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(corrected spelling:) How Insane are the C~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 12-09-08 05:58

Definition of 'phycisist' or 'phycisists' - (humoristic note)

12 September 2008
{humoristic note 20080912}


Definition of 'phycisist' or 'phycisists.'

Also defines 'Phycisism.'

Alternate spelling: 'phyckisist,' 'Phyckisism'



Pronunciation: 'phyckesist;'

in some countries, also 'phuekisist' or
'fuekesist,' is allowed pronunciation:

there, where the 'y' is pronounced as
'ue,' (pronounced as in the German word
'uber,' 'ueber' or 'Uebermensch').c


'phycisist' - 1. Someone who studies seaweed; from Greek 'phuko-,'
from 'phukos' meaning seaweed.

- 1.a. In the context that was presented,* it means then
someone who claims to be a physicist (who claims to
study the qualities and interactions of matter) but
who would better be described, metaphorically, as
someone who studies seaweed, and only seaweed.


'phycisist' - 2. Derogatory term for 'physicist,' as someone who is
a believer in the [very false] theory

[which is invented and promoted by, and
driven entirely by any malicious, and thus
highly UNSCIENTIFIC mind or individual,

who demands others to subscribe to and promote
the fictitious idea]

that the fundamental phenomena of life are to be
explained upon purely chemical and physical
principles; opposed [in 1913] to 'vitalist.'
[1913 Webster]


'phycisist' - 3. misspelling of 'physicist'

Spelling mistake stemming from annoyance about some
individuals who claim to be physicists,

but who are 'phycisists' in definition 1.a,
and 2., above, actually,

and who absorb vast amounts of the society's
money and intellectual human resources

for their projects, in order to deceive
and to divert intelligent people, and
to waste resources and very large funds
AWAY from actual scientific work and

and who thus are INTENTIONALLY destroying
science and who intend thereby to destroy
the society.


Note: The term - phycisist - has a 'backward definition:'

The annoyance occurring first, then the misspelling, then the
definition of the new word ('phycisist') that was created by
the misspelling due to the annoyance.


Note: To prevent confusion in reading the word 'phycisist,' which is
easily confused with the common word 'physicist,'
the recommended spelling for the new word, has become


with a spelling that follows (from) the pronunciation of
'phycisist' in most countries.


Compare the new term, 'Phycisism'

- derived from, and thus defined by the term 'phycisist,'
compare that -

also to 'medical "science"' and to 'medical "research",' and to
'theoretical "astronomy",'

terms which, if misspelled due to annoyance about the vast
amount of FALSE "science" in those fields,

would also give rise to new words, to describe and to ridicule
the severe and INTENTIONAL, persistent and blatant, very harmful
lack of actual scientific thought and procedure, in THOSE
fields, a lack that is filled by PRETENSE.

Examples of (soon in-)famous 'phycisists:' Albert Einstein,
Stephen Hawking.

(*) The context presented, was the recent subject title:

'How Insane are the CERN "phycisists?" [ <<--- ] Utterly clueless
and destructive - ref.: (iFPP-04) Some Fine Particle Physics -
Words You May Know {iFPP 20010829-pi04-A-V4.1}'



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
ora religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
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