that these sociopaths, Putin and Lavrov, want to
have appointed to the United States of America, now,
who is equally a person who very obviously is a

The same applies to the Russian state weapons
export firm, Rosoboronexport.

But "it is 'NOT normal,' to mention these very
vital facts."

Of course, I can refuse an ambassador's

on the grounds that he, Sergei Kislyak,
is a sociopath, sent by his Russian
superiors, the sociopath Lavrov and the
sociopath Putin,

and when I do not CURRENTLY have
the possibility

- through lack of a competent
United Nations Council which is
applying the First International
Law (FIL) -

to remove Putin, or his Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Lavrov; that
is, when I can not yet remove them
by using (FIL), but nevertheless

I can refuse the credentials of
the person these sent to America
as an "ambassador" for Russia.

Doing so, however, would require me to
be sane, and courageous, and actually
educated in politics by means of the
Human Rights Issues.



Criminal Minds want, that you and everyone else 'sees'
(senses, feels, thinks of) THEM as "normal" - and,

that you yourself, and everyone else, must see or
feel YOU as "being not normal" if you OPPOSE, that
Criminal Minds are seen as "good" and as "normal:"

You should be made to NOT recognize - or not even to
know the existence of - such a condition of the soul

that at least one percent of the living
population is incurably inflicted with:

to have no other desire and design, than
'to see the world burn.'

You should deny or disbelieve those facts, yes,
you should even be made to deny, that people ARE


You must be regarded as "someone who, through education
or other means of coercion, has to be MADE normal,"

or else, by plain force of denial of your social
and material (monetary) connections, that you need
in order to live, and

"you have to be convinced," that "people only care for
themselves, so THEREFORE you better let yourself be
dominated, because 'THAT - letting yourself be dominated,'
IS 'caring for yourself':"


Letting yourself be dominated is the very opposite
of caring for yourself, so

that's silly, isn't it - but you have accepted
it as perfectly "normal" - "you must agree to
let yourself be dominated," to "do as you are
told" and "then you will be favored,"

"THEN you will be given what you need" and
"THAT is - of course - 'caring for yourself',"

"like 'everybody else' does 'care for himself'

It is the way of any dictatorship,
(or "People's Socialist - " or "Islamic
Republic," so they want to be addressed
by 'the people' who are caught inside
such a regime)

in a country that is - by definition -
"governed" by Criminal Minds.

Then, not only is it "normal,"

for sociopaths including those mentioned
by me, who are head of state,

to freely spout their lies,

but it is ALSO "normal," for DECENT people,

in particular for those DECENT people
who are head of state,

TO REFUSE TO MENTION, that another, in
particular an individual who is head of
state, has an entirely destructive,
sociopathic character and has intentions,
ONLY to dominate or destroy the life of

Instead, they receive Russia's Putin
- a known sociopath - and they receive
China's Hu Jintao - now also known to
you, very obviously I would think, as
a sociopath, "as if these are 'normal'

That's "normal" ...to receive those
who have the nature and intention to
destroy people on a very large scale,
to receive those

"as if these individuals are 'normal',"

while any decent person would
inside his own home.


You have to be MADE to think, and act "as if Criminal
Minds are normal people,"

and, if you DON'T think so, then "you - of course - should
agree, that 'YOU are considered crazy'," or at least, that
"YOU are not well adjusted," "YOU are not fitting in the
society, because 'YOU are badly adjusted'."

(I never told you this, and this must remain
a secret between us, but:)

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:

"SANE" is defined and ENFORCED BY THEM, as "being in
agreement with NOT seeing Criminal Minds"

- in fact, all Insanity does stem from not
facing Criminal Minds, now or in the past,
so they have also that completely in
reverse -

"INSANE, CRAZY," is "when you are NOT in agreement
with 'being blind' and with 'not seeing Criminal
Minds'," and

"SANE" - meaning, 'being in agreement with NOT SEEING
Criminal Minds' - "is 'being reliable,' or is
'maintaining stability',"

as the Criminal Minds call it, if it suits
them, in politics, or in an organization,

"INSANE" - meaning, 'if you or anyone mentions,
that a sociopath solely wishes to destroy life,

because of the very nature of his or her

and thus has no place at all in any government
position whatsoever,

let alone to be president or premier of Russia
or of China - or minister of foreign affairs
of either, meaning the sociopath Lavrov, or
the sociopath Yang Jiechi -

to mention that about them,' "is being destructive,"
"is 'disruptive of good relations and trade',"

and so nobody mentions it.

One wonders - meaning, I would like you
to wonder - about such "polite," or such
"diplomatic" people,

who claim so VERY LOUDLY, that
THEY are "maintaining 'good trade
relations' and 'mutual trust and
cooperation'," one then wonders,

when they let themselves be
blackmailed into silence,
in order to buy some bread
from a baker, or in order
to sell their flour to a

what "definition" these use, for such
activities as Security and Defense...


Very "Secure," isn't it ...to NOT mention the nature and
intentions of sociopaths, "in order to maintain good
(trade or other) relations" and "stability,"

very "secure,"

to NOT mention them by name, and to NOT demand, that
they stand down and are deposed

(which would include, of course, the OPEN
Venezuela's Chavez must stand down for his
being a sociopath,

he being so by the very nature of his
soul and intentions

and shown by his hidden and also not
hidden activities).


Indeed Henry Kissinger,

who destroyed or undermined several American
presidents, and American governments, as best as he

WOULD advise... to NOT mention the nature and intentions
of sociopaths - advising others not to, "so as to maintain
good relations" and "stability" and "viable commerce,"

meaning, that - he himself being a Sociopath - also
HIS intentions and the nature of HIS soul must not
be mentioned,

also "in order to maintain good relations" and
"stability" with Sociopaths

...including himself, Henry Kissinger, the
'Rasputin of Kennebunkport' (of the Bush
residence, there)

and just now, he, Kissinger drove Sarah Palin to be
Insane to the extent that she can not see or sense
(the nature and intentions) of his, Kissinger's
utterly malicious and devious soul, anymore, after
meeting him in person,

not unlike Putin did to Bush, too,

inflicting blindness onto the people he meets,
blindness to seeing or sensing the nature and
the intentions (which are the Energies) of
Sociopaths, as these do inflict,

and such blindness is an incompatible
condition for any major politician to
be in, of course, inflicted with blindness
to Evil,

which is how Sociopaths hide from decent people,
and how they hide their intentions and the content
of their talks with your enemies, with other
Sociopaths, that is.

(They do not have to hide from other
Sociopaths, because these have more or
less the same goal towards decent
people, and towards life.)

But if "souls do not exist," and "Life Energies do
not exist," then "perception = photons," and thus
"spiritual blindness, the inability to see the soul
and thus the nature and intentions of others, that
inability can not be inflicted" either,

according to any "logical" and "scientific"
and so blinded person.




All are complying with the Criminal Minds, who tell you

- the most uninhibited Criminals (Sociopaths) first,

like from China or Myanmar or North Korea, also Iran
and Venezuela and Cuba and Russia -

they tell you, that

"it is 'indecent' or 'impolite' or 'hateful'," yes, even
"destructive, or insane," "destroying 'relations',"
to demand they stop being Evil, or even to mention their

They also demanded so - in writing, from a very willing
victim who would not open his mouth about those who
cause all Evil - from Ban Ki-Moon, our resident Secretary

(which means 'general secretary,' or 'secretary in
general' - I say for those who are not familiar with
the strange sequence of the two words),

the Sociopaths told him to "be very nice and polite
to the worst Criminals on Earth," and "to do exactly
as they say," and "to never even hint at or ask or
do anything that would show or suggest their nature
and their evil deeds,"

when he, Ban Ki-Moon, finally got around to visiting the
people in the disaster area of Myanmar, after several

The motives of Ban Ki-Moon remain hidden by himself,
and are 'too Insane and malicious, too destructive,
to talk about,'

so I won't, now.


Thus anyone who DOES see Criminal Minds,

anyone including law enforcement people
who DO see the soul, or the nature and
intentions of Criminal Minds,

"must be dominated NOT to see (NOT to perceive,
NOT to sense, NOT to investigate and detect)
Criminal Minds, or else they must lose their
job (as a policeman, for instance)."


Seeing Criminal Minds or Sociopaths - for instance in
China, the biggest of them all being Mao Zedong - seeing
him, his nature and intentions and his vile and vicious
acts against China, is called "undermining the government
and the state" - in such countries,

but nobody of all the very institutions, Committees,
Think-Tanks and Councils and Institutes, and very High

that - telling from their resounding full names,
and the pay of their executive members - are
supposed to tell you this, (but) nobody of them

does so tell you, and I have once again to do their job.




Nowadays, they indeed made it so, that

- in universities, in education, in science, in medicine, in
journalism, in politics, in religion,

in most history text books even

- which there, in studying history, is an
extremely annoying and debilitating omission,
in fact is PREVENTING any correct understanding
of history -

and indeed in economics and commerce -

omitting these facts has become the standard way of creating
stupidity and of maintaining social and economic turmoil and of
"understanding" wars and of promoting, that there are "different
ideologies" "that fight or oppose each other,"

thus Russia, China, Venezuela, etc., "must fight each other,"

by making it so, that

"Criminal Minds DO NOT EXIST,"

so they must - and do - fight also those countries that
oppose Criminality.

There are no "different ideologies," but there are
different ways invented and promoted by Criminal
Minds, on HOW TO HIDE the nature of Criminal Minds
and of how to put these in charge of normal people.

They make it so, that "Criminal Minds DO NOT EXIST."
Already in science, medicine, largely in journalism,
in commerce and economics, even in politics

"Criminal Minds DO NOT EXIST."

And there is even something much worse than
that, and that is

"The Criminal Mind Who Loves You Again:"

(which includes the mentioned
Criminal Minds who are "elected" "leaders" of countries, Russia,
China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.)

Truth is absolute, and a Criminal Mind
(a sociopath) can not be cured, so

it is a Criminal Mind PRETENDING "to
love you again," and it is a Criminal
Mind who succeeded in hypnotizing you
(or others) to that effect.


That's THEIR, the Criminal Mind's "definition" of

"You accept Criminal Minds above you, and you
stop recognizing them."


The Criminal Mind's "definition" of "abnormal"

- which you also know, and practice obediently
as well, by avoiding to be "abnormal" -

"abnormal" is:

NOT agreeing, that Criminal Minds are "above

Revolting against being dominated by a Criminal
Mind, is "showing, that you are abnormal;"

your feeling revulsion of a Criminal Mind,
is - as defined above - "not normal," but
is "YOUR 'disease,' or YOUR 'abnormality',"

and medical "science" will provide you
with drugs in order NOT to feel, that
someone is a Criminal Mind, and not to
feel what he or she radiates at you

- the Ugliness or Hate or Euphoria
Energy Particles that these throw
at and into the body and soul of


In that way your joy of being alive, and that of others,
is being destroyed by Sociopaths, by Criminal Minds, and
they leave you then to lead your life (or to lead the end
of your life)

with an endless number of discomforts, disabilities
and diseases "for which the cause is not known,"
and "that have no real cure."

Which is NOT the purpose of life, but

WHICH IS the purpose of Criminal Minds, that "DO NOT



The self-help gurus, and other Holinesses,
are telling you, in their lectures and books,
and in TV shows, "how to adapt or adjust," how
to "live in the present" or "in harmony" with

They are coming up with ever-new
methods of "how you must adapt to the
lies of Criminal Minds,"


...isn't it.



You don't consciously know this, unless you read the Human Rights

but actually - because you experience this every day and night -
you know it very well, and you do see it in front of you:

You do see everything that opposes the First Law of

you see those nasty individuals, who demand, that

"people are not allowed to and can not desire and
enjoy to do a job of value they can be proud of,"

so you do actually know it very well, but,


that is, you have not seen it formulated and voiced in a way so as to
understand (and thus to handle) what is actually going on,

as opposed to the endless diversion into 'treating
symptoms,' symptoms, and symptoms only,

which is what Criminal Minds have largely diverted
and perverted and degenerated the society into,

just look at all the charity and help and
medical programs, and political pressure,

INSTEAD OF SEEING, of understanding, and thus handling the
CAUSE of what is going on.

And that needs a very correct formulation and
communication of it,

as in the Definition of Peace, for example and very

which is what the Human Rights Issues are all about, and what
I am doing with these:


To bare your soul right in front of you,

with my poems,

with my song 'reviving you softly,' strumming
the cords of your soul,

not now with heavenly music, but with words.


To formulate and voice what is right in front of you,

to make it visible and grasped, capable of being grasped
and so understood, that you can actually handle it,

which I did with all the things I defined for you,

and that are defined for the first time
correctly, defined by me

straight from your own soul, which I look at, and published in
the Human Rights Issues.



The First Law Of Economics, is:

People desire and enjoy to do a job of value they can be
proud of.

(Individual persons have the desire and enthusiasm or joy,
to undertake something that is of value now or in the
future, to their fellows of Mankind.)


You see then, that Criminal Minds have OPPOSED the simple and
natural law, that comes straight from your soul

- all that you read in the Human Rights Issues (see also
the upcoming issue of HRI 20080726) does in actual fact
come straight from your soul - which is

OPPOSED by Criminal Minds,

such as by your economics "guru" Adam Smith, *(3) a Criminal
Mind from Scotland,

who wrote around the year 1775, and repeatedly
thereafter - for which certain people paid him a lot
of money - to write the lie, that:

"People can not feel others" - which lie, that describes
the condition of himself, of the Criminal Mind, that lie,
he thought, would not get very wide acceptance, and
therefore he added,

"so there must be some mysterious idea of charity inside

and the next lie, which you are fiercely taught in
schools and in the society, BY CRIMINAL MINDS and by
their associates, from "economist" guru Adam Smith, is,

"Everyone thinks only of himself, and works only for his
own interests" - which is a very vicious and extremely
insulting lie

(that gave fertile ground to communism, and to other
dictatorships, later on, and now in China),

a lie from Adam Smith, that also would not get full or
easy acceptance, so he, the "economist" Adam Smith added,

"this automatically balances out into a free exchange
between people, as if there is an 'invisible hand'."

Interestingly, a would-be "philosopher" who wants
to "explain" and "sell" his own Criminal Mind as
"normal," as "how people are,"

like the Criminal Minds Freud, Einstein, and
the like, did: They enforce THEIR OWN Criminal
Mind, as if "THAT is, what people are and what
The Creation is," and here

Adam Smith, a would-be "philosopher" for the reason
mentioned, 'to explain and sell his own Criminal
Mind as "normal,"

like the Criminal Mind Socrates did, by
"explaining," that 'Law is (rules are) senior
to people, even when that Law (that rule) does
not apply and is unjust to the given case,'

which the faithful and long time
reader knows, a Criminal Mind

"telling people what economics is," "explaining it,"
so as to make himself and other Criminal Minds
"seem normal," seem like "all people" are, and

Adam Smith maintained a friendship with the
Criminal Mind Benjamin Franklin, (*4) when this
individual (Franklin) resided for some time in

and the Criminal Mind Bill Gates presents his
"friend" Warren Buffet with a copy of the infamous
book by "economist" Adam Smith, 'The Wealth of

- the struggle of Adam Smith for having Criminal
Minds accepted as the "economic motors of
the society,"

including, of course, the Criminal Minds Bill
Gates and Warren Buffet.

('It costs a penny to make. Sell it for a
dollar. It's addictive. And there's fantastic
"brand loyalty".' - quoting Warren Buffet, on
why he likes the cigarette business - 1987)


Not to mention other Sociopaths who were or still are
revered as "economists" and as "philosophers,"

like the very highly successful and very widely
accepted Criminal Mind Herbert Spencer (1820-1903),

apparently still believed in MIT and UCSB, as late
as 1997 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and
the University of California, Santa Barbara - which
is according to Steven Pinker, with his book 'How
the Mind Works,' 1997)

and highly acclaimed by main American newspapers
and journals (NYT, AS, VV, WSJ - The New York Times,
The American Scientist, The Village Voice, The Wall
Street Journal - according to Daniel C. Dennett,
with his book 'Consciousness Explained,' 1991)

the greatest Insanity and malice given the highest
acclaim and total credence, as 'best-sellers' and praised
by The New York Times 'literati' (professional literature

thus it might be refreshing to you, to hear something actually
true on the matter, for a change, and straight from your own



The First Law Of Economics, is:

People desire and enjoy to do a job of value they can be
proud of.


I repeat, that also here, we have the whole scale *(1) from the
top to the very bottom,

where that natural desire and joy gets more and more dominated
by Criminal Minds,

it gets prevented, perverted and eventually destroyed, by
Criminal Minds

"to create stability" as they like you to be blinded
- excuse me - as they like you to see it

...like blind kittens do see, purring when
they get milk,

and your "very indestructible" soul is not "evolving" at all,
as some gurus would justify the infliction of evil, but IS being

by means of the false ideas, that these create and force onto
others, and thus into the society,

to become customs, rules and "laws" that COUNTER the
First Law of Economics,

that oppose your soul, and thus,

that counter your and other people's joy of being

including the pristine joy and enthusiasm of your
very own children

for life, to contribute to life, also to your

as the First Law of Economics describes.


So it is good to keep knowing the First Law of Economics, as it
resides in your soul - or in your heart, as some say.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(1) 'Basic Economics - In Government and Enterprise, People Are
Not Objects'
{HRI note 20060201 version 3)
(1 February 2006 - note version 3, on 2 Feb 2006)

(2) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

(3) 'Famous European Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20040729-V1.1}
(29 July 2004 - Version 1.1 on 27 Aug 2004)

(4) 'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of Destroying
Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V3.7}
(10 November 2003 - Version 3.7 on 9 Jan 2007)

(5) 'The Anti-Normal'
{HRI 20071208-V1.0}
(8 December 2007)

(6) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

(7) ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds - Part Twenty: (Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1}
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

(8) 'George 'Washington' Bush's JOY of being a "friend" to Hu Jintao,
to the most dangerous Criminal Mind in office on Earth today'
{HRI note 20080328-V2.1}
(28 March 2008 - Version 2.1 on 31 Mar 2008)

(9) 'Refusing to Respect, that China's sociopath Hu Jintao is Evil
only, fully Evil, and nothing but Evil to China'
{HRI note 20080707-V3.6}
(7 July 2008 - Version 3.6 on 17 July 2008)

(10) 'United Nations Organization MUST protect itself
- What is Democracy'
{HRI 20080314-V1.1}
(14 March 2008 - Version 1.1 on 14 Mar 2008)

(11) 'Future Peace on Earth Blocked by the Sociopaths,
Putin and Hu Jintao' - (Quote One)
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1} (quote of 13 Mar 2008)
(7 February 2007 - Version 3.7 on 21 Feb 2008)


'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.1.2 on 31 Dec 2007)

'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

(more to add)



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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