China banks told to halt lending to US banks.
BEIJING, Sept 25 (Reuters) -
Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to
U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis,
the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.
The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the
instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.
"The decree appears to be Beijing's first attempt to erect defences against the
deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland's major lenders reported
billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the credit crisis," the SCMP said.
A spokesman for the CBRC had no immediate comment.
Et er at Kina holder tilbage, noget andet er at de åbner 'The flood gates'
Økonom: Totalt nedbrud i interbank-markedet.
Mens markederne holder vejret og tripper efter nyt fra den amerikanske kongres,
hvor forhandlingerne om den omstridte krisepakke er brudt sammen,
stiger renten på barometeret for interbank-markedet, som også er brudt helt sammen.
Bankerne er ikke længere bare nervøse for at låne penge ud til hinanden.
De er så skræmte af bankkrak og recessionstrusler, at de simpelthen er
holdt helt op med at yde kredit til hinanden.
Dårlige nyheder står i kø
Hoppet i renten, som bankerne betaler, når de låner indbyrdes af hinanden,
er udløst af nattens fiasko med regeringens redningplan, der alligevel ikke
var så tæt på målstregen som håbet. Nu er den sat på hold.
Og ikke mindst morgenens nyhed om, at USA's største sparekasse
Washington Mutual er knækket, men i elvte time reddet fra en reel konkurs
i og med JP Morgan Chase er trådt til og har købt bankdivisionen i
Washington Mutual for 1,9 mia. dollar. De resterende dele af banken
sidder staten ind til videre tilbage med.
Washington Mutual Seized by U.S., Assets Sold to JPMorgan in Record Failure
Sept. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Washington Mutual Inc. was seized by government regulators and its branches
and assets sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co. in the biggest U.S. bank failure in history.
WaMu customers withdrew $16.7 billion since Sept. 16, leaving the Seattle-based bank ``unsound,''
the Office of Thrift Supervision said yesterday. Branches are open today and depositors have full
access to their accounts, Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., said.
The failure of WaMu, which has $188 billion in deposits, ratchets up pressure on lawmakers trying to
piece together a rescue package for the nation's financial system. The government's inability
yesterday to reach agreement on a bailout and the seizure of the biggest savings and loan sparked a
sell- off of bank stocks, led by a 25 percent tumble in Wachovia Corp.
``All eyes are now on Wachovia,'' said Anton Schutz, president of Mendon Capital Advisors Corp. in
Rochester, New York.
WaMu collapsed as its credit rating was slashed to junk and its stock price tumbled. Facing $19
billion of losses on soured mortgage loans, the lender put itself up for sale last week. WaMu fired
CEO Kerry Killinger on Sept. 8 and replaced him with Alan Fishman, who was awarded a $7.5 million
signing bonus and $1 million salary.
JPMorgan became the biggest U.S. bank by deposits with the deal, acquiring WaMu's branch network for
$1.9 billion.
Nyt bankkollaps øger frygt for konkurs i Wachovia.
USA's fjerdestørste bank, Wachovia, er under beskydning
fra flere sider i øjeblikket. Aktien drasler ned, finanskrisen tynger,
og banken må nu også se prisen på at konkursforsikre banken stryger i vejret.
Prisen på at konkursforsikre Wachovia-obligationer, der måles i
Credit Default Swap (CDS), bliver sendt op i smertetærskelniveau
efter kollegaen Washington Mutual i nat måtte lade sig overtage af
primært JP Morgan Chase.
Jan Rasmussen