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How Insane are the CERN "phycisist?" Utter~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 11-09-08 01:05

Fine Particle Physics - Known Measurements

(introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Five)

29 August 2001
{iFPP 20010829-pi04-B-V4.1}

Version 4.1
on 13 Mar 2008)


(Continued from {iFPP-04}
'Some Fine Particle Physics - Words You May Know' *)


Fine Particle Physics - Known Measurements


With Kirlian photography, Life Energy Particles can be made visible
to light.

You use regular photo-sensitive film, without light, and
a high-frequency electrical potential generated in a metal
plate, and put both close to what you want to make the
Fine Particles (Life Energy Particles) visible of on the
photographic paper or film.

You see the Energy emanating from someone's thumb, for instance,
get much bigger, as the owner of the thumb becomes more alive
and thus more active spiritually, Energetically that is.


The photos confirm, that there is a living, pulsating layer of Life
Energy Particles closely enveloping any body, and that

this photographed layer or envelope is very intimately connected
to (the fact that these Life Energy Particles are)

maintaining the aliveness and health of a body (including any
other living organisms, such as plants).

I recently told someone who does plant growth research
at an agricultural University, about this - after I found
out from him, that during his studies


He had never heard of the name Kirlian, even.



Fluctuations (changes) in the density of Life Energy Particles in or
around your body or that are hitting your body

- that you may or may not be be aware of, depending largely on
how sensitive you are to what is going on around and in and
with your body, and with any part of it - *(a)

can of course be measured by means of your body. *(b)



These Energies can be measured by the very swift changes that these
(Life Energy Particles) do cause INSTANTLY in the electrical
resistance of your body,

at places where the body's Life Energy Particle structures
converge and (Life Energy Particle) streams are

streams, that the Chinese of old - correctly - call
'meridians' or 'most concentrated' Energy flows, and

structures which people from India of old, call
- correctly as well - 'chakras' or wheels of turning
Life Energy Particles forming membranes in spinning

and from the side these Energy membranes are
seen to be, as covering the wide end of Energy
funnels attaching inside your body.


Life Energy strongly influences the electrical conductivity of
the body at various spots,

so much so, that some acupuncturists use this
mechanism to find such spots very precisely on
the skin of the body,

finding spots, that indeed correspond, with
what they already knew, are the acupuncture

found thus with the instrument, called a
Tobiscope, with great accuracy,

and you have only slightly to amplify the very sudden, the
very fast changes in electrical resistance, that occur

- most pronounced for instance between or at the hand
palms, where you measure these sudden changes -

in order to open up

an astounding new world for your investigation, because A THOUGHT IS
IN ITSELF ALSO a Life Energy Particle, and can thus be physically
measured with the body's physical reaction to it, fluctuating - as it
does instantly - its electrical resistance. *(c)


In fact, in this world of immense and continuous, constant
spiritual violence that we live in - on Earth - I would
not like to be without such a meter on my wrist at all
moments of the day and night, *(a)(b)

because then I can immediately look for and check
who hits me with what PARTICLES or feelings and
thoughts, and I can then immediately neutralize any
harmful Energies projected by someone at me, or at
my body,

BEFORE any such could develop into a heart
attack or a stroke or other malfunction of my
body or, like in Alzheimer's disease, of my
perception and memory and talents.


Neutralizing is basically done by seeing
truthfully enough, what is done to you or to
your body, and how, AND BY WHOM ('where it
comes from').

That is the way you handle such things in life

much like you are walking your legs

also WITHOUT knowing anything
about muscles or blood, or about
organic chemistry,

and, as is the case, also without
you knowing anything at all about
the actual structure of your legs
as held by patterns and motion of
those Life Energy Particles that
form its blueprint, maintenance
and steering engine.



Thoughts are Life Energy Particles, and water happens to be designed
so that it can contain and hold a very large amount of additional
Life Energies of all sorts,

additional to its own substance, which, as all matter, in
essence consists of very condensed Life Energy Particles.

Mr. Masaru Emoto has shown us, so beautifully, the shapes that water
crystals take directly in accordance with the Life Energy Particles
of THOUGHT inflicted on and thus contained in the water used to form
a crystal (such as a snow flake).


Very simple and extremely valuable observations,

that he then however misinterprets, and further largely
destroys the very great value of, or that he wholly
misdirects the application of,

mainly for failing to admit his own lack of knowledge in
other areas of life, and "philosophizing" INSTEAD, based
on the limits of knowing only the data discovered and
observed in his narrow circle,

as we know too, most - if not all - actual psychics
do: being very limited in their understanding and
their integrating into all of life the very accurate
and extremely valuable observations, that they make,

and because culturally pretended "knowledge about life" is
THEN used by them instead

(highly, and INTENTIONALLY destructive "knowledge" as
presented in particular in Buddhism and in Hinduism)

as pointed out in general, in {iFPP-03} 'The Denial,' (*)

and specifically in various Human Rights Issues
on the subject of those who hide the facts of life
by the - obviously very successful - method of
pretending "to know and explain all of life,"

indeed to people who do not know anything
anymore about it, and will believe anything

that "explains" their plight and suffering,

that will make them not feel and oblivious
of its causes (of who caused and causes it,
and how and with what intentions).

Wholly opposed to such "philosophies" and
their accompanying practices,

we return to the subject - to the ACTUALITIES of life:


You may thus consider - and that not without merit - that the Life
Energy Particles of thought inflicted into your body

(consisting of water as the body mostly does)

can have disastrous or, on the other hand, vitalizing effects



Continued in: {iFPP-06}
'More Fine Particle Physics - Memory, Awareness, and Thoughts'


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(a) Energy Particles, that produce feelings and that are 'hitting'
your body directly,

as Energy that is either produced by yourself, or Energy that
is produced by your own body,

you being entirely different from your body

- although that is not obvious in some individuals,
nevertheless also those are a soul different from
their body, and thus their soul produces Energies,
too -

your own Energy can be projected onto and inside your body,

OR Energy that is 'hitting' your body from the outside:

that is, from others producing and projecting Life Energy
Particles onto or into your body or your soul,

or the body of someone else is producing Energy that
your body reacts to or that your soul reacts to

- you may be attracted to certain body types
for instance, and also you body might be
attracted to certain (and possibly quite
different) body types -

or someone 'hits' on your soul directly, which can
only be done with Energy, of course, and it might
be such that you, feeling it, cause a reaction in
your own body, so it that it seems as if "it is
your body telling you something,"

like the - to some people well-known -
'butterflies in your belly;'

but there are also malicious Energies, which on your body
might cause instant pain, such as a headache, or instantly
itching, and these malicious Energies do cause general
damage to the body,

especially of course, if created and inflicted with
exceeding intensity, as malicious individuals mostly

or if repeatedly, then becoming deposited and so
causing malformations, and malfunctions, in your
body's tissues or organs;

that is, if your body is not (kept) in such a
shape that it can counter the amount and the
complexity of what is being or has been

or, if your body is not assisted otherwise,
such as for example by that vegetable food
that has highest and cleanest Life Energy

which I think is the actual agent in
very kindly Mr. Gerson's diet,

in order to help the body to recover from
malicious Energy attacks and from the damage
that resulted,

IF such inflictions of harmful Life Energies are not
instantly countered, or are not removed regularly,

if only by taking a long shower with abundant water,
regularly, or a bath (with the water in motion,
preferably) or swimming, and that

WHILE you are being well aware of and sensitive to
your body.

On the subject of damage inflicted onto the body's
structures and streams of Life Energy Particles that
maintain and repair the body, I would not fail to mention
the mechanical (Coarse or Small Particle) inflictions,

such as drugs and any type of shocks and any other
mechanical damage inflicted, especially onto
sensitive parts of the body,

that do very badly disrupt or block the very Life Energy
structures and streams that repair and maintain the body's
health in the first place.


(b) These Energies can of course be felt by you with your body the
better, the less you are being blocked (or are in some way
blocking yourself) from your connecting to feelings that are
going on or existing, and the less you are

DIMINISHING it, sometimes considerably, as some do, for
instance by taking aspirin or stronger medicines, or by
the immoderate use of alcohol or tobacco, etc.,

and going to sleep or falling asleep, generally
results indeed in a major shut down of your
connection to most Energies coming from or residual
in or inflicted on your body; and there is

MASKING what is going on by overriding feeling it, with
other feelings, for instance with Energy produced by your
body, as in sports etc.; and there is

DISCOUNTING what is going on, by doing meditation, or with
diversions like cross-word puzzles, by watching TV-shows,
etc. etc.; and there is

SIMPLY PUSHING IT AWAY by the fact of yourself creating
massively your own Energies, like when you are being very
creative, very responsible and very beautiful, and you
stay concentrated on that, at least while you are awake).


(c) The proper term is 'Life Energy Fluctuation Meter' (rather
than 'lie-detector')

because the Fluctuations are caused not by lies but by ANY
thoughts - these create or modify and move Life Energy
Particles -

and that includes not only your own thoughts, but
ALSO the thoughts of others,


as Mr. Masaru Emoto has shown us so beautifully in
the shape that water crystals take, dependent wholly
on the thought PARTICLES inflicted or contained in
the water used.


People are creating and projecting Life
Energies, that may impinge on your body or on
your soul, and

when we talk about Life Energy Particles
that serve (your soul) to be aware and to
perceive - then that includes, by definition,
also Delusions and Illusions, isn't it, and,
of course, past life memories too.

Very important to know - most importantly -

it INCLUDES Pains and Feelings and Thoughts (and
naturally also Delusions and Illusions) THAT SOMEONE
body or onto your immortal soul,

which includes then indeed those things, that
someone has inflicted on you or done to you in
past lives, isn't it - the memories of which
are - you might have guessed - contained in
and ARE Life Energy Particles.

Thus you have also no difficulties anymore
in understanding the mechanism of telepathy:

Thoughts ARE Particles, Life Energy Particles,
and you - any soul - can connect to these and
perceive their content.


(*) iFPP-04 'Some Fine Particle Physics - Words You May Know'
(introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Four)
{iFPP 20010829-pi04-A-V4.1} {iFPP-04-V4.1}
(29 August 2001 - iFPP-04 Version 4.1 on 11 Mar 2008)

iFPP-03 'The Denial'
(introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Three)
{iFPP 20010829-pi03-V1.3} {iFPP-03-V1.3}
(29 August 2001 - iFPP-03 Version 1.3 on 10 Mar 2008)

iFPP-02 'Introduction: Our Planet'
(introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Two)
{iFPP 20010829-pi02-V1.3} {iFPP-02-V1.3}
(29 August 2001 - iFPP-02 Version 1.3 on 7 Mar 2008)

iFPP-01 'Introduction: Life Forms'
(introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part One)
{iFPP 20010829-pi01-V1.1.4} {iFPP-01-V1.1.4}
(29 August 2001 - iFPP-01 Version 1.1.4 on 6 Mar 2008)

Issue Notes:

iFPP abbreviates 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics.'

This issue, or a previous edition of it, has been published
earlier with an HRI - a Human Rights Issue - designation, giving
the same date and part number, from a series of (then) eleven
parts prefixed with: 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth.'



Copyright 2001-2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
ora religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

Anneke.A (11-09-2008)
Fra : Anneke.A

Dato : 11-09-08 10:09

"Koos Nolst Trenite" <AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Fine Particle Physics - Known Measurements
> (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Five)
> 29 August 2001
> {iFPP 20010829-pi04-B-V4.1}
> (iFPP-05
> Version 4.1
> on 13 Mar 2008)
> '
> (Continued from {iFPP-04}
> 'Some Fine Particle Physics - Words You May Know' *)
> '
> Fine Particle Physics - Known Measurements

Wat zit jij nou te Baselen?


Plato Been (11-09-2008)
Fra : Plato Been

Dato : 11-09-08 04:42

Sociopaths, demonic creatures and mental street bums,
must filter out, from their own view, all writing by

Koos Nolst Trenite,

argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207}
(7 December 2008 - Version 2.0 on 23 Apr 2008)


Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably the most Intelligent, the most
Beautiful and the most Caring philosopher known, and on top
of that, the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known
on Earth and beyond.

Copyright 2008 by KNT hrp&p
Copyright conditions as usual ('learnware')

On Sep 11, 9:04 am, Koos Nolst Trenite
<AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Fine Particle Physics - Known Measurements
> (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Five)
> 29 August 2001
> {iFPP 20010829-pi04-B-V4.1}
> (iFPP-05
> Version 4.1
> on 13 Mar 2008)
> '
> (Continued from {iFPP-04}
> 'Some Fine Particle Physics - Words You May Know' *)
> '
> Fine Particle Physics - Known Measurements
> '
> With Kirlian photography, Life Energy Particles can be made visible
> to light.
> You use regular photo-sensitive film, without light, and
> a high-frequency electrical potential generated in a metal
> plate, and put both close to what you want to make the
> Fine Particles (Life Energy Particles) visible of on the
> photographic paper or film.
> You see the Energy emanating from someone's thumb, for instance,
> get much bigger, as the owner of the thumb becomes more alive
> and thus more active spiritually, Energetically that is.
> '
> The photos confirm, that there is a living, pulsating layer of Life
> Energy Particles closely enveloping any body, and that
> this photographed layer or envelope is very intimately connected
> to (the fact that these Life Energy Particles are)
> maintaining the aliveness and health of a body (including any
> other living organisms, such as plants).
> I recently told someone who does plant growth research
> at an agricultural University, about this - after I found
> out from him, that during his studies
> He had never heard of the name Kirlian, even.
> '
> '
> Fluctuations (changes) in the density of Life Energy Particles in or
> around your body or that are hitting your body
> - that you may or may not be be aware of, depending largely on
> how sensitive you are to what is going on around and in and
> with your body, and with any part of it - *(a)
> can of course be measured by means of your body. *(b)
> '
> '
> These Energies can be measured by the very swift changes that these
> (Life Energy Particles) do cause INSTANTLY in the electrical
> resistance of your body,
> at places where the body's Life Energy Particle structures
> converge and (Life Energy Particle) streams are
> concentrated,
> streams, that the Chinese of old - correctly - call
> 'meridians' or 'most concentrated' Energy flows, and
> structures which people from India of old, call
> - correctly as well - 'chakras' or wheels of turning
> Life Energy Particles forming membranes in spinning
> motion
> and from the side these Energy membranes are
> seen to be, as covering the wide end of Energy
> funnels attaching inside your body.
> '
> Life Energy strongly influences the electrical conductivity of
> the body at various spots,
> so much so, that some acupuncturists use this
> mechanism to find such spots very precisely on
> the skin of the body,
> finding spots, that indeed correspond, with
> what they already knew, are the acupuncture
> points,
> found thus with the instrument, called a
> Tobiscope, with great accuracy,
> and you have only slightly to amplify the very sudden, the
> very fast changes in electrical resistance, that occur
> - most pronounced for instance between or at the hand
> palms, where you measure these sudden changes -
> in order to open up
> an astounding new world for your investigation, because A THOUGHT IS
> IN ITSELF ALSO a Life Energy Particle, and can thus be physically
> measured with the body's physical reaction to it, fluctuating - as it
> does instantly - its electrical resistance. *(c)
> '
> In fact, in this world of immense and continuous, constant
> spiritual violence that we live in - on Earth - I would
> not like to be without such a meter on my wrist at all
> moments of the day and night, *(a)(b)
> because then I can immediately look for and check
> who hits me with what PARTICLES or feelings and
> thoughts, and I can then immediately neutralize any
> harmful Energies projected by someone at me, or at
> my body,
> BEFORE any such could develop into a heart
> attack or a stroke or other malfunction of my
> body or, like in Alzheimer's disease, of my
> perception and memory and talents.
> '
> Neutralizing is basically done by seeing
> truthfully enough, what is done to you or to
> your body, and how, AND BY WHOM ('where it
> comes from').
> That is the way you handle such things in life
> continuously,
> much like you are walking your legs
> also WITHOUT knowing anything
> about muscles or blood, or about
> organic chemistry,
> and, as is the case, also without
> you knowing anything at all about
> the actual structure of your legs
> as held by patterns and motion of
> those Life Energy Particles that
> form its blueprint, maintenance
> and steering engine.
> '
> '
> Thoughts are Life Energy Particles, and water happens to be designed
> so that it can contain and hold a very large amount of additional
> Life Energies of all sorts,
> additional to its own substance, which, as all matter, in
> essence consists of very condensed Life Energy Particles.
> Mr. Masaru Emoto has shown us, so beautifully, the shapes that water
> crystals take directly in accordance with the Life Energy Particles
> of THOUGHT inflicted on and thus contained in the water used to form
> a crystal (such as a snow flake).
> '
> Very simple and extremely valuable observations,
> that he then however misinterprets, and further largely
> destroys the very great value of, or that he wholly
> misdirects the application of,
> mainly for failing to admit his own lack of knowledge in
> other areas of life, and "philosophizing" INSTEAD, based
> on the limits of knowing only the data discovered and
> observed in his narrow circle,
> as we know too, most - if not all - actual psychics
> do: being very limited in their understanding and
> their integrating into all of life the very accurate
> and extremely valuable observations, that they make,
> and because culturally pretended "knowledge about life" is
> THEN used by them instead
> (highly, and INTENTIONALLY destructive "knowledge" as
> presented in particular in Buddhism and in Hinduism)
> as pointed out in general, in {iFPP-03} 'The Denial,' (*)
> and specifically in various Human Rights Issues
> on the subject of those who hide the facts of life
> by the - obviously very successful - method of
> pretending "to know and explain all of life,"
> indeed to people who do not know anything
> anymore about it, and will believe anything
> that "explains" their plight and suffering,
> and
> that will make them not feel and oblivious
> of its causes (of who caused and causes it,
> and how and with what intentions).
> Wholly opposed to such "philosophies" and
> their accompanying practices,
> we return to the subject - to the ACTUALITIES of life:
> '
> You may thus consider - and that not without merit - that the Life
> Energy Particles of thought inflicted into your body
> (consisting of water as the body mostly does)
> can have disastrous or, on the other hand, vitalizing effects
> accordingly.
> '
> '
> Continued in: {iFPP-06}
> 'More Fine Particle Physics - Memory, Awareness, and Thoughts'
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'God gave Solomon wisdom
> and very great insight,
> and a breadth of understanding
> as measureless
> as the sand on the seashore.'
> 1 Kings 4:29
> _________
> Textnotes:
> (a) Energy Particles, that produce feelings and that are 'hitting'
> your body directly,
> as Energy that is either produced by yourself, or Energy that
> is produced by your own body,
> you being entirely different from your body
> - although that is not obvious in some individuals,
> nevertheless also those are a soul different from
> their body, and thus their soul produces Energies,
> too -
> your own Energy can be projected onto and inside your body,
> OR Energy that is 'hitting' your body from the outside:
> that is, from others producing and projecting Life Energy
> Particles onto or into your body or your soul,
> or the body of someone else is producing Energy that
> your body reacts to or that your soul reacts to
> - you may be attracted to certain body types
> for instance, and also you body might be
> attracted to certain (and possibly quite
> different) body types -
> or someone 'hits' on your soul directly, which can
> only be done with Energy, of course, and it might
> be such that you, feeling it, cause a reaction in
> your own body, so it that it seems as if "it is
> your body telling you something,"
> like the - to some people well-known -
> 'butterflies in your belly;'
> but there are also malicious Energies, which on your body
> might cause instant pain, such as a headache, or instantly
> itching, and these malicious Energies do cause general
> damage to the body,
> especially of course, if created and inflicted with
> exceeding intensity, as malicious individuals mostly
> do,
> or if repeatedly, then becoming deposited and so
> causing malformations, and malfunctions, in your
> body's tissues or organs;
> that is, if your body is not (kept) in such a
> shape that it can counter the amount and the
> complexity of what is being or has been
> inflicted,
> or, if your body is not assisted otherwise,
> such as for example by that vegetable food
> that has highest and cleanest Life Energy
> content,
> which I think is the actual agent in
> very kindly Mr. Gerson's diet,
> in order to help the body to recover from
> malicious Energy attacks and from the damage
> that resulted,
> IF such inflictions of harmful Life Energies are not
> instantly countered, or are not removed regularly,
> if only by taking a long shower with abundant water,
> regularly, or a bath (with the water in motion,
> preferably) or swimming, and that
> WHILE you are being well aware of and sensitive to
> your body.
> On the subject of damage inflicted onto the body's
> structures and streams of Life Energy Particles that
> maintain and repair the body, I would not fail to mention
> the mechanical (Coarse or Small Particle) inflictions,
> such as drugs and any type of shocks and any other
> mechanical damage inflicted, especially onto
> sensitive parts of the body,
> that do very badly disrupt or block the very Life Energy
> structures and streams that repair and maintain the body's
> health in the first place.
> '
> (b) These Energies can of course be felt by you with your body the
> better, the less you are being blocked (or are in some way
> blocking yourself) from your connecting to feelings that are
> going on or existing, and the less you are
> DIMINISHING it, sometimes considerably, as some do, for
> instance by taking aspirin or stronger medicines, or by
> the immoderate use of alcohol or tobacco, etc.,
> and going to sleep or falling asleep, generally
> results indeed in a major shut down of your
> connection to most Energies coming from or residual
> in or inflicted on your body; and there is
> MASKING what is going on by overriding feeling it, with
> other feelings, for instance with Energy produced by your
> body, as in sports etc.; and there is
> DISCOUNTING what is going on, by doing meditation, or with
> diversions like cross-word puzzles, by watching TV-shows,
> etc. etc.; and there is
> SIMPLY PUSHING IT AWAY by the fact of yourself creating
> massively your own Energies, like when you are being very
> creative, very responsible and very beautiful, and you
> stay concentrated on that, at least while you are awake).
> '
> (c) The proper term is 'Life Energy Fluctuation Meter' (rather
> than 'lie-detector')
> because the Fluctuations are caused not by lies but by ANY
> thoughts - these create or modify and move Life Energy
> Particles -
> and that includes not only your own thoughts, but
> ALSO the thoughts of others,
> as Mr. Masaru Emoto has shown us so beautifully in
> the shape that water crystals take, dependent wholly
> on the thought PARTICLES inflicted or contained in
> the water used.
> '
> People are creating and projecting Life
> Energies, that may impinge on your body or on
> your soul, and
> when we talk about Life Energy Particles
> that serve (your soul) to be aware and to
> perceive - then that includes, by definition,
> also Delusions and Illusions, isn't it, and,
> of course, past life memories too.
> Very important to know - most importantly -
> it INCLUDES Pains and Feelings and Thoughts (and
> naturally also Delusions and Illusions) THAT SOMEONE
> body or onto your immortal soul,
> which includes then indeed those things, that
> someone has inflicted on you or done to you in
> past lives, isn't it - the memories of which
> are - you might have guessed - contained in
> and ARE Life Energy Particles.
> Thus you have also no difficulties anymore
> in understanding the mechanism of telepathy:
> Thoughts ARE Particles, Life Energy Particles,
> and you - any soul - can connect to these and
> perceive their content.
> '
> _________
> Footnotes:
> (*) iFPP-04 'Some Fine Particle Physics - Words You May Know'
> (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Four)
> {iFPP 20010829-pi04-A-V4.1} {iFPP-04-V4.1}
> (29 August 2001 - iFPP-04 Version 4.1 on 11 Mar 2008)http://groups.google.com/group/Fine-Particle-Physics/msg/7f331e5fa3a0...
> iFPP-03 'The Denial'
> (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Three)
> {iFPP 20010829-pi03-V1.3} {iFPP-03-V1.3}
> (29 August 2001 - iFPP-03 Version 1.3 on 10 Mar 2008)http://groups.google.com/group/Fine-Particle-Physics/msg/8d2787dfea44...
> iFPP-02 'Introduction: Our Planet'
> (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part Two)
> {iFPP 20010829-pi02-V1.3} {iFPP-02-V1.3}
> (29 August 2001 - iFPP-02 Version 1.3 on 7 Mar 2008)http://groups.google.com/group/Fine-Particle-Physics/msg/f78708fca91c...
> iFPP-01 'Introduction: Life Forms'
> (introduction to Fine Particle Physics - Part One)
> {iFPP 20010829-pi01-V1.1.4} {iFPP-01-V1.1.4}
> (29 August 2001 - iFPP-01 Version 1.1.4 on 6 Mar 2008)http://groups.google.com/group/Fine-Particle-Physics/msg/e97321a3b910...
> '
> ___________
> Issue Notes:
> iFPP abbreviates 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics.'
> This issue, or a previous edition of it, has been published
> earlier with an HRI - a Human Rights Issue - designation, giving
> the same date and part number, from a series of (then) eleven
> parts prefixed with: 'The Nature Of Life As Seen From Earth.'
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
> Copyright 2001-2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> ora religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
> encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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