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(rev 2.9.1) How Journalists MAKE (not you,~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 30-10-08 07:41

How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed and
Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of Truth

26 October 2008
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.1}

(Version 2.9.1
on 30 Oct 2008)


(suits foreign
language readers)

(view Summary
by skipping


Almost all conditions resolve, by looking at the INTENTION and whose
- which INDIVIDUAL's - INTENTION it is, that causes or caused the

Instead, you are taught, in school etc., 'what

The First World War "happened," the Second
World War "happened," and the Holocaust
simply "happened."

The major parts of Truth (parts 1. and 2.,
given below) are not mentioned anymore,
because "one should not point out Criminal
Minds," as Criminal Minds demand.

This made you into a moron, and so some
people start to study BY THEMSELVES,

in order to remedy the 'moronification'
inflicted upon them in schools and
colleges and universities.


It applies to all subjects taught, not just to
history. ALL subjects are falsely taught by
omitting the INTENTIONS in it and who had

This applies to any science, to the
arts, to music, medicine, philosophy,
technology, politics, economy, media,
religion, etc..



It is the same with Intelligence - the major part
of Intelligence is not mentioned anymore.

Intelligence has two major parts:

1. The ability to connect to data,

2. The ability to differentiate or separate those
data. {definition}

The, of course by far most important part, 'The
ability to connect to data' (1.), is deliberately
and maliciously omitted from the definition of
Intelligence, again on the demand of Criminal Minds,
that is, in order to have them and their activities
not looked at, (not connected to, by you),

so that "sciences" like physics and medicine,
since almost a century or so, are not even
worthy of being called science anymore - to
mention only two subjects.




Truth is:

1. What INTENTION, plus

2. WHO caused it, plus

3. What happened. {definition}


THE journalists reverse that, and then they even cut that very short,
to report only

(3.) 'what happened,'

and they often leave out (2.) 'Who caused it,'

or they replace it with some INTENTIONALLY debilitating
generality, like

"The United Nations reported ... " or "Russia wants ... ,"


but it can get and does get much worse, with

"Violence killed 17 people," *(n)

like a medical doctor, filling out a death
certificate, *(n)

"Conflict caused the demise of the economy," *(n)

like I have a "conflict" with the person who stole
my bicycle,

"famine may bring about the death of 1000 people,"

well, you could ask, of course, how many bakers and
farmers (or people who could be farmers or bakers)
are there, now, in the 200,000 people concentration
camps of North Korea, of course,

but WHO caused the condition, is not stated, but hidden, much
less the INTENTION of who caused it,

so one gets the impression, that the United Nations
institutions are run by medical doctor type people,

trained to NOT LOOK AT CRIMINAL MINDS, *(n)(n)(n)


but now we look further at the journalists, who leave out
'Who caused it' (2) from the Definition of Truth,


and then

- in order to fixate, to solidify the lies that follow -

they almost always REFUSE to report THE ACTUAL INTENTIONS behind the
reported data,

(1.) What is the actual INTENTION,

and they replace that with the most debilitating "reasons,"

that they either thought up themselves, or were given to
relay in order to hide the actual intentions, hidden for
instance with:

"'Russia' has to defend itself from 'the aggression by Georgia'."

That is not mentioning the actual intentions, of course,
which are:

Russia (that means Putin) INTENDED for years and he
INTENDS still to impose dictatorship and criminality
upon all of Georgia,

and now he manages to do that only in the two
Georgian provinces that he stole and that he
keeps by the exertion of military, brute force
and lies,

and opposing his INTENTION, is, that

Georgia (Saakashvili) INTENDED and intends to
protect Georgian citizens from the constant
criminality enforced and organized and paid for
by Russia, inside Georgia's territory.


Another example:

"'China' considers Taiwan a part of itself to be taken back."

The Chinese "government" (Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin) *(n)

- in order to distract from its own severe and
rampant criminality inflicted continuously

(as "the 'democratic' dictatorship of the
people," that "liberated the Chinese people"
...from responsible managers, and replaced
these by thugs like Mao Zedong, dominating
them and inflicting criminality upon the
people of China) *(n)

upon its own citizens, including Tibet -

(Hu Jintao) wants to make trouble for people elsewhere too,
and the nearest place is Taiwan, and their "claim" is
claimed by them to be "legal" - though Taiwan is in all
respects an entirely sovereign state.

The intention of the Taiwanese people is indeed quite the
opposite to Hu Jintao's:

The general Taiwanese population does intend to be free of
dictatorship and to keep its citizens free of oppression
and to have their companies lead by the best managers.


But you are TOLD, by THE journalists, persistently even, that

"Russia had to defend itself from the aggression by

and that

"China considers Taiwan a part of it, to be taken back by

I call that - and THE journalists, and you for
swallowing their 'moronification' - NAUSEATINGLY,
repulsively, destructively Insane,

and I call it war mongering BY THE JOURNALISTS,

for refusing to state the ACTUAL INTENTIONS present.



Truth is:

1. What is the actual INTENTION - not the pretended intention,
but what are the actual intentions,

and a journalist who writes that, is very readable,
and very, very valuable indeed;

and he (or she) will write also

2. WHO caused it,

3. What happened. {definition}



The first and main thing you have to know or find out, about ANY data
presented to you:


What is the intention of the person originating the data and his
intention for getting the data relayed to you. *(a)


As soon as I do know the actual INTENTION with it, then I immediately
can place and understand and evaluate THE DATA PRESENTED, and I can
then also assign its correct importance, and I can respond instantly.




This is not hard to understand. Yet THE JOURNALISTS,

"because they are doubting their own Sanity in determining
another's purpose or actual INTENTIONS"

...SO THEY SAY, to make their deliberate omission seem "right;"

while actually,

it is out of simple professional malice and cowardice,

that is, to comply with Criminal Minds who - OF
COURSE - neither want their INTENTIONS looked at,
let alone to have their actual intentions mentioned
in public, or written down in print; and

so it comes about, that they - as Associated Parrots,
etc. - either are themselves causing, or they agree or
allow, that THE journalists

REFUSE TO REPORT THE INTENTIONS behind the data they present:

"It is a sign of unprofessionalism, to report the INTENTION
behind the data presented," *(n)(n)(n)

again, that is, to comply with the force of Criminal Minds
who - OF COURSE - neither want their INTENTIONS looked at,

and most certainly Criminal Minds do not want their actual
intentions mentioned in public, by the press, and so

"it is 'professional journalism'," to omit TWO THIRD of the Truth

- Truth, as any five-year-old child knows, consists
of 'Who did what out of what intention,' *(n)

and does NOT consist of "Georgia was about to
bomb the center of Moscow flat to the ground,
so Russia was forced to defend itself against
Georgia." *(b)




Thus THE journalists are maliciously suggesting, implying and
intending, and so in fact they are demanding (not of you, of
course, of but of others), that


very obviously, because they are not reporting any,

so that Criminal Minds become Invisible

(such as Putin and Hu Jintao and Henry Kissinger, who are
three of one kind - and Chavez and Obama, who are two
of one kind - etc.) *(n)(n)(n)

so that Criminal Minds become Invisible as to their nature and indeed
as to their true intentions, *(n)


and you have already been taught in your institutes of learning,
that "you can not perceive intentions," "because perception is
done with photons only," *(n)

- that's how destructively, repulsively Insane you have
been made and are being kept, BY Criminal Minds,

who want, understandably, not to be seen as what they
are -

thereby giving a dominating position, to the roughly 50 million
Criminal Minds living on Earth, *(n)

their victory over you and over one and a half billion normal
people: *(n)

That's how nauseatingly Insane and, by your stupidity,
how destructive to others, you are, now.


If I were you, you would most eagerly await any Human Rights
Issue, and read it about ten times when it is issued,

in order to restore - and then to use again - your abilities,
and your knowledge, that you then again become aware, that you
actually have (knowledge and abilities),

using these as your soul and your heart desired to use
these in the first place, *(n)

to again be of true value to life and to people in general, *(n)

rather than following the demand of Criminal Minds to
refuse to look at actual intentions,

and instead to agree, that "you are blind and must only
look at photons,"

being Evil and Destructive because of your blindness
while CLAIMING, that

'whatever you do to others and demand of others,'

'is done "out of an intention to protect and nurture
life, and to protect your friends and family, and
your country",'

by following the demand by Criminal Minds,
that you refuse to look at the actual
intentions present, and their demand, that

you agree to be blind (to not be aware of what
you sense and feel) and to only look at

REFUSING - because, by complying with Criminal Minds, *(n)
you follow their force and their demand on you, that 'you
must refuse to see' -

to sense and to feel as you are naturally equipped,

and as you are by far the most happy, when you do
so sense and feel people and life - and your own
feelings, too.

I repeat: Constantly complying with the hypnotic, forceful
demands by Criminal Minds, that

"you are forbidden to see, to sense and to
feel, what evil creatures - like Putin and
his affiliates, Lavrov and Patrushev - do

is how nauseatingly Insane,

and - through the stupidity inflicted on you - how
destructive to others, you actually are,

just by your agreeing to be blind and by agreeing to
refuse to know even, what perception is and how it works.




I showed you, how much journalism has been and is being
'taken over' by Criminal Minds.

In another example, that's how much the judiciary, the
legal people, have been 'taken over' by Criminal Minds:

While Justice is IN THE FIRST PLACE a matter of
establishing the actual INTENTIONS present, it is so,

the Criminal Mind tries to win by means of presenting
DATA that are deliberately - and indeed maliciously -
DISCONNECTED from the intentions that go with the data
or evidence.

And they try to bring about a permanent disconnection, by
assigning a false "intention" - yes, preferably the very
opposite "intention" - to the evidence or data presented,
as I described elsewhere. *(n)

Such disconnection, disconnecting data from
the intentions with it,

as carried to an extreme that is denying
any and all abilities of people to
which, as in the movie 'The Game' with
Michael Douglas,

is the basis upon which writers, with a
countless number of 'Detective stories,'
earn their living. *(n)

And Criminal Minds manage to obtain false
convictions, and other evil court sentences,

that are so-called "based on the data
presented," and have been obtained "by
following court procedures,"

because a judge refuses to know the Definition of
Truth. *(n)


According to the Definition of Justice, *(n) it is so, that

establishing Truth (of course defined correctly) brings about
happiness all around,

as I do to you.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

1 Kings 10:24


(a) I wrote a very important conclusion, about that, for you,
which tells you to look for, to keep your eyes open for,
to investigate *(1)

that what is NOT being SAID, and what is NOT being

that however would be normally expected to be said
or done, in the light of someone's STATED purpose
for his position or activity.

What is your local 'Cancer Society' NOT saying
and what is the World Health Organization NOT
talking about? *(n)

How is the United Nations Security Council
PREVENTING global security? *(n)


You should also keep in mind, that 'Criminal Minds have
everything in reverse:'

They have EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE purpose of what they
STATE and claim that "they have, and work for,"

as you see it for example being most obvious
in politics with Castro (Cuba's demise) and
with Chavez (who is turning Venezuela into a
fascistic, militant version of Cuba).

(b) Truth, as any five-year-old child knows, consists of

'Who did what out of what intention,'

and does NOT consists of "Georgia was about to bomb the
center of Moscow flat to the ground,"

"so Russia had to destroy all airfields in Georgia and
their harbors and railway lines and block their roads
before the mad Georgian president would strike and destroy
Moscow, and would occupy Russia;"

"and all the Russians are very grateful to the Russian
Army, for preventing that disaster - and Russian soldiers
were given medals by the Russian president for their
heroic deeds of protecting Russia and the Russians against
the evil Georgians."


(1) 'Detecting a Criminal Mind, by 'What does he (or she) NOT talk
about, NOT look at, NOT do?' '
{HRI 20080725-V2.2}
(25 July 2008 - Version 2.2 on 7 Aug 2008)

(n) (as indicated)


(as applicable)



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

joe berg (30-10-2008)
Fra : joe berg

Dato : 30-10-08 11:46

Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> allerlei

beginnt diese Gruppe nicht mit de. ?

Plato Been (30-10-2008)
Fra : Plato Been

Dato : 30-10-08 18:41

Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums,
must filter out, from their own view, all writing by

Koos Nolst Trenite,

argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207}
(7 December 2008 - Version 2.0 on 23 Apr 2008)


Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far
the most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known,

and on top of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher
known on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008 by KNT hrp&p - (May 2008; Sept 2008 version)
Copyright conditions as usual ('learnware')

On Oct 30, 7:41 am, Koos Nolst Trenite
<AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> wrote:
> How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed and
> Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of Truth
> 26 October 2008
> {HRI 20081026-V2.9.1}
> (Version 2.9.1
> on 30 Oct 2008)
> (education)
> (suits foreign
> language readers)
> (view Summary
> by skipping
> indentation)
> '
> Almost all conditions resolve, by looking at the INTENTION and whose
> - which INDIVIDUAL's - INTENTION it is, that causes or caused the
> condition(s).
> Instead, you are taught, in school etc., 'what
> happened:'
> The First World War "happened," the Second
> World War "happened," and the Holocaust
> simply "happened."
> The major parts of Truth (parts 1. and 2.,
> given below) are not mentioned anymore,
> because "one should not point out Criminal
> Minds," as Criminal Minds demand.
> This made you into a moron, and so some
> people start to study BY THEMSELVES,
> in order to remedy the 'moronification'
> inflicted upon them in schools and
> colleges and universities.
> '
> It applies to all subjects taught, not just to
> history. ALL subjects are falsely taught by
> omitting the INTENTIONS in it and who had
> these.
> This applies to any science, to the
> arts, to music, medicine, philosophy,
> technology, politics, economy, media,
> religion, etc..
> '
> '
> It is the same with Intelligence - the major part
> of Intelligence is not mentioned anymore.
> Intelligence has two major parts:
> 1. The ability to connect to data,
> 2. The ability to differentiate or separate those
> data. {definition}
> The, of course by far most important part, 'The
> ability to connect to data' (1.), is deliberately
> and maliciously omitted from the definition of
> Intelligence, again on the demand of Criminal Minds,
> that is, in order to have them and their activities
> not looked at, (not connected to, by you),
> so that "sciences" like physics and medicine,
> since almost a century or so, are not even
> worthy of being called science anymore - to
> mention only two subjects.
> '
> '
> '
> Truth is:
> 1. What INTENTION, plus
> 2. WHO caused it, plus
> 3. What happened. {definition}
> '
> THE journalists reverse that, and then they even cut that very short,
> to report only
> (3.) 'what happened,'
> and they often leave out (2.) 'Who caused it,'
> or they replace it with some INTENTIONALLY debilitating
> generality, like
> "The United Nations reported ... " or "Russia wants ... ,"
> '
> but it can get and does get much worse, with
> "Violence killed 17 people," *(n)
> like a medical doctor, filling out a death
> certificate, *(n)
> "Conflict caused the demise of the economy," *(n)
> like I have a "conflict" with the person who stole
> my bicycle,
> "famine may bring about the death of 1000 people,"
> well, you could ask, of course, how many bakers and
> farmers (or people who could be farmers or bakers)
> are there, now, in the 200,000 people concentration
> camps of North Korea, of course,
> but WHO caused the condition, is not stated, but hidden, much
> less the INTENTION of who caused it,
> so one gets the impression, that the United Nations
> institutions are run by medical doctor type people,
> who,
> trained to NOT LOOK AT CRIMINAL MINDS, *(n)(n)(n)
> but now we look further at the journalists, who leave out
> 'Who caused it' (2) from the Definition of Truth,
> '
> and then
> - in order to fixate, to solidify the lies that follow -
> they almost always REFUSE to report THE ACTUAL INTENTIONS behind the
> reported data,
> (1.) What is the actual INTENTION,
> and they replace that with the most debilitating "reasons,"
> that they either thought up themselves, or were given to
> relay in order to hide the actual intentions, hidden for
> instance with:
> "'Russia' has to defend itself from 'the aggression by Georgia'."
> That is not mentioning the actual intentions, of course,
> which are:
> Russia (that means Putin) INTENDED for years and he
> INTENDS still to impose dictatorship and criminality
> upon all of Georgia,
> and now he manages to do that only in the two
> Georgian provinces that he stole and that he
> keeps by the exertion of military, brute force
> and lies,
> and opposing his INTENTION, is, that
> Georgia (Saakashvili) INTENDED and intends to
> protect Georgian citizens from the constant
> criminality enforced and organized and paid for
> by Russia, inside Georgia's territory.
> '
> Another example:
> "'China' considers Taiwan a part of itself to be taken back."
> The Chinese "government" (Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin) *(n)
> - in order to distract from its own severe and
> rampant criminality inflicted continuously
> (as "the 'democratic' dictatorship of the
> people," that "liberated the Chinese people"
> ...from responsible managers, and replaced
> these by thugs like Mao Zedong, dominating
> them and inflicting criminality upon the
> people of China) *(n)
> upon its own citizens, including Tibet -
> (Hu Jintao) wants to make trouble for people elsewhere too,
> and the nearest place is Taiwan, and their "claim" is
> claimed by them to be "legal" - though Taiwan is in all
> respects an entirely sovereign state.
> The intention of the Taiwanese people is indeed quite the
> opposite to Hu Jintao's:
> The general Taiwanese population does intend to be free of
> dictatorship and to keep its citizens free of oppression
> and to have their companies lead by the best managers.
> '
> But you are TOLD, by THE journalists, persistently even, that
> "Russia had to defend itself from the aggression by
> Georgia,"
> and that
> "China considers Taiwan a part of it, to be taken back by
> force."
> I call that - and THE journalists, and you for
> swallowing their 'moronification' - NAUSEATINGLY,
> repulsively, destructively Insane,
> and I call it war mongering BY THE JOURNALISTS,
> for refusing to state the ACTUAL INTENTIONS present.
> '
> '
> Truth is:
> 1. What is the actual INTENTION - not the pretended intention,
> but what are the actual intentions,
> and a journalist who writes that, is very readable,
> and very, very valuable indeed;
> and he (or she) will write also
> 2. WHO caused it,
> 3. What happened. {definition}
> '
> '
> The first and main thing you have to know or find out, about ANY data
> presented to you:
> What is the intention of the person originating the data and his
> intention for getting the data relayed to you. *(a)
> '
> As soon as I do know the actual INTENTION with it, then I immediately
> can place and understand and evaluate THE DATA PRESENTED, and I can
> then also assign its correct importance, and I can respond instantly.
> '
> '
> '
> This is not hard to understand. Yet THE JOURNALISTS,
> "because they are doubting their own Sanity in determining
> another's purpose or actual INTENTIONS"
> ...SO THEY SAY, to make their deliberate omission seem "right;"
> while actually,
> it is out of simple professional malice and cowardice,
> that is, to comply with Criminal Minds who - OF
> COURSE - neither want their INTENTIONS looked at,
> let alone to have their actual intentions mentioned
> in public, or written down in print; and
> so it comes about, that they - as Associated Parrots,
> etc. - either are themselves causing, or they agree or
> allow, that THE journalists
> REFUSE TO REPORT THE INTENTIONS behind the data they present:
> "It is a sign of unprofessionalism, to report the INTENTION
> behind the data presented," *(n)(n)(n)
> again, that is, to comply with the force of Criminal Minds
> who - OF COURSE - neither want their INTENTIONS looked at,
> and most certainly Criminal Minds do not want their actual
> intentions mentioned in public, by the press, and so
> "it is 'professional journalism'," to omit TWO THIRD of the Truth
> *(n)(n)(n)(n)
> - Truth, as any five-year-old child knows, consists
> of 'Who did what out of what intention,' *(n)
> and does NOT consist of "Georgia was about to
> bomb the center of Moscow flat to the ground,
> so Russia was forced to defend itself against
> Georgia." *(b)
> '
> '
> '
> Thus THE journalists are maliciously suggesting, implying and
> intending, and so in fact they are demanding (not of you, of
> course, of but of others), that
> very obviously, because they are not reporting any,
> so that Criminal Minds become Invisible
> (such as Putin and Hu Jintao and Henry Kissinger, who are
> three of one kind - and Chavez and Obama, who are two
> of one kind - etc.) *(n)(n)(n)
> so that Criminal Minds become Invisible as to their nature and indeed
> as to their true intentions, *(n)
> '
> and you have already been taught in your institutes of learning,
> that "you can not perceive intentions," "because perception is
> done with photons only," *(n)
> - that's how destructively, repulsively Insane you have
> been made and are being kept, BY Criminal Minds,
> who want, understandably, not to be seen as what they
> are -
> thereby giving a dominating position, to the roughly 50 million
> Criminal Minds living on Earth, *(n)
> their victory over you and over one and a half billion normal
> people: *(n)
> That's how nauseatingly Insane and, by your stupidity,
> how destructive to others, you are, now.
> '
> If I were you, you would most eagerly await any Human Rights
> Issue, and read it about ten times when it is issued,
> in order to restore - and then to use again - your abilities,
> and your knowledge, that you then again become aware, that you
> actually have (knowledge and abilities),
> using these as your soul and your heart desired to use
> these in the first place, *(n)
> to again be of true value to life and to people in general, *(n)
> rather than following the demand of Criminal Minds to
> refuse to look at actual intentions,
> and instead to agree, that "you are blind and must only
> look at photons,"
> being Evil and Destructive because of your blindness
> while CLAIMING, that
> 'whatever you do to others and demand of others,'
> 'is done "out of an intention to protect and nurture
> life, and to protect your friends and family, and
> your country",'
> by following the demand by Criminal Minds,
> that you refuse to look at the actual
> intentions present, and their demand, that
> you agree to be blind (to not be aware of what
> you sense and feel) and to only look at
> photons,
> REFUSING - because, by complying with Criminal Minds, *(n)
> you follow their force and their demand on you, that 'you
> must refuse to see' -
> to sense and to feel as you are naturally equipped,
> and as you are by far the most happy, when you do
> so sense and feel people and life - and your own
> feelings, too.
> I repeat: Constantly complying with the hypnotic, forceful
> demands by Criminal Minds, that
> "you are forbidden to see, to sense and to
> feel, what evil creatures - like Putin and
> his affiliates, Lavrov and Patrushev - do
> is how nauseatingly Insane,
> and - through the stupidity inflicted on you - how
> destructive to others, you actually are,
> just by your agreeing to be blind and by agreeing to
> refuse to know even, what perception is and how it works.
> *(n)(n)
> '
> '
> '
> I showed you, how much journalism has been and is being
> 'taken over' by Criminal Minds.
> In another example, that's how much the judiciary, the
> legal people, have been 'taken over' by Criminal Minds:
> While Justice is IN THE FIRST PLACE a matter of
> establishing the actual INTENTIONS present, it is so,
> that
> the Criminal Mind tries to win by means of presenting
> DATA that are deliberately - and indeed maliciously -
> DISCONNECTED from the intentions that go with the data
> or evidence.
> And they try to bring about a permanent disconnection, by
> assigning a false "intention" - yes, preferably the very
> opposite "intention" - to the evidence or data presented,
> as I described elsewhere. *(n)
> Such disconnection, disconnecting data from
> the intentions with it,
> as carried to an extreme that is denying
> any and all abilities of people to
> PERCEIVE INTENTIONS - the denial of
> which, as in the movie 'The Game' with
> Michael Douglas,
> is the basis upon which writers, with a
> countless number of 'Detective stories,'
> earn their living. *(n)
> And Criminal Minds manage to obtain false
> convictions, and other evil court sentences,
> that are so-called "based on the data
> presented," and have been obtained "by
> following court procedures,"
> because a judge refuses to know the Definition of
> Truth. *(n)
> '
> According to the Definition of Justice, *(n) it is so, that
> establishing Truth (of course defined correctly) brings about
> happiness all around,
> as I do to you.
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'The whole world
> sought audience with Solomon
> to hear the wisdom
> God had put in his heart.'
> 1 Kings 10:24
> '
> ________
> Textnote:
> (a) I wrote a very important conclusion, about that, for you,
> which tells you to look for, to keep your eyes open for,
> to investigate *(1)
> that what is NOT being SAID, and what is NOT being
> that however would be normally expected to be said
> or done, in the light of someone's STATED purpose
> for his position or activity.
> What is your local 'Cancer Society' NOT saying
> and what is the World Health Organization NOT
> talking about? *(n)
> How is the United Nations Security Council
> PREVENTING global security? *(n)
> '
> You should also keep in mind, that 'Criminal Minds have
> everything in reverse:'
> They have EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE purpose of what they
> STATE and claim that "they have, and work for,"
> as you see it for example being most obvious
> in politics with Castro (Cuba's demise) and
> with Chavez (who is turning Venezuela into a
> fascistic, militant version of Cuba).
> '
> (b) Truth, as any five-year-old child knows, consists of
> 'Who did what out of what intention,'
> and does NOT consists of "Georgia was about to bomb the
> center of Moscow flat to the ground,"
> "so Russia had to destroy all airfields in Georgia and
> their harbors and railway lines and block their roads
> before the mad Georgian president would strike and destroy
> Moscow, and would occupy Russia;"
> "and all the Russians are very grateful to the Russian
> Army, for preventing that disaster - and Russian soldiers
> were given medals by the Russian president for their
> heroic deeds of protecting Russia and the Russians against
> the evil Georgians."
> '
> _________
> Footnotes:
> (1) 'Detecting a Criminal Mind, by 'What does he (or she) NOT talk
> about, NOT look at, NOT do?' '
> {HRI 20080725-V2.2}
> (25 July 2008 - Version 2.2 on 7 Aug 2008)http://groups.google.com/group/soc.men/msg/73118709e6df9463
> (n) (as indicated)
> __________
> References:
> (as applicable)
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
> who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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