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(rev 1.3) Why does Putin want to have a Wo~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 14-10-08 07:10

Why does Putin want to have a World War?

13 October 2008
{HRI note 20081013-V1.3}

(Version 1.3
on 14 Oct 2008)

(view Summary
by skipping


Why does Putin want to have a World War?

Because Putin is Insane - that's why - and there is no other reason,

It is then hilarious, to observe the continuous stream of
"justifications" that the journalists are inventing,

to "explain" Putin's nature of malice and his desire
to wage war and cause destruction everywhere,

they follow his desire, to drive people Insane and thus
incapable of acting sanely.


You see, that - with Putin - the following countries are trying to
align into an Axis of Evil:

Russia, Iran, Syria, Palestine etc., Libya, Venezuela, Sudan,
Zimbabwe, North Korea, Nicaragua.

And some other, flip-flopping dictatorial states - like Belarus,
and China, Vietnam, Laos, and South Africa - may join or on the
other hand, may decide to oppose that Axis of Evil.



In any case, Russia's Putin and his slaves, and Iran's Ahmadinejad and
Kahmenei's slaves, and Venezuela's Chavez and his slaves


and they are constantly and heavily preparing to cause that intense


Why do they want that?

Because they are Insane - there is no other reason than that - which
you can not believe because you are not like that, you can not
imagine that anyone would want that. *(a)

Besides, you have your journalists who do not want you to
understand what is going on, *(b)

let alone that these want you to grasp the nature and
motivation of the Criminal Mind (of Putin in this case).


Insane people - with Insane defined correctly of course, sociopaths -
DO delight in destroying as much life as possible,

for which they, of course, have to

1. not be recognized

2. get and stay in power,

3. PRETEND "reasons" (justifications) for global destruction,

to get people to cooperate in their INTENDED global destruction.


This is why Al Gore is a Criminal Mind: because he DIVERTS
people from facing and opposing global destruction.

Quite apart from that - all these "charity" guys -
do not at all face the enormous global pollution and
poverty and lack of health

CAUSED exactly by Criminal Minds. *(nn)

They - themselves Criminal Minds - hide each other,

including the 'Medical Sociopath' Margaret Chan of
the WHO, the World Health Organization,

who ALSO hides Criminal Minds, and is herself
engaged in considerable future, intended Evil.



The mentioned "statesmen" all HATE MANKIND.

That is what they have in common, the intensity and force of
their hating all people - including themselves.



So here, George "Washington" Bush and I differ, diverge and have
parted ways:

It is NOT "democratic" to have a sociopath in charge of a
country and fighting to create the destruction of Mankind

Democracy is for people with sanity and decency,
and honesty,

thus Criminal Minds, PRETENDING Democracy, will get
elected IN ORDER TO DESTROY their own country, and

France's Sarkozy receiving Chavez with full
state honors, is a destructive act to France,
is a destructive act to Venezuela's people as
well, and is a destructive act towards world
peace. *(nn)(nn)

Energy precedes action: *(nn)

If they publicly honor the biggest
Criminal Minds on Earth, in order
to gain a handful of dollars,

then they really have set an example
of Evil - you can see that, don't you:

It is a public show of state-sanctioned,
state-honored Evil, to support those
"statesmen" who Hate Mankind.


They have the Rights of Criminal Minds, only, and they are to
be deposed INSTANTLY by virtue of The First International Law.

This 'flies in the teeth of' - is wholly against - the
very un-Christian, personal 'values' of Bush,

who received the enemies of Mankind, Putin and
Hu Jintao, with open arms,

and who continued to embrace them EVEN at the
Olympic Games of this summer,

for all of which he STILL has not publicly
apologized to put the matter straight,

he, who does not even open his mouth, to point out the
barely camouflaged hatred of Mankind, that is (within)
the soul of Obama,

the very Obama who, like all Criminal Minds, also
does hate "W.", him, George W. Bush,

Obama who hates the very loving and very kind Bush,

Obama, like all Criminal Minds, hating Bush with an
intensity that probably exceeds

"Oscar-winning Hollywood director" Oliver Stone's,
very "polished" hate

with a truly Insane, malicious movie called "W." to
libel and incite Hate,

that Bush, with very un-Christian values

- like turning the other cheek and, much
worse, letting yourself be crucified
by some puny Criminal Minds - *(nn)
that Bush

does not want to defend himself against,

so there comes a time when I stop
defending Bush, because not only does
he not defend himself,

he also does not defend me,

thus endangering us all, despite his very
good intentions.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(a) In fact, you can not believe, that anybody who is actually
Insane, like Putin, or Hitler, or Pol Pot or Mao Zedong, or
Jiang Zemin, let alone Hu Jintao, IS Insane,

because the Criminal Minds have "defined" Insane for you, as
(!) 'someone who is sensing or exposing Criminal Minds,' the
very opposite, indeed, but

which is the - violently malicious - actual definition by the
Medical Profession, denying even the existence of Criminal

The Licensed Medical crowd may deny - to each other's
conscience - that that is their actual stance and

but that's what they do.

And the very Insane, they pronounce to be "normal."

(b) Besides, you have your journalists who do not want you to
understand what is going on,

let alone that these want you to grasp the nature and
motivation of the Criminal Mind (of Putin in this case)

so, that "Freedom of the Press" merely means the
"Freedom" to be parrots - Associated Parrots or
otherwise - that simply repeat the words

of those who hide the INTENSELY EVIL nature

of Putin and of Chavez and of Castro and of Hu
Jintao, and you can go on like that,

to list ACTUAL Criminal Minds who have no
business at all, to be "leading" anyone,

much less to represent anyone, or to get
an honor guard reception...

indeed showing off the Criminal
nature of Earth "government,"

for anyone to see and to cringe about or
to ridicule,

whichever emotion you may choose,
or you feel emanating from them,

when you see how these Criminal
Minds are treated, without any
shame whatsoever, without any
respect at all, for life: and all

that in plain view of the public
eye and camera lens:

France's Sarkozy receiving Chavez with full
state honors, is a destructive act to France,
is a destructive act to Venezuela's people as
well, and is a destructive act towards world

Energy precedes action:

If they publicly honor the biggest
Criminal Minds on Earth, in order
to gain a handful of dollars,

then they really have set an example
of Evil - you can see that, don't you:
state-sanctioned, state-honored Evil.


I wrote earlier:

Putin Shall Pay For The Damage He Caused to Georgia, and also to
Poland, for the Katyn mass murder, by Russia's Stalin

4 October 2008
{HRI 20081004-V1.2}

(Version 1.2
on 6 Oct 2008)

Vladimir Putin shall pay for the damage he caused to Georgia.

He also still has an open account with Poland, for the planned
and hidden, unimaginably evil mass murder perpetrated by
Stalin's Russian Army on the most courageous and on the most
caring of the Polish people,

the Russian Army was ordered - AND followed the order - to
execute one by one, 12,000 innocent, captive, unarmed officers
of the Polish army:

A crime so hideous, that the Russians, while occupying
Poland, demanded their own heinous mass murder, to be
blamed on others, so, that

"the Russian occupiers did not do it."

(See the movie 'Katyn,' of 2007.)


This is typical of sociopaths (while they will
in secret brag to other sociopaths, about their evil
deeds, and while they are PROUD OF THEIR EVIL)

cunningly, though not in this case - BLAME OTHERS

The mechanism is as follows:

'The lying is SO OUTRAGEOUS - 'Who would lie
that meanly, so destructively?' - that a
normal person would not even think of the
possibility of anyone getting away with or of
anyone wanting to do such lying,

however, it is so shockingly false and so
twisted, turned around, and so mean and
malicious, that

most people would rather not face such a barrier to
perceiving the truth,

truth being absolute and the lies
being a barrier to perceiving or
sensing that absolute truth,

absolute truth being, that what
happened and who caused it with
which actual intention.

The barrier is projected in the form of lies that
are DELIBERATELY chosen to be too mean and too ugly
and too irrational, to face and to penetrate,

like the lie, that "You do not exist,"
that "you are not a soul,"

the lie is so outrageously malicious and
so utterly irrational

so people rather choose the 'easy way,' which
is, to accept the lies:

Then they also do not have to experience
the Extreme Ugliness and Feeling of Hate
projected (by Putin, in this case)

they do not have to oppose the
fierce wrath and intense Hate of
the liar (of Putin) for them, for


Truth is absolute, so in many people, the 'lying too
idiotically, too maliciously' causes them to be so dazed,

they have no Energy left to look for the data to
find out what really happened,

let alone to tell others what really happened
and what was really intended by whom.


Of course journalists "do not need to know this,"
"nor do they need to known any other Human Rights
Issues, isn't it..."

"The Introduction to Journalism Course, was not
written for them, of course..."



Putin has shown, how he is a sociopath similar to Stalin,

shown also by his morbid, sociopathic hatred for and his
outrageously malicious 'Black PR' campaigns

against the very brilliant and very caring,
very responsible Georgian president, Saakashvili.


I repeat: Vladimir Putin shall pay for the damage he, Putin,
caused to Georgia.


And you will stop lying about Putin.


I wrote earlier:

Georgia's Saakashvili exposed Putin's true face for the whole world
to see - and hopefully he did just in time (for us to halt Putin and
prevent Putin's World War)

26 August 2008
{HRI 20080809-V3.6.1-q1-V1.2}


Hopefully - and we stand good chance, that indeed - he, Georgia's
Saakashvili, did just in time expose Putin's true face for the whole
world to see (for us to halt Putin and prevent Putin's World War).

Truth is absolute, you know

- regardless of what the Russian KGB (which includes
Putin) "makes" of it as "truth."

The 'KGB' has not changed just by changing its
name to FSB - I have described their purpose


I will repeat that, for your convenience:

Putin has been steadily working to get Russia to start
another World War,

after China's Hu Jintao was made to fail in that so
far - though also he, Hu Jintao is starting it up
again, with "owning Taiwan" - and again he is
liberally using your intense stupidity of letting
him be evil,

so that you can feel "nice and peaceful."

I know, that is more difficult to understand than some
soccer game, but then again,

if it was easy for you, then I would not have to
write this, but could do things more to my taste
and enjoyment.

You might say, that, as long as you are not
doing your job of providing some reasonable
level of security on Earth - as per the
Definition of Peace {DOP}- I have to continue
writing about it.


I will say it again, (*) once again to accommodate you:

Did you envisage, in 1936, at the Berlin Olympic Games
- supposing you could remember that far back - that,
within ten years,

a World War would have put Germany in ashes and rubble,
and the largest part of its population being either
murdered by the German government itself, or sent by that
government to be killed in battle, "to defend" against a
fictitious "enemy of the German people?"


Hopefully just in time, before the current international stage
or community was convinced,

also by Merkel, by Berlusconi, and by Olmert and Livni,
by Luxembourg's Juncker, etc.,

that "they need Putin and 'his Russia',"

hopefully just in time, Georgia's Saakashvili has shown
the world,

after having warned you for years, but now ALSO
by having stood up physically to the constant
provocation and other evil inflicted by Putin
on the people of Georgia, in particular

in the two provinces of Georgia that he,
Putin, has tried for many years to "obtain,"

and also in the rest of Georgia, by various
subversive activities and other criminal acts
as always planned, supported and financed by
Putin, showing now - for the whole world to see -

the true face of Putin,

not to mention showing up your refusal to implement the
First International Law, which is being pointed out at the
same time.



(quote (*))

'Evil people, including Russia's Putin, are by nature Evil, they have
an evil nature, they want evil things.


You can call them, not entirely without reason and logic,
'demonic creatures' in the flesh ...because they are.

They are very intelligent, very forceful, intensely
hateful, with tremendous contempt ESPECIALLY for
very, very good people

(like PUTIN MOST INTENSELY HATES the extremely
caring, the brilliant, highly successful, and
honest heads of state, in this case

Georgia's Saakashvili, who made Putin in front
of the whole world, show his (Putin's) true
face towards Mankind).



Putin and similar creatures do WANT TO DO EVIL THINGS,

and the less they are stopped by you, the MORE EVIL THINGS they

They do have The Rights of Criminal Minds. *(1)



I will say that in other language, very specifically:

Russia's Putin, Lavrov, Ivanov, Patrushev, Churkin, and


(end quote)


Wholly the contrary,

Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably the most Intelligent, the most
Beautiful and the most Caring philosopher known, and on top
of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known
on Earth and beyond.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

Quoted from:

(*) 'I TOLD YOU already about Putin - and about the journalists
seeking "reason" in any Evil'
{HRI 20080809-V3.6.1}
(9 August 2008 - Version 3.6.1 on 25 Aug 2008)


(1) 'Rights of Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.0.1 on 12 Nov 2005)


Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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