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Future Peace on Earth Blocked by the Socio~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 23-09-08 23:40

We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao

- 'Balance of Power' and 'People are all Equal'

                         7 February 2007
                         {HRI 20070207-V3.7}

                           (Version 3.7-t
                           on 21 Feb 2008)

                      (suitable for foreign
                         language students)

                            (view Summary
                            by skipping


   Definition of Peace:

'Sufficient identification of Criminal Minds, and sufficient
   constraint of Criminal impulses.' *(1)


Putin is at present (7 February 2007) the most destructive politician
on Earth, in that he is actively preventing and actively destroying
Global Peace, with Hu Jintao a close second.

(On 9 Jan 2008, it is Hu Jintao who is first in evil to Earth,
   and Putin a close second, in evil to Earth). *(2)(3)


They achieve this primarily by supporting, and trading with, and by
(thus) keeping very severe Criminals in positions of power

   - preferably by keeping very severe Sociopaths in positions as
    heads of state.


They deceive the global community by PRETENDING, that that is
"understandable," because of "their economic reasons."

Of course, destroying global peace - which they do very actively
destroy - is not economical at all,

   except maybe seemingly so for a short moment and to a few people
   who are shown only the short term "benefits."


      Of course a thief or a dictator does not want any security
      at all for people, certainly not globally.



The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be, without being

   and this is why they oppose any actual Democracy and, with it,
   any legal security and security of expression and security of
   possession for others, *(5)

      and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
      stops their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack"
      law and freedom being established globally by

   the Democratic and free states of Earth.


         The current (meaning, the 10 February 2007) public
         Sociopathic "rant" of Putin, is entirely and only
         aimed at driving people insane and at thus helping
         other Sociopaths to stay in power.

         This is also the only aim of his (in 2007) intended
         "diplomatic" visits to the Middle East:

         To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal,
         to make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.


Balance of Power:

            When they can not achieve that, they demand
            a 'balance of power' - the next best
            "defense position" of a Criminal Mind,

             "people have to have the right to be
               evil, and need places to freely be
               evil, unchecked,"

               or "sovereign" and "protected by
               international law," *(5)

                  which is, how THEY would like, or
                  even demand, that others should

                "understand" the "rights, they can
                  claim" to "sovereignty," and to
                  "international law,"

               to create and maintain a regime of evil,
               and that,

                  NOT merely to terrorize a part of
                  TOWN or of a PROVINCE, as common
                  criminals like to accomplish it,

               as A WHOLE COUNTRY,

            so that any Criminal can choose the side of
            evil, and flee there from the wrath of those
            he harmed

             (from prosecution for murder committed
               against a very valuable and courageous
               person - perpetrated for instance by
               pouring Polonium in the tea of the

            and to have a base, from which to inflict harm
            "on others:"

               Suddenly, people who happen 'not to live
               in the same country,' are supposed to
               be "others."

               And "it is OK to harm 'others'," because
               ah, well, ah, you see, ah,

             "because they are 'others'," and "you
               have to choose SOMEONE TO HARM, isn't
               it, so, primarily you choose 'OTHERS',"

                  rather than those of 'your own'

               to murder or to steal from and to lie

             "It is also much safer," within a country
               of evil, when you brand the others,
               like Israel, "to be enemies,"

                  I don't see the Israelis having
                  ever been evil to the Iranians,
                  but violent Criminals, with
                  Khomeini, have been allowed to
                  found a state of evil, and

                  so they have to shout, some Arab
                  custom it seems, that "Israel"
                  is "evil" and "must be wiped out,"

                  indeed, for the Criminals to have
                  some more 'breathing space,' or

                'Lebensraum' as they said in their
                  previous life time, in which they
                  were openly allowed, to feel
                  contempt for and lie about and

                  to freely destroy any Jewish
                  person, and be 'abiding by law,'
                  in doing so.

                     Such is the nature also of
                     Putin and Hi Jintao, the
                     subjects of the present
                     Human Rights Issue

                   (and what they say - together
                     with their 'adviser,' Henry
                     Kissinger, what they say -

                   'There has to be a balance
                     between powers' - "the bad
                     cops and the good cops must
                     be equally strong and well

                     - 'that is only fair,' for
                      "life is a game" - and

                   "THAT BALANCE OF POWER DOES
                     PROTECT THE WEAK from being
                     obliterated by either side."


                        You have been
                        swallowing those
                        lies for decades,

                        while I was staring
                        out of the windows
                        of college, to learn,
                        that (the violently
                        evil dictator) 'Caesar
                        did consider Gaul
                        (now called France),
                        to be divided in three

                        and 'the best school,'
                        which I was attending,

                        had selected this as
                        highly important
                        knowledge for me and
                        everyone, to absorb.

                           They did NOT AT
                           ALL mention,
                           though, that
                           'Julius Caesar'
                           was a violently
                           evil dictator,

                           nor what role
                           Cicero had
                           played, at that
                           time period,
                           which would of
                           course have been
                           for me extremely



          "There has to be a balance between good and
            evil" - is, what they mean very literally

               but, they can, of course, not say that
               exactly as they mean it.

            What they mean, is:

             "If we do NOT, at this time, manage to
               dominate global organizations, then:"

             "The United Nations Organization must be
               a balanced representation of all
               countries" - MEANING:

             "It must represent a balance between good
               and evil, and must be composed of and
               must be controlled by good and by evil

                "as long as we can not manage to
                  have it - the United Nations
                  Organization - FULLY dominated by
                  evil individuals (by dictators)."




               And a Criminal Mind (Benjamin Franklin)

                (the same Benjamin Franklin who,
                  together with Lavoisier, got the
                  global scientific community - then
                  concentrated in France's capital -

                  to OFFICIALLY deny the existence
                  of Life Energy, which really means
                  the denial of Life itself,

                  resulting in you now, two hundred
                  years later, almost certainly
                  dying in the agony of a disease
                  or in a state of dementia,

                     with the same fate for your
                     friends and family, for all
                     people really, to die not
                     normally and healthy, of old
                     age, but of some form of
                     agonizing disease, and often
                     drugged because of it, and
                     maybe dying even in a state
                     of dementia or Alzheimer

                  the Sociopath Benjamin Franklin,

               wrote in the United States Constitution,
               that (and as any sane and normal person
               knows, it was contrary to all evidence,
               that he was stating nevertheless the
               "pleasant," but entirely malicious lie
               and insanity) "all people are equal,"



                  - so, it being part of a country's
                   Constitution, now you have of
                   course to agree NOT to detect
                   Sociopaths, or Criminal souls,
                   because "all people are equal,"

                        or are "brothers," as
                        the Arabs say when
                        they encounter a
                        Sociopath willing to
                        lead them to their

                        or which the French,
                        shortly after Benjamin
                        Franklin visited them,
                        said in this way:



                        A "brotherhood," and
                        "freedom" established
                        for a while, with the
                        'Fraternity' meaning
                        "all souls are equal,"

                        made to seem true with
                        the help of the sharp
                        knife, the Guillotine,

                        falling continuously
                        onto the neck of all
                        who would be, or were
                        seen as, "not equal"

                      ("seen" by Sociopaths
                        and by their cowardly
                        admirers and aides,
                        as "not equal")


                     which IS the intention of
                     the malicious but "pleasant"
                     lie, that "we are all equal"

                     intending, that therefore
                     you have to agree, that

                        which is of course
                        heavily countered by
                        the heros, the 'Three
                        Musketeers,' Alexandre
                        Dumas's heros, who
                        very strongly opposed
                        the wholly false idea,

                   (the FALSE idea, about war,

                   "IT IS NOT a matter of evil
                     fighting good," but instead
                     the lie, that

                   "war etc. is a fight 'between
                     two equal sides'" - it is

                     merely "friction, conflict
                     and controversy," measuring
                     of who is stronger and more

                        ideas, that all are
                        stemming DIRECTLY from
                        Criminal Minds, and
                        which you - and the
                        Associated Parrots -
                        accept and use and
                        spread, lies which do
                        claim, that what is
                        there, the situation,

                      "it is NOT" what it IS:

                        a fight between good
                        and evil, caused by
                        Criminal Minds,

                        BUT "all people are

                        implying and intending
                        to imply, that the
                        biggest Criminal Mind,

                        IF he or she is head
                        of state,

                           or just made
                           Deputy Prime
                           Minister of
                           Russia by Putin,

                      "is senior to you,"

                      so you have to agree

                   to that "balance of power" -




             'Criminal Minds "do not exist",' that is,
               according to the Constitution of the
               United States

                  - with one stroke of the
                   Criminal's pen, in one
                   "beautiful" and "pleasant"

                     wholly intended to make you
                     spiritually blind,

                     to force onto everyone the
                     same blindness -
                     (see References)


               DENYING the daily experience of anyone,

                  and OPPOSING the vital activity,
                  that any sane and caring man and
                  woman and child is engaged in,

                     constantly in daily life,

               necessary for being able to survive at
               all, and properly to care for and defend
               others, so that you can love them,

               that people ARE VERY, VERY DIFFERENT,
               that many are very good, and that some
               are very, very bad indeed BY THEIR
               INBORN NATURE.

                     And then Robert D. Hare has
                     to spend a life time of
                     research, to "make a strong
                     case for the view, that
                     psychopaths are actually
                     born like that, and not
                     made into psychopaths during
                     their life,"

                     even though it is against
                     the Constitution, to report
                     that truth about life.



         Instead, Criminal Minds, Sociopaths, are DENYING,
         that people are very, very different, yes, some
         even deny altogether, that people are souls, that
         people are distinct and very unique souls, each of

            and most of you are of TREMENDOUS Beauty and
            Love, by the way, but

         in the eyes of Sociopaths, in the Criminal Mind's
         eye, however,

            how THEY would LIKE to see and feel and to
            manipulate others, is by saying, or acting as
            if, or making "laws" according to which

       "everyone is a Sociopath, a Criminal Mind, really"

         - only "some are more ingenious than others, in
          their acting and pretending and lying, in hiding
          or camouflaging their actual intentions; and some
          are more cleverly or more forcefully evil than
          others," but

         - "all people are basically evil," is what they like
          to say or act upon:

             "All people must be dominated and
               controlled, else they will be evil,"

               while communism and fascism, including
               when it is disguised as "socialism" or
               "nationalism" and disguised as anything

               has proven completely - to you and to
               everyone - that this ONLY applies to
               Criminal Minds and to their lackeys
               (their spiritual slaves),

                  and, that for normal people,
                  for the vast majority of the
                  population, the opposite is true,
                  which is, the truth, that

                  exactly when normal people are NOT
                  dominated and NOT controlled, THEN
                  people will develop their Beauty
                  and Love, and tremendous care for
                  each other

                  - which can ONLY stem from free
                   will and the exertion of free
                   will -

                  completely CONTRARY to



          "all people must be dominated and controlled,
            and should cower in fear, like dogs do obey,"

          'the state' - meaning, of course, the dictators
            - must own most of life, and must determine
            most of life - "else people will be evil,"

          as for instance the Sociopath or Criminal Mind
          Chavez from Venezuela, and Russia's Putin and
          China's Hu Jintao are doing:

            They - those dictators - try to make people
            spiritually blind, and thus try to hypnotize
            their own people, into ''feeling they are
            "being cared for".






   OF COURSE, and all the time, you have to see whom you have in
   front of you, which is looking at THE SOUL of a person

    (and the person, the soul, has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH
      HIS BODY nor with his age or nationality or social
      position or gender {being a man or woman} or with wealth)

   and you have all the time, to LOOK at someone (at someone's
   SOUL, of course)

      - and sense and feel and radiate, radiating your Energy of
       perception at someone -

   to know how (sane or on the other hand, how destructive) someone
   else is,

      how someone is generally - or temporarily or on certain
      subjects or in certain situations -

      and Sociopaths are ALWAYS planning evil, and ALWAYS do
      enjoy to be evil,

         no matter how they do their acting and lying, and
         regardless of the big (but entirely false) tears and
         the "care" and "support" they may show or give,

         knowledge about them, once you are willing to accept
         the simple but ACTUAL facts of life,


      and you have to act accordingly, OF COURSE,

   safety and well-being,

      except in Arabia, because "all Arabs, especially when
      they are Muslims, and on top of that, when they are male,
      'are by definition good',"

       as you see it in the Middle East: No matter how
       murderous and treacherous and vile a person is,
       being a "brother," he can count on being made
       responsible for the TREMENDOUS damage he has inflicted
       on his "brothers" and their families, in the Middle

          Thus they have to find someone else to blame,
          for HIS extreme evil and malice.

      But, as the truth is, that souls are extremely different,
      and one in twenty are constantly malicious and ENJOY to
      be malicious, it must follow then (that is, mathematically
      speaking, of course, it must follow) that

    "Arabs, especially of the Muslim variety, have no soul,"

         apparently, because that is what some of them
         suggest - and that even without being contradicted
         by the remaining nineteen out of twenty (Muslim or
         other) Arab "brothers," those who are NOT Criminal
         Minds -

         it must follow then, now not mathematically but very
         politically speaking,

            if we look only at the history and present
            of the Palestinians and of other warring Arab
            Muslims, or Malaysians too, "who all are
            brothers and who have NO CRIMINAL MINDS in
            their midst," they must then, by simple logic,
            be claiming,

               which explains their "friendship" with
               NON-Muslim, NON-Arabic Criminal Minds
               and severe Sociopaths, like Venezuela's
               Hugo Chavez,

         it must follow then, that in their customary
         thinking and thus in their acting,

    "they have no soul that you would have to look at and
      examine," but, they are "either a male body, a female
      body, or a child body," which makes life "very simple,"
      of course,

       "very simple life," as you see from the endless evil
         they cause and try to perpetuate in the Middle East,

               first making a global fight to suppress
               some cartoon comments - about THEMSELVES
               all the time blaming their violence and
               "martyred" but very cowardly murders,
               on the Arabian prophet Mohammed,

                  claiming how "very evil" it is,
                  to point out THEIR evil,

               and now (15 Feb 2007) making a global
               fight about "how evil" it is, that some
               architects and archaeologists are doing
               some necessary repairs around "holy"
               buildings in Jerusalem,

               amounting to

            a very DISTORTED and REVERSED concept of good
            and evil,

               which is of course not aided by throwing
               stones at a pillar in Mecca instead of
               facing ACTUAL evil - that is:

               instead of facing Sociopaths amongst the
               Muslims THEMSELVES, facing Criminal
               Minds who pretend to be "spiritual
               leaders," (I mentioned them elsewhere
               by name) who are

               promoting a very DISTORTED and REVERSED
               concept of good and evil, as they did
               in the past, in religion's history as

            and that they have now exported violently, by
            high jacked airplane, to New York, and by bus
            and rail, to London and to Madrid,

             'an article of export and faith,' that
               - you can imagine - was not received
               well at all, by those communities in
               New York, London and Madrid,

               to people who did NOT suffer from that
               very DISTORTED and REVERSED concept of
               good and evil, and who do NOT chant in
               public and even in national gatherings,
               "Death to America," "Death to Israel,"

            which is entirely and only the "chant" of
            Criminal Minds hypnotizing the crowd, driving
            a crowd of people INSANE, and, keeping their
            crowd INSANE,

               which is the spiritual war, that
               underlies ANY physical war, and any
               war is ALWAYS a fight between good and
               evil, *(4)

                  no matter what the Criminal Minds
                  say to the contrary.

                     A bit further East, in India
                     some claim (understandably,
                     of course, when you know
                     THAT they are Criminal Minds
                     who of course claim) that

                   "Good and Evil do not exist,"
                     and "are just a matter of
                     viewpoint," and "Evil is
                     necessary," like, "in order
                     to establish good"

                     - lies that are of course
                      not believed by someone
                      who is being tortured or
                      who is falsely imprisoned
                      or drugged -

                     all lies, very vicious lies,
                     originating FROM Criminal
                     Minds, from Sociopaths,


and with their lie, that "Criminal Minds (Sociopaths) do not exist,"
but that "all people (souls) are equal," they mean also,

   and it is INTENDED by them to mean and to be used, so,

that you can never resolve war, the resolution of which I described
in 'The Nature of War.' (see References)








   YOU HAVE TO COUNTER THAT - and any evil - by 'Zero Tolerance
   for Criminal Impulses.'

   That is so because of the nature of the Criminal Mind, of the
   Sociopath - of Putin and of Hu Jintao in this case:

   You have to exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses.'

         This you have seen from history - the more you
         'give in' to Sociopaths, for whatever very good
         "reason" - the more evil and destructive they
         IN THEIR EVIL by any slumbering Sociopaths

            not only by those within their own group, but
            by those slumbering within YOUR group or your
            country as well.


      Of course you CAN allow that, if you wish, and continue to
      ruin my life and that of all others,

      but it is not appreciated, certainly not by me,

         because I love PEOPLE.


   You have to exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses,'

      and you will find, that Sociopaths, like Putin and Hu

       (and Malaysia's national Sociopath and ex-Premier,
         Mahathir Mohamad, etc., etc., who all are violently
         insane Sociopaths)

      do radiate ONLY Criminal Impulses - constantly, day and
      night, and to everyone. This was already known to King


         Maintaining peace and defense, is then for a very
         large part the education of people into exerting
         'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses,'

   for which a few billion dollars will be extremely well spent.



         This is precisely THE OPPOSITE of what is being
         done in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez has been and
         remains on a constant campaign to make people NOT
         OPPOSE Criminal Impulses,

         to NOT SEE Criminals as Criminals, but as "heros,"

         to NOT SEE Dictatorship as Dictatorship, but as
         "Socialism" and as "Government by the people,"

         to NOT SEE Poverty as Poverty, but as "Freedom from

         to NOT SEE Degradation and Stupidity and Lies as
         Degradation and Stupidity and Lies, but as "Freedom
         to express oneself" ...indeed.


         Hugo Chavez PROMISES the Venezuelan people, that
         he will create another Cuba for them.

            And he hypnotizes them into agreeing how
            "great and needed" that is for them.

      Back to the global scene

         including the bigger "friends," of the Sociopath
         Hugo Chavez and of other heads of state who are

         the biggest and most destructive ones being Putin
         and Hu Jintao,

            BECAUSE these support and prevent the smaller
            ones from being stopped. (Which is the whole
            point of this Human right Issue.)





In their quest to prove to journalists (and via them to you, and to
other global politicians) that "they themselves," Putin and Hu Jintao

         and other Sociopaths,
         Severely-Criminal-Minds (SCM's),
         Individuals-Without-Conscience (IWC's),
         Contempt-For-Mankind (CFM) personalities

"are normal," and "are in charge of people," even (the biggest lie to
you) that Criminal Minds "are 'senior' to you"

         - how you accept, that a Sociopath is spiritually
          "senior" to you, is, because of their forceful

          (and, the forceful Energy of their lying, is
            of course a major part of their hypnotizing
            you, resulting in

            you GIVING them the Energy of Admiration, and
            it results in you not opposing their hypnotic
            Energy, that is coming at you,

               as famous politician-hypnotist Joseph
               Goebbels remarked, after giving a long
               speech to a crowd of Germans:

             "I could have told that crowd, at that
               time, that they all must jump in the
               sea and drown, and THEY ACTUALLY WOULD
               HAVE DONE IT,")


          but the intelligent reader knows, that the
          opposite of their lies, that truth

          (seeing or feeling what actually did happen,
            caused by whom and with what intentions

                - which is a MAJOR part of any warfare
                if you desire to win and care for
                people, allowing them to feel truth,
                to know who really did what, simple

                  but which is VIOLENTLY opposed by
                  "anti-war" activists, and by those
                  immersed in their 'New Age' lies
                  about life and people, in Buddhism
                  and in Hinduism and the doctrines
                  of "peace" - always in the form of
                  denying or hiding evil,

                     which THEY will not tell you
                     so clearly - they slightly
                     camouflage, what they do
                     practice and want - but it

                  BECAUSE their whole "salvation"
                  lies in DESTROYING their feeling
                  (and in DESTROYING others feeling)
                  the truth of what actually did
                  happen, their practices are for
                  blanking out their feeling of who
                  caused what with what intentions,

               but in actual life, far AWAY from their
               Drugging Euphoria where "all Sociopaths
               are loving people, loving also you, and
               meaning nothing bad,"

                  far AWAY from any Buddhism, any
                  Hinduism and any 'New Age,' and

                  NOT immersed in lies, but

               in ACTUAL LIFE, it is so, that

            SENSING AND FEELING THE TRUTH - who caused
            what with what ACTUAL intentions - )

          is very much 'un-hypnotizing' or 'de-hypnotizing'
          you - and therefore


indeed THEY, being Sociopaths, do nothing but intelligently lying,

      creating lies in a form 'that journalists will feel
      compelled to relay to you,' and that 'the more cowardly
      of you, will emotionally and "rationally" respond to
      favorably, and act upon,'

and they indeed HAVE their lies dutifully relayed, with great
accuracy and speed, by the various FREE news agencies,

      such as by the Associated Parrots (abbreviated currently
      as 'AP,' 'AFP,' 'REUTERS,' 'ABC,' 'CNN,' 'BBC' and the
      like) very "precisely" reporting the lies of Sociopaths,

      as Moscow's Associated Parrot or AP writer, Steve Gutter-
      man, ENJOYS maliciously to "very accurately" report the
      lies from any Russian government Sociopath or ideologist,
      to protect and hide the Severely Criminal Minds,

         as currently also Hu Jintao's very repulsive lies
         about "wanting harmony" in Africa, are so reported,

         WHILE he is, Hu Jintao and his Chinese advisers are,
         very active in maintaining exactly the opposite in
         Africa and elsewhere,

            which is not reported at the same time, by the
            Associated Parrots,

   because the general intelligence of journalists is far, far
   inferior to that of Sociopaths.



      The journalists have now some agreement amongst each other
      to call Sociopaths 'hard liners' or 'being reclusive,' or
      'being a former paratrooper'

          (as also Hitler was jokingly referred to by
            those of some understanding, as him being
            "the corporal of Bohemia," or "the greatest
            general of all times")

         a few of the journalists of the Associated Parrots,
         are actually faintly aware, THAT Sociopaths do
         exist, and

         some have been as intelligent as to detect that
         condition in North Korea's Kim Jong Il, and they
         have detected the condition in Iran's Ahmadinejad,
         some even found it in Venezuela's Chavez.


            To my great surprise (when I still suffered
            from the illusion, that journalists have at
            least SOME small portion of the intellect
            they do claim so arduously to have)

            these still - after thirty years or so - (they
            still) have NOT found that out about Castro,
            about Cuba's Castro, about Fidel Castro, that
            he Castro is - and his heros are also - most
            severe Sociopaths.

               This will always remain a great mystery
               to me, that is, of course, until I look,

                  and find out WHO (the individuals
                  who) refused to label Castro for
                  what he is, and why they refuse(d)

                  WHO exported and maintained:
                  "adore the most severe Criminals
                  and vicious murderers," like 'Che'
                  Ernesto Guevara in this case,

               until I see someone else's findings on
               the matter - and I saw some sane reports
               already, on the Sociopath Castro and
               his work to ruin life.





As regards Putin, the Sociopath (who, in his current lifetime is
called) Vladimir Putin - remember that Sociopaths are BORN as
Sociopaths, their SOUL is a Sociopath -

      that is, for those readers who have still some slight
      measure of their intellect intact (undamaged) and
      somewhat under their own volition and will,

you might be interested to read up on (to study) the character of
Cardinal Mazarin, a dictator of France in the 1600's.


Not only that character, but also the portrait of that "statesman,"
the French pervert and dictator, Mr. Cardinal Mazarin, you will find
strikingly does resemble that of currently Vladimir Putin,

       (Mazarin's face indeed has a great likeness to
         Vladimir Putin, for those who might like to
         understand these matters:

         - See http://www.answers.com/topic/cardinal-mazarin

         While his mentor of political evil, the French
         dictator Cardinal Richelieu, was fought by the
         famous characters 'The Three Musketeers' in the
         novels of classic writer Alexandre Dumas,

         Mazarin is a major character in the Alexandre Dumas
         novels 'Twenty Years After' and 'Le Vicomte de

         In these, Mazarin is portrayed (quite correctly) as
         'power-hungry, paranoid, and greedy,' and

            who of course now never would be able to be a
            dictator to the French people,

               if only already because of his present
               family name, which does not inspire
               confidence amongst those who speak

            even though the French were 'represented'
            since many years themselves by a Sociopath,
            Jacques Chirac,

               who did not mind at all having the Iraqi
               people destroyed by Saddam Hussein, but
               supported him in it, and

               who does not mind having a few million
               Iranian people, the city of Teheran, he
               mentioned recently, blasted into
               radio-active vapor, "the moment Iran's
               Ahmadinejad and Khamenei fire off an
               atom bomb at another country,"

               rather than removing, even assassinating
               Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, and if still
               necessary, destroying also their atom-
               bomb factories)

the French people are not that stupid or that blindly folding up, as
currently the Russian people under Putin still ARE folding up,

   Russian people - which includes the originally very kind and
   caring, non-criminal, but now spiritually severely blinded
   Mr. 'glasnost' Gorbachev,

      with his pathetic web site that shows his complete lack of
      understanding anything at all about peace,

         a LACK of understanding of peace, that is,

            strangely enough,

         commonly and duly detected, AND acknowledged AND
         rewarded by the Scandinavian caretakers of Alfred
         Nobel, as "contributing globally to peace."





Putin, and his current Russian "government" of severely Criminal Minds

(Minister Sergei Lavrov, and Minister Sergei Ivanov - spiritually
   the 'shiny' lackey of Putin - and the ruthless killer, Federal
   Security Service (FSB) Chief Nikolai Patrushev,*

      as well as their Prosecutor General, Yuri Chaika

      - to keep their biggest crimes (that is, those committed
       or allowed or ordered committed by them within the
       "territory" of Russia) un-prosecuted and hidden, and

      - to make sure (as it was during the Cold War also) that
       decent and caring and responsible Russians ARE arrested
       and prosecuted, and if "necessary" (according to these
       Criminal Minds, that is) then of course also locked up,

         by means of Chinese-style "court-procedures" and
         "approved by the people" by means of "informing
         people" with 'Itar-Tass and RIA Novosti-style' media

            not to mention Moscow AP writer and Sociopath,
            Steve Gutter-man, who likes to propagate the
            lies as dictated by the "highly popular,"
            'Dear Russian Leader,' Vladimir Putin,

       by the current Russian "government" of - and nested at
       its very top, once again - severely Criminal Minds or
       Sociopaths, these


have NO RIGHTS whatsoever on any 'Security Council,' or in any United
Nations body for that matter

   - (because) those bodies of the United Nations have goals and
    functions totally opposed to the intentions and violently
    opposed to the practices of Criminal heads of state -

no matter what any spineless and immoral, past or current "Secretary
General" may falsely "define" as 'Security' for people, for you and
me, that is:


   It is supposed to be the Security of decent and caring people,
   which exactly requires, that Criminal Minds or Sociopaths are
   NOT in charge of other people, let alone in charge of any

      But Putin, Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Chavez and Castro and
      the like, Iran's Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, Syria's Bashar,
      Zimbabwe's Mugabe, etc., etc.,

         have the very opposite in mind: In their actions,
         and in their lies, and in their "financial" trans-
         actions and in their "sovereign" diplomacy,

            which have nothing at all to do with being
            financially responsible, nor with establishing
            or maintaining sovereignty,

         they are DESTROYING finances on a very large and
         long term scale, and they are UNDERMINING and are
         very actively PREVENTING sovereignty

         - should you wish to agree, to actually define those
          concepts constructively as these originally were


* (Putin, showing himself as the blackmailed slave of (FSB) Chief
Nikolai Patrushev:
http://news.yahoo.com/photo/070131/481/mosb10501311526 )
[temporary news link - I suggest you save that page and picture for
future study or academic or journalistic use]



Putin "loves" only one thing

(besides labeling as "state secrets" his serial killings and his
   sexual perversions, his vicious libel and his subversion of
   Russia and his heinous crimes against Russians)

that, what he loves to do, is, to dominate others, and to be regarded
and to be treated as "not a severe criminal." This he has in common
with Hu Jintao, and with Jiang Zemin, and with most other Sociopaths
or Criminal Minds.





The journalists are ALL nicely reporting the lies:

   When Hu Jintao says "Harmony" and "Peace," HE means oppression
   and torture and domination, that's HIS idea of "Harmony."



   When Putin says "prosperity," HE means getting people to fight
   each other

       (and to guard that as "state secrets," murderous and
         subversive operations organized and ordered and
         covered up by him)

   - which is always done and CAN ONLY BE DONE by supporting
    Criminal Minds -

         as I explained to you in 'The Nature of War,'
         (see References)

         but you prefer, rather, to be hypnotized by Criminal
         Minds, who make you "understand war,"


   so that he can "profit" by PRETENDING to all others, that "HE
   himself is 'a friend'," and he is

   pretending to be "a friend" to his own group of course, the
   group that "benefits" from "him opposing 'the enemies' of life:"


      Criminal Minds have everything in reverse - HE is the
      enemy of life, and he destroys, kills and imprisons
      FRIENDS of life.


         Do you get it now, finally?

            Life is about life, not about "countries" or
            "heads of state," but ABOUT life:

            Sociopaths are AGAINST LIFE - this make them -
            this makes Putin and Hu Jintao and Saddam
            Hussein and Chavez etc., VERY PREDICTABLE,


               You never give in to a Criminal Mind,

               because he or she will only use that,
               to be MORE Criminal against you and
               AGAINST LIFE.


            That is why you have to exert 'Zero Tolerance
            for Criminal Impulses.'

               That has nothing at all to do with laws,

               but you will find, that most laws are
               INTENDED and made to do just that, to
               exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal
               Impulses,' and laws should be so used.

                  Again, Criminal Minds will make
                  "laws" that are just the opposite.




   When Putin bursts out "against Unilateral politics" and "global
   domination, by America,"

      HE, Vladimir Putin, being a Sociopath, means precisely
      the OPPOSITE of what he says:

         HE, Putin, IS 'Unilateral' - HE tries to be the
         dictator of Russia and of countries surrounding it,

         HE, Putin, actively supports OTHER 'Unilateral'
         heads of state and their countries, dictatorships,
         Severely Criminal Minds, and

   Northern America is about as MULTI-LATERAL a society as you can
   get, and that includes all other democracies that are allied in
   or with the NATO, the organization that protects exactly THAT
   MULTI-LATERAL society

      by means of - again - very MULTI-LATERAL defense


         Putin - being a Sociopath - DOES want a 'Unilateral'
         government, in which he and other Sociopaths are the
         revered, admired and obeyed dictators:

            Putin HATES people, he has a thorough CONTEMPT
            for people,

            and he, Putin, wants TO GET RID of and he DOES
            get rid OF ANYONE who LOVES PEOPLE.

               He even hates American hamburgers,
               apparently: He blows them up regularly
               with the aid of FSB Chief Patrushev,
               who - rather than bringing song and wine
               to dinner - provides explosives (and
               poisons too, for 'English Tea') and

               Putin rather blames his own crimes
               against Russia and Russians, on imagined
               "Chechnia separatists," and he has any
               witnesses that are "too unimportant,"
               poisoned anyway, with Polonium.


         Criminal Minds have NO RIGHT TO GOVERN people,

            no matter how "well elected" or "loved by the
            people" they may be,

               as you can see very easily from your
               history books and documentaries.





They, Putin and Hu Jintao, are very severe Sociopaths.

And - contrary to the 'doctrines of the New Age "Peace Activists" or
of the "Anti-War" protesters'- the condition of someone being a
Sociopath, his soul, does NOT change,

   also not by journalists passing on all their lies to you; and

      the condition of Kim Jong Il does also not change, no
      matter how many lies he forces onto his "own (the North
      Korean) people,"

      nor does the condition of any other Sociopath change, by
      any practice or doctrine of Buddhism, Hinduism or 'New
      Age,' with their lies about life aimed solely at NOT
      facing and NOT understanding and NOT stopping evil, but
      by PRETENDING "it is not there," or "evil is necessary,"
      or "evil is just a matter of viewpoint;" nor does the
      condition of Sociopaths change, by

   journalists passing on and making others believe what those
   Sociopaths do lie about:

      While Hu Jintao publicly does NOT label the very severe
      Chinese Criminals in China's past - of course not, he
      would have to label himself and Jiang Zemin as well - as
      severely criminal, and as being Sociopaths,

      so does also Putin NOT declare severe Criminal Minds of
      Russia's past, like Lenin, or Stalin, and other major
      Russian Criminals, to be what these are, BUT

      Putin - as all Criminal Minds do, he does THE OPPOSITE,

   like Hu Jintao towards Chinese - Putin DOES falsely arrest, and
   "convict," and imprison

      - or if he can't do that, THEN he acts as a serial killer,

the very caring, the very capable, the very decent and the very
loving Russians, who DO love Russia and who ARE capable of loving
the people of Russia, and of loving people globally.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                      'Men of all nations came
                   to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
                sent by all the kings of the world,
                   who had heard of his wisdom.'

                            1 Kings 4:34

(1) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
   {HRI 20070520-V3.2}
    (20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

(2) 'China's Hu Jintao, currently the most evil and the most
   unhandled evil to Earth'
   {HRI 20080102-V1.3}'
    (2 January 2008 - Version 1.3 on 4 Jan 2008)

(3) 'Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious evil that ... committed
   against the CHINESE?'
   {HRI 20051120-V5.2-q1-V1.1}
    (2 January 2008 - Version 1.1 on 4 Jan 2008)

(4) 'Is This Your Role on Earth? - A Very Simple Observation'
   {HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.3.1}
    (2 July 2007 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Jan 2008)

(5) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
   UNO, ONU)'
   {HRI 20060429-V3.4.1} - it quotes from {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
    (29 April 2006 - Version 3.4.1 on 19 Feb 2008)


For enclosures, see, for instance:

'Putin - At Present The Most Destructive Politician On Earth,
   In Actively Preventing And Actively Destroying Global Peace,
   With Hu Jintao A Close Second'
   {HRI 20070207-V1.1}
    (7 February 2007 - Version 1.1)


'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
   {HRI 20070520-V3.2}
    (20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

'The Nature of War'
   {HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
    (27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
   {HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
    (5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

'Definition Of Sanity'
   {HRI 20040410-V1.2}
    (10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)

'Facing Having Been Made Spiritually Blind'
   {HRI 20070105-V3.3}
    (5 January 2007 - Version 3.3 on 4 Feb 2007)

   See also the other HRI's that obviously are on the subject.



Copyright 2007, 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
earns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

jdewitte (24-09-2008)
Fra : jdewitte

Dato : 24-09-08 08:47



Ihb ad UN/UNSC-ISAF_Mandaatverlenging van 1(een)jaar [20080922UNSCR1833]
dan niet te vergeten
Na jarenlang, herhaaldelijke INTERNETaandringen op wijziging van "USoA"
in Iraq resp Afghanistan,
heeft met voorbijgaan? van UN/UNSC-(fed)USoA-STATE/Verantwoordelijkheid,
ogv Resultaten[lees:Doden/Gewonden,Kosten(,Y/N Gepland)]in het verleden,
heeft na maanden geleden reeds de NATO/SG met de 6(zes) onderwerpen enz,
Pres.Bush aangekondigd voor zijn resterende Ambtsperiode t/m in 2009jan!
"USoA" grondig te wijzigen.
Ave Imperator, Te morituri salutant ?!
Mr J.E.F.M. de Witte(Dr.Juridico).

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
> The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao
> - 'Balance of Power' and 'People are all Equal'
> 7 February 2007
> {HRI 20070207-V3.7}
> (Version 3.7-t
> on 21 Feb 2008)
> (suitable for foreign
> language students)
> (view Summary
> by skipping
> indentation)
> '
> Definition of Peace:
> 'Sufficient identification of Criminal Minds, and sufficient
> constraint of Criminal impulses.' *(1)
> '
> Putin is at present (7 February 2007) the most destructive politician
> on Earth, in that he is actively preventing and actively destroying
> Global Peace, with Hu Jintao a close second.
> (On 9 Jan 2008, it is Hu Jintao who is first in evil to Earth,
> and Putin a close second, in evil to Earth). *(2)(3)
> '
> They achieve this primarily by supporting, and trading with, and by
> (thus) keeping very severe Criminals in positions of power
> - preferably by keeping very severe Sociopaths in positions as
> heads of state.
> '
> They deceive the global community by PRETENDING, that that is
> "understandable," because of "their economic reasons."
> Of course, destroying global peace - which they do very actively
> destroy - is not economical at all,
> except maybe seemingly so for a short moment and to a few people
> who are shown only the short term "benefits."
> '
> Of course a thief or a dictator does not want any security
> at all for people, certainly not globally.
> '
> '
> The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
> Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be, without being
> stopped,
> and this is why they oppose any actual Democracy and, with it,
> any legal security and security of expression and security of
> possession for others, *(5)
> and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
> stops their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack"
> law and freedom being established globally by
> the Democratic and free states of Earth.
> '
> The current (meaning, the 10 February 2007) public
> Sociopathic "rant" of Putin, is entirely and only
> aimed at driving people insane and at thus helping
> other Sociopaths to stay in power.
> This is also the only aim of his (in 2007) intended
> "diplomatic" visits to the Middle East:
> To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal,
> to make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.
> '
> Balance of Power:
> When they can not achieve that, they demand
> a 'balance of power' - the next best
> "defense position" of a Criminal Mind,
> "people have to have the right to be
> evil, and need places to freely be
> evil, unchecked,"
> or "sovereign" and "protected by
> international law," *(5)
> which is, how THEY would like, or
> even demand, that others should
> "understand" the "rights, they can
> claim" to "sovereignty," and to
> "international law,"
> to create and maintain a regime of evil,
> and that,
> NOT merely to terrorize a part of
> TOWN or of a PROVINCE, as common
> criminals like to accomplish it,
> but
> so that any Criminal can choose the side of
> evil, and flee there from the wrath of those
> he harmed
> (from prosecution for murder committed
> against a very valuable and courageous
> person - perpetrated for instance by
> pouring Polonium in the tea of the
> victim)
> and to have a base, from which to inflict harm
> "on others:"
> Suddenly, people who happen 'not to live
> in the same country,' are supposed to
> be "others."
> And "it is OK to harm 'others'," because
> ah, well, ah, you see, ah,
> "because they are 'others'," and "you
> have to choose SOMEONE TO HARM, isn't
> it, so, primarily you choose 'OTHERS',"
> rather than those of 'your own'
> group,
> to murder or to steal from and to lie
> about.
> "It is also much safer," within a country
> of evil, when you brand the others,
> like Israel, "to be enemies,"
> I don't see the Israelis having
> ever been evil to the Iranians,
> but violent Criminals, with
> Khomeini, have been allowed to
> found a state of evil, and
> so they have to shout, some Arab
> custom it seems, that "Israel"
> is "evil" and "must be wiped out,"
> indeed, for the Criminals to have
> some more 'breathing space,' or
> 'Lebensraum' as they said in their
> previous life time, in which they
> were openly allowed, to feel
> contempt for and lie about and
> to freely destroy any Jewish
> person, and be 'abiding by law,'
> in doing so.
> Such is the nature also of
> Putin and Hi Jintao, the
> subjects of the present
> Human Rights Issue
> (and what they say - together
> with their 'adviser,' Henry
> Kissinger, what they say -
> is):
> 'There has to be a balance
> between powers' - "the bad
> cops and the good cops must
> be equally strong and well
> equipped"
> - 'that is only fair,' for
> "life is a game" - and
> PROTECT THE WEAK from being
> obliterated by either side."
> '
> You have been
> swallowing those
> lies for decades,
> while I was staring
> out of the windows
> of college, to learn,
> that (the violently
> evil dictator) 'Caesar
> did consider Gaul
> (now called France),
> to be divided in three
> parts,'
> and 'the best school,'
> which I was attending,
> had selected this as
> highly important
> knowledge for me and
> everyone, to absorb.
> They did NOT AT
> ALL mention,
> though, that
> 'Julius Caesar'
> was a violently
> evil dictator,
> nor what role
> Cicero had
> played, at that
> time period,
> which would of
> course have been
> for me extremely
> interesting...
> '
> '
> "There has to be a balance between good and
> evil" - is, what they mean very literally
> but, they can, of course, not say that
> exactly as they mean it.
> What they mean, is:
> "If we do NOT, at this time, manage to
> dominate global organizations, then:"
> "The United Nations Organization must be
> a balanced representation of all
> countries" - MEANING:
> "It must represent a balance between good
> and evil, and must be composed of and
> must be controlled by good and by evil
> people,"
> "as long as we can not manage to
> have it - the United Nations
> Organization - FULLY dominated by
> evil individuals (by dictators)."
> '
> '
> '
> And a Criminal Mind (Benjamin Franklin)
> (the same Benjamin Franklin who,
> together with Lavoisier, got the
> global scientific community - then
> concentrated in France's capital -
> to OFFICIALLY deny the existence
> of Life Energy, which really means
> the denial of Life itself,
> resulting in you now, two hundred
> years later, almost certainly
> dying in the agony of a disease
> or in a state of dementia,
> with the same fate for your
> friends and family, for all
> people really, to die not
> normally and healthy, of old
> age, but of some form of
> agonizing disease, and often
> drugged because of it, and
> maybe dying even in a state
> of dementia or Alzheimer
> disease,
> the Sociopath Benjamin Franklin,
> who)
> wrote in the United States Constitution,
> that (and as any sane and normal person
> knows, it was contrary to all evidence,
> that he was stating nevertheless the
> "pleasant," but entirely malicious lie
> and insanity) "all people are equal,"
> '
> '
> - so, it being part of a country's
> Constitution, now you have of
> course to agree NOT to detect
> Sociopaths, or Criminal souls,
> because "all people are equal,"
> or are "brothers," as
> the Arabs say when
> they encounter a
> Sociopath willing to
> lead them to their
> doom,
> or which the French,
> shortly after Benjamin
> Franklin visited them,
> said in this way:
> "Liberty,"
> "Equality,"
> "Fraternity."
> '
> A "brotherhood," and
> "freedom" established
> for a while, with the
> 'Fraternity' meaning
> "all souls are equal,"
> made to seem true with
> the help of the sharp
> knife, the Guillotine,
> falling continuously
> onto the neck of all
> who would be, or were
> seen as, "not equal"
> ("seen" by Sociopaths
> and by their cowardly
> admirers and aides,
> as "not equal")
> '
> which IS the intention of
> the malicious but "pleasant"
> lie, that "we are all equal"
> intending, that therefore
> you have to agree, that
> which is of course
> heavily countered by
> the heros, the 'Three
> Musketeers,' Alexandre
> Dumas's heros, who
> very strongly opposed
> the wholly false idea,
> that
> '
> (the FALSE idea, about war,
> that)
> "IT IS NOT a matter of evil
> fighting good," but instead
> the lie, that
> "war etc. is a fight 'between
> two equal sides'" - it is
> merely "friction, conflict
> and controversy," measuring
> of who is stronger and more
> clever,
> ideas, that all are
> stemming DIRECTLY from
> Criminal Minds, and
> which you - and the
> Associated Parrots -
> accept and use and
> spread, lies which do
> claim, that what is
> there, the situation,
> that
> "it is NOT" what it IS:
> a fight between good
> and evil, caused by
> Criminal Minds,
> BUT "all people are
> equal,"
> implying and intending
> to imply, that the
> biggest Criminal Mind,
> IF he or she is head
> of state,
> or just made
> Deputy Prime
> Minister of
> Russia by Putin,
> "is senior to you,"
> so you have to agree
> to that "balance of power" -
> because
> '
> '
> 'Criminal Minds "do not exist",' that is,
> according to the Constitution of the
> United States
> - with one stroke of the
> Criminal's pen, in one
> "beautiful" and "pleasant"
> sentence,
> wholly intended to make you
> spiritually blind,
> to force onto everyone the
> same blindness -
> (see References)
> '
> DENYING the daily experience of anyone,
> and OPPOSING the vital activity,
> that any sane and caring man and
> woman and child is engaged in,
> constantly in daily life,
> necessary for being able to survive at
> all, and properly to care for and defend
> others, so that you can love them,
> that many are very good, and that some
> are very, very bad indeed BY THEIR
> And then Robert D. Hare has
> to spend a life time of
> research, to "make a strong
> case for the view, that
> psychopaths are actually
> born like that, and not
> made into psychopaths during
> their life,"
> even though it is against
> the Constitution, to report
> that truth about life.
> '
> '
> Instead, Criminal Minds, Sociopaths, are DENYING,
> that people are very, very different, yes, some
> even deny altogether, that people are souls, that
> people are distinct and very unique souls, each of
> you,
> and most of you are of TREMENDOUS Beauty and
> Love, by the way, but
> in the eyes of Sociopaths, in the Criminal Mind's
> eye, however,
> how THEY would LIKE to see and feel and to
> manipulate others, is by saying, or acting as
> if, or making "laws" according to which
> "everyone is a Sociopath, a Criminal Mind, really"
> - only "some are more ingenious than others, in
> their acting and pretending and lying, in hiding
> or camouflaging their actual intentions; and some
> are more cleverly or more forcefully evil than
> others," but
> - "all people are basically evil," is what they like
> to say or act upon:
> "All people must be dominated and
> controlled, else they will be evil,"
> while communism and fascism, including
> when it is disguised as "socialism" or
> "nationalism" and disguised as anything
> else,
> has proven completely - to you and to
> everyone - that this ONLY applies to
> Criminal Minds and to their lackeys
> (their spiritual slaves),
> and, that for normal people,
> for the vast majority of the
> population, the opposite is true,
> which is, the truth, that
> exactly when normal people are NOT
> dominated and NOT controlled, THEN
> people will develop their Beauty
> and Love, and tremendous care for
> each other
> - which can ONLY stem from free
> will and the exertion of free
> will -
> completely CONTRARY to
> '
> '
> "all people must be dominated and controlled,
> and should cower in fear, like dogs do obey,"
> 'the state' - meaning, of course, the dictators
> - must own most of life, and must determine
> most of life - "else people will be evil,"
> as for instance the Sociopath or Criminal Mind
> Chavez from Venezuela, and Russia's Putin and
> China's Hu Jintao are doing:
> They - those dictators - try to make people
> spiritually blind, and thus try to hypnotize
> their own people, into ''feeling they are
> "being cared for".
> '
> '
> '
> '
> '
> OF COURSE, and all the time, you have to see whom you have in
> front of you, which is looking at THE SOUL of a person
> (and the person, the soul, has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH
> HIS BODY nor with his age or nationality or social
> position or gender {being a man or woman} or with wealth)
> and you have all the time, to LOOK at someone (at someone's
> SOUL, of course)
> - and sense and feel and radiate, radiating your Energy of
> perception at someone -
> to know how (sane or on the other hand, how destructive) someone
> else is,
> how someone is generally - or temporarily or on certain
> subjects or in certain situations -
> and Sociopaths are ALWAYS planning evil, and ALWAYS do
> enjoy to be evil,
> no matter how they do their acting and lying, and
> regardless of the big (but entirely false) tears and
> the "care" and "support" they may show or give,
> knowledge about them, once you are willing to accept
> the simple but ACTUAL facts of life,
> and you have to act accordingly, OF COURSE,
> safety and well-being,
> except in Arabia, because "all Arabs, especially when
> they are Muslims, and on top of that, when they are male,
> 'are by definition good',"
> as you see it in the Middle East: No matter how
> murderous and treacherous and vile a person is,
> being a "brother," he can count on being made
> responsible for the TREMENDOUS damage he has inflicted
> on his "brothers" and their families, in the Middle
> East.
> Thus they have to find someone else to blame,
> for HIS extreme evil and malice.
> '
> But, as the truth is, that souls are extremely different,
> and one in twenty are constantly malicious and ENJOY to
> be malicious, it must follow then (that is, mathematically
> speaking, of course, it must follow) that
> "Arabs, especially of the Muslim variety, have no soul,"
> apparently, because that is what some of them
> suggest - and that even without being contradicted
> by the remaining nineteen out of twenty (Muslim or
> other) Arab "brothers," those who are NOT Criminal
> Minds -
> it must follow then, now not mathematically but very
> politically speaking,
> if we look only at the history and present
> of the Palestinians and of other warring Arab
> Muslims, or Malaysians too, "who all are
> brothers and who have NO CRIMINAL MINDS in
> their midst," they must then, by simple logic,
> be claiming,
> which explains their "friendship" with
> NON-Muslim, NON-Arabic Criminal Minds
> and severe Sociopaths, like Venezuela's
> Hugo Chavez,
> it must follow then, that in their customary
> thinking and thus in their acting,
> "they have no soul that you would have to look at and
> examine," but, they are "either a male body, a female
> body, or a child body," which makes life "very simple,"
> of course,
> "very simple life," as you see from the endless evil
> they cause and try to perpetuate in the Middle East,
> first making a global fight to suppress
> some cartoon comments - about THEMSELVES
> all the time blaming their violence and
> "martyred" but very cowardly murders,
> on the Arabian prophet Mohammed,
> claiming how "very evil" it is,
> to point out THEIR evil,
> and now (15 Feb 2007) making a global
> fight about "how evil" it is, that some
> architects and archaeologists are doing
> some necessary repairs around "holy"
> buildings in Jerusalem,
> amounting to
> a very DISTORTED and REVERSED concept of good
> and evil,
> which is of course not aided by throwing
> stones at a pillar in Mecca instead of
> facing ACTUAL evil - that is:
> instead of facing Sociopaths amongst the
> Muslims THEMSELVES, facing Criminal
> Minds who pretend to be "spiritual
> leaders," (I mentioned them elsewhere
> by name) who are
> promoting a very DISTORTED and REVERSED
> concept of good and evil, as they did
> in the past, in religion's history as
> well,
> and that they have now exported violently, by
> high jacked airplane, to New York, and by bus
> and rail, to London and to Madrid,
> 'an article of export and faith,' that
> - you can imagine - was not received
> well at all, by those communities in
> New York, London and Madrid,
> to people who did NOT suffer from that
> very DISTORTED and REVERSED concept of
> good and evil, and who do NOT chant in
> public and even in national gatherings,
> "Death to America," "Death to Israel,"
> which is entirely and only the "chant" of
> Criminal Minds hypnotizing the crowd, driving
> a crowd of people INSANE, and, keeping their
> crowd INSANE,
> which is the spiritual war, that
> underlies ANY physical war, and any
> war is ALWAYS a fight between good and
> evil, *(4)
> no matter what the Criminal Minds
> say to the contrary.
> A bit further East, in India
> some claim (understandably,
> of course, when you know
> THAT they are Criminal Minds
> who of course claim) that
> "Good and Evil do not exist,"
> and "are just a matter of
> viewpoint," and "Evil is
> necessary," like, "in order
> to establish good"
> - lies that are of course
> not believed by someone
> who is being tortured or
> who is falsely imprisoned
> or drugged -
> all lies, very vicious lies,
> originating FROM Criminal
> Minds, from Sociopaths,
> '
> and with their lie, that "Criminal Minds (Sociopaths) do not exist,"
> but that "all people (souls) are equal," they mean also,
> and it is INTENDED by them to mean and to be used, so,
> that you can never resolve war, the resolution of which I described
> in 'The Nature of War.' (see References)
> '
> '
> '
> '
> '
> '
> '
> YOU HAVE TO COUNTER THAT - and any evil - by 'Zero Tolerance
> for Criminal Impulses.'
> That is so because of the nature of the Criminal Mind, of the
> Sociopath - of Putin and of Hu Jintao in this case:
> You have to exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses.'
> This you have seen from history - the more you
> 'give in' to Sociopaths, for whatever very good
> "reason" - the more evil and destructive they
> IN THEIR EVIL by any slumbering Sociopaths
> not only by those within their own group, but
> by those slumbering within YOUR group or your
> country as well.
> '
> Of course you CAN allow that, if you wish, and continue to
> ruin my life and that of all others,
> but it is not appreciated, certainly not by me,
> because I love PEOPLE.
> '
> You have to exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses,'
> and you will find, that Sociopaths, like Putin and Hu
> Jintao,
> (and Malaysia's national Sociopath and ex-Premier,
> Mahathir Mohamad, etc., etc., who all are violently
> insane Sociopaths)
> do radiate ONLY Criminal Impulses - constantly, day and
> night, and to everyone. This was already known to King
> Solomon.
> '
> Maintaining peace and defense, is then for a very
> large part the education of people into exerting
> 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal Impulses,'
> for which a few billion dollars will be extremely well spent.
> '
> '
> This is precisely THE OPPOSITE of what is being
> done in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez has been and
> remains on a constant campaign to make people NOT
> OPPOSE Criminal Impulses,
> to NOT SEE Criminals as Criminals, but as "heros,"
> to NOT SEE Dictatorship as Dictatorship, but as
> "Socialism" and as "Government by the people,"
> to NOT SEE Poverty as Poverty, but as "Freedom from
> Imperialism,"
> to NOT SEE Degradation and Stupidity and Lies as
> Degradation and Stupidity and Lies, but as "Freedom
> to express oneself" ...indeed.
> '
> Hugo Chavez PROMISES the Venezuelan people, that
> he will create another Cuba for them.
> And he hypnotizes them into agreeing how
> "great and needed" that is for them.
> Back to the global scene
> including the bigger "friends," of the Sociopath
> Hugo Chavez and of other heads of state who are
> Sociopaths,
> the biggest and most destructive ones being Putin
> and Hu Jintao,
> BECAUSE these support and prevent the smaller
> ones from being stopped. (Which is the whole
> point of this Human right Issue.)
> '
> '
> '
> '
> In their quest to prove to journalists (and via them to you, and to
> other global politicians) that "they themselves," Putin and Hu Jintao
> and other Sociopaths,
> Severely-Criminal-Minds (SCM's),
> Individuals-Without-Conscience (IWC's),
> Contempt-For-Mankind (CFM) personalities
> "are normal," and "are in charge of people," even (the biggest lie to
> you) that Criminal Minds "are 'senior' to you"
> - how you accept, that a Sociopath is spiritually
> "senior" to you, is, because of their forceful
> hypnotism
> (and, the forceful Energy of their lying, is
> of course a major part of their hypnotizing
> you, resulting in
> you GIVING them the Energy of Admiration, and
> it results in you not opposing their hypnotic
> Energy, that is coming at you,
> as famous politician-hypnotist Joseph
> Goebbels remarked, after giving a long
> speech to a crowd of Germans:
> "I could have told that crowd, at that
> time, that they all must jump in the
> sea and drown, and THEY ACTUALLY WOULD
> '
> but the intelligent reader knows, that the
> opposite of their lies, that truth
> (seeing or feeling what actually did happen,
> caused by whom and with what intentions
> - which is a MAJOR part of any warfare
> if you desire to win and care for
> people, allowing them to feel truth,
> to know who really did what, simple
> truth,
> but which is VIOLENTLY opposed by
> "anti-war" activists, and by those
> immersed in their 'New Age' lies
> about life and people, in Buddhism
> and in Hinduism and the doctrines
> of "peace" - always in the form of
> denying or hiding evil,
> which THEY will not tell you
> so clearly - they slightly
> camouflage, what they do
> practice and want - but it
> is
> BECAUSE their whole "salvation"
> lies in DESTROYING their feeling
> (and in DESTROYING others feeling)
> the truth of what actually did
> happen, their practices are for
> blanking out their feeling of who
> caused what with what intentions,
> but in actual life, far AWAY from their
> Drugging Euphoria where "all Sociopaths
> are loving people, loving also you, and
> meaning nothing bad,"
> far AWAY from any Buddhism, any
> Hinduism and any 'New Age,' and
> NOT immersed in lies, but
> in ACTUAL LIFE, it is so, that
> what with what ACTUAL intentions - )
> is very much 'un-hypnotizing' or 'de-hypnotizing'
> you - and therefore
> '
> indeed THEY, being Sociopaths, do nothing but intelligently lying,
> creating lies in a form 'that journalists will feel
> compelled to relay to you,' and that 'the more cowardly
> of you, will emotionally and "rationally" respond to
> favorably, and act upon,'
> and they indeed HAVE their lies dutifully relayed, with great
> accuracy and speed, by the various FREE news agencies,
> such as by the Associated Parrots (abbreviated currently
> as 'AP,' 'AFP,' 'REUTERS,' 'ABC,' 'CNN,' 'BBC' and the
> like) very "precisely" reporting the lies of Sociopaths,
> as Moscow's Associated Parrot or AP writer, Steve Gutter-
> man, ENJOYS maliciously to "very accurately" report the
> lies from any Russian government Sociopath or ideologist,
> to protect and hide the Severely Criminal Minds,
> as currently also Hu Jintao's very repulsive lies
> about "wanting harmony" in Africa, are so reported,
> WHILE he is, Hu Jintao and his Chinese advisers are,
> very active in maintaining exactly the opposite in
> Africa and elsewhere,
> which is not reported at the same time, by the
> Associated Parrots,
> because the general intelligence of journalists is far, far
> inferior to that of Sociopaths.
> '
> '
> The journalists have now some agreement amongst each other
> to call Sociopaths 'hard liners' or 'being reclusive,' or
> 'being a former paratrooper'
> (as also Hitler was jokingly referred to by
> those of some understanding, as him being
> "the corporal of Bohemia," or "the greatest
> general of all times")
> a few of the journalists of the Associated Parrots,
> are actually faintly aware, THAT Sociopaths do
> exist, and
> some have been as intelligent as to detect that
> condition in North Korea's Kim Jong Il, and they
> have detected the condition in Iran's Ahmadinejad,
> some even found it in Venezuela's Chavez.
> '
> To my great surprise (when I still suffered
> from the illusion, that journalists have at
> least SOME small portion of the intellect
> they do claim so arduously to have)
> these still - after thirty years or so - (they
> still) have NOT found that out about Castro,
> about Cuba's Castro, about Fidel Castro, that
> he Castro is - and his heros are also - most
> severe Sociopaths.
> This will always remain a great mystery
> to me, that is, of course, until I look,
> and find out WHO (the individuals
> who) refused to label Castro for
> what he is, and why they refuse(d)
> to,
> WHO exported and maintained:
> "adore the most severe Criminals
> and vicious murderers," like 'Che'
> Ernesto Guevara in this case,
> until I see someone else's findings on
> the matter - and I saw some sane reports
> already, on the Sociopath Castro and
> his work to ruin life.
> '
> '
> '
> '
> As regards Putin, the Sociopath (who, in his current lifetime is
> called) Vladimir Putin - remember that Sociopaths are BORN as
> Sociopaths, their SOUL is a Sociopath -
> that is, for those readers who have still some slight
> measure of their intellect intact (undamaged) and
> somewhat under their own volition and will,
> you might be interested to read up on (to study) the character of
> Cardinal Mazarin, a dictator of France in the 1600's.
> '
> Not only that character, but also the portrait of that "statesman,"
> the French pervert and dictator, Mr. Cardinal Mazarin, you will find
> strikingly does resemble that of currently Vladimir Putin,
> (Mazarin's face indeed has a great likeness to
> Vladimir Putin, for those who might like to
> understand these matters:
> http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=10052
> - See http://www.answers.com/topic/cardinal-mazarin
> While his mentor of political evil, the French
> dictator Cardinal Richelieu, was fought by the
> famous characters 'The Three Musketeers' in the
> novels of classic writer Alexandre Dumas,
> Mazarin is a major character in the Alexandre Dumas
> novels 'Twenty Years After' and 'Le Vicomte de
> Bragelonne.'
> In these, Mazarin is portrayed (quite correctly) as
> 'power-hungry, paranoid, and greedy,' and
> who of course now never would be able to be a
> dictator to the French people,
> if only already because of his present
> family name, which does not inspire
> confidence amongst those who speak
> French,
> even though the French were 'represented'
> since many years themselves by a Sociopath,
> Jacques Chirac,
> who did not mind at all having the Iraqi
> people destroyed by Saddam Hussein, but
> supported him in it, and
> who does not mind having a few million
> Iranian people, the city of Teheran, he
> mentioned recently, blasted into
> radio-active vapor, "the moment Iran's
> Ahmadinejad and Khamenei fire off an
> atom bomb at another country,"
> rather than removing, even assassinating
> Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, and if still
> necessary, destroying also their atom-
> bomb factories)
> the French people are not that stupid or that blindly folding up, as
> currently the Russian people under Putin still ARE folding up,
> Russian people - which includes the originally very kind and
> caring, non-criminal, but now spiritually severely blinded
> Mr. 'glasnost' Gorbachev,
> with his pathetic web site that shows his complete lack of
> understanding anything at all about peace,
> a LACK of understanding of peace, that is,
> strangely enough,
> commonly and duly detected, AND acknowledged AND
> rewarded by the Scandinavian caretakers of Alfred
> Nobel, as "contributing globally to peace."
> '
> '
> '
> '
> Putin, and his current Russian "government" of severely Criminal Minds
> (Minister Sergei Lavrov, and Minister Sergei Ivanov - spiritually
> the 'shiny' lackey of Putin - and the ruthless killer, Federal
> Security Service (FSB) Chief Nikolai Patrushev,*
> as well as their Prosecutor General, Yuri Chaika
> - to keep their biggest crimes (that is, those committed
> or allowed or ordered committed by them within the
> "territory" of Russia) un-prosecuted and hidden, and
> - to make sure (as it was during the Cold War also) that
> decent and caring and responsible Russians ARE arrested
> and prosecuted, and if "necessary" (according to these
> Criminal Minds, that is) then of course also locked up,
> by means of Chinese-style "court-procedures" and
> "approved by the people" by means of "informing
> people" with 'Itar-Tass and RIA Novosti-style' media
> "coverage,"
> not to mention Moscow AP writer and Sociopath,
> Steve Gutter-man, who likes to propagate the
> lies as dictated by the "highly popular,"
> 'Dear Russian Leader,' Vladimir Putin,
> by the current Russian "government" of - and nested at
> its very top, once again - severely Criminal Minds or
> Sociopaths, these
> '
> have NO RIGHTS whatsoever on any 'Security Council,' or in any United
> Nations body for that matter
> - (because) those bodies of the United Nations have goals and
> functions totally opposed to the intentions and violently
> opposed to the practices of Criminal heads of state -
> no matter what any spineless and immoral, past or current "Secretary
> General" may falsely "define" as 'Security' for people, for you and
> me, that is:
> '
> It is supposed to be the Security of decent and caring people,
> which exactly requires, that Criminal Minds or Sociopaths are
> NOT in charge of other people, let alone in charge of any
> But Putin, Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Chavez and Castro and
> the like, Iran's Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, Syria's Bashar,
> Zimbabwe's Mugabe, etc., etc.,
> have the very opposite in mind: In their actions,
> and in their lies, and in their "financial" trans-
> actions and in their "sovereign" diplomacy,
> which have nothing at all to do with being
> financially responsible, nor with establishing
> or maintaining sovereignty,
> they are DESTROYING finances on a very large and
> long term scale, and they are UNDERMINING and are
> very actively PREVENTING sovereignty
> - should you wish to agree, to actually define those
> concepts constructively as these originally were
> defined.
> '
> * (Putin, showing himself as the blackmailed slave of (FSB) Chief
> Nikolai Patrushev:
> http://news.yahoo.com/photo/070131/481/mosb10501311526 )
> [temporary news link - I suggest you save that page and picture for
> future study or academic or journalistic use]
> '
> '
> Putin "loves" only one thing
> (besides labeling as "state secrets" his serial killings and his
> sexual perversions, his vicious libel and his subversion of
> Russia and his heinous crimes against Russians)
> that, what he loves to do, is, to dominate others, and to be regarded
> and to be treated as "not a severe criminal." This he has in common
> with Hu Jintao, and with Jiang Zemin, and with most other Sociopaths
> or Criminal Minds.
> '
> '
> '
> '
> The journalists are ALL nicely reporting the lies:
> When Hu Jintao says "Harmony" and "Peace," HE means oppression
> and torture and domination, that's HIS idea of "Harmony."
> Really.
> '
> When Putin says "prosperity," HE means getting people to fight
> each other
> (and to guard that as "state secrets," murderous and
> subversive operations organized and ordered and
> covered up by him)
> - which is always done and CAN ONLY BE DONE by supporting
> Criminal Minds -
> as I explained to you in 'The Nature of War,'
> (see References)
> but you prefer, rather, to be hypnotized by Criminal
> Minds, who make you "understand war,"
> so that he can "profit" by PRETENDING to all others, that "HE
> himself is 'a friend'," and he is
> pretending to be "a friend" to his own group of course, the
> group that "benefits" from "him opposing 'the enemies' of life:"
> '
> Criminal Minds have everything in reverse - HE is the
> enemy of life, and he destroys, kills and imprisons
> FRIENDS of life.
> '
> Do you get it now, finally?
> Life is about life, not about "countries" or
> "heads of state," but ABOUT life:
> Sociopaths are AGAINST LIFE - this make them -
> this makes Putin and Hu Jintao and Saddam
> Hussein and Chavez etc., VERY PREDICTABLE,
> You never give in to a Criminal Mind,
> because he or she will only use that,
> to be MORE Criminal against you and
> '
> That is why you have to exert 'Zero Tolerance
> for Criminal Impulses.'
> That has nothing at all to do with laws,
> but you will find, that most laws are
> INTENDED and made to do just that, to
> exert 'Zero Tolerance for Criminal
> Impulses,' and laws should be so used.
> Again, Criminal Minds will make
> "laws" that are just the opposite.
> '
> '
> '
> When Putin bursts out "against Unilateral politics" and "global
> domination, by America,"
> HE, Vladimir Putin, being a Sociopath, means precisely
> the OPPOSITE of what he says:
> HE, Putin, IS 'Unilateral' - HE tries to be the
> dictator of Russia and of countries surrounding it,
> HE, Putin, actively supports OTHER 'Unilateral'
> heads of state and their countries, dictatorships,
> Severely Criminal Minds, and
> Northern America is about as MULTI-LATERAL a society as you can
> get, and that includes all other democracies that are allied in
> or with the NATO, the organization that protects exactly THAT
> by means of - again - very MULTI-LATERAL defense
> organizations.
> '
> Putin - being a Sociopath - DOES want a 'Unilateral'
> government, in which he and other Sociopaths are the
> revered, admired and obeyed dictators:
> Putin HATES people, he has a thorough CONTEMPT
> for people,
> and he, Putin, wants TO GET RID of and he DOES
> He even hates American hamburgers,
> apparently: He blows them up regularly
> with the aid of FSB Chief Patrushev,
> who - rather than bringing song and wine
> to dinner - provides explosives (and
> poisons too, for 'English Tea') and
> Putin rather blames his own crimes
> against Russia and Russians, on imagined
> "Chechnia separatists," and he has any
> witnesses that are "too unimportant,"
> poisoned anyway, with Polonium.
> '
> Criminal Minds have NO RIGHT TO GOVERN people,
> no matter how "well elected" or "loved by the
> people" they may be,
> as you can see very easily from your
> history books and documentaries.
> '
> '
> '
> '
> They, Putin and Hu Jintao, are very severe Sociopaths.
> And - contrary to the 'doctrines of the New Age "Peace Activists" or
> of the "Anti-War" protesters'- the condition of someone being a
> Sociopath, his soul, does NOT change,
> also not by journalists passing on all their lies to you; and
> the condition of Kim Jong Il does also not change, no
> matter how many lies he forces onto his "own (the North
> Korean) people,"
> nor does the condition of any other Sociopath change, by
> any practice or doctrine of Buddhism, Hinduism or 'New
> Age,' with their lies about life aimed solely at NOT
> facing and NOT understanding and NOT stopping evil, but
> by PRETENDING "it is not there," or "evil is necessary,"
> or "evil is just a matter of viewpoint;" nor does the
> condition of Sociopaths change, by
> journalists passing on and making others believe what those
> Sociopaths do lie about:
> While Hu Jintao publicly does NOT label the very severe
> Chinese Criminals in China's past - of course not, he
> would have to label himself and Jiang Zemin as well - as
> severely criminal, and as being Sociopaths,
> so does also Putin NOT declare severe Criminal Minds of
> Russia's past, like Lenin, or Stalin, and other major
> Russian Criminals, to be what these are, BUT
> Putin - as all Criminal Minds do, he does THE OPPOSITE,
> he,
> like Hu Jintao towards Chinese - Putin DOES falsely arrest, and
> "convict," and imprison
> - or if he can't do that, THEN he acts as a serial killer,
> towards
> the very caring, the very capable, the very decent and the very
> loving Russians, who DO love Russia and who ARE capable of loving
> the people of Russia, and of loving people globally.
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'Men of all nations came
> to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
> sent by all the kings of the world,
> who had heard of his wisdom.'
> 1 Kings 4:34
> _________
> Footnotes:
> (1) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
> {HRI 20070520-V3.2}
> (20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.martial-arts/msg/b13e925be4fa484b
> (2) 'China's Hu Jintao, currently the most evil and the most
> unhandled evil to Earth'
> {HRI 20080102-V1.3}'
> (2 January 2008 - Version 1.3 on 4 Jan 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.military/msg/881905cf03d6851e
> (3) 'Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious evil that ... committed
> against the CHINESE?'
> {HRI 20051120-V5.2-q1-V1.1}
> (2 January 2008 - Version 1.1 on 4 Jan 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/uk.legal/msg/62648ef5a2a00bac
> (4) 'Is This Your Role on Earth? - A Very Simple Observation'
> {HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.3.1}
> (2 July 2007 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Jan 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/uk.legal/msg/f8a5269db2fd3298
> (5) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
> UNO, ONU)'
> {HRI 20060429-V3.4.1} - it quotes from {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
> (29 April 2006 - Version 3.4.1 on 19 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.military/msg/77bd6502b44bbcd7
> '
> ______________
> For enclosures, see, for instance:
> 'Putin - At Present The Most Destructive Politician On Earth,
> In Actively Preventing And Actively Destroying Global Peace,
> With Hu Jintao A Close Second'
> {HRI 20070207-V1.1}
> (7 February 2007 - Version 1.1)
> http://groups.google.com/group/be.politics/msg/0e649f98eefc50da
> '
> __________
> References:
> 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
> {HRI 20070520-V3.2}
> (20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.martial-arts/msg/b13e925be4fa484b
> 'The Nature of War'
> {HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
> (27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.military/msg/71ca92e9e9d5e495
> 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
> {HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
> (5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)
> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.martial-arts/msg/83cdfa7c46d584d1
> 'Definition Of Sanity'
> {HRI 20040410-V1.2}
> (10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.europe/msg/c8a9a92d555dfaa0
> 'Facing Having Been Made Spiritually Blind'
> {HRI 20070105-V3.3}
> (5 January 2007 - Version 3.3 on 4 Feb 2007)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.philosophy/msg/cf749a082023282d
> See also the other HRI's that obviously are on the subject.
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2007, 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> earns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
> who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

dubbeldubbery (24-09-2008)
Fra : dubbeldubbery

Dato : 24-09-08 10:02

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> schreef in bericht
> We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
> The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao

Keep your bullshit to yourself.

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