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(rev 3.5.1) I TOLD YOU already about Puti~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 25-08-08 06:40

I TOLD YOU already about Russia's Putin - and about the journalists
seeking "reason" in any Evil

9 August 2008
{HRI 20080809-V3.5.1}

(Version 3.5.1
on 24 Aug 2008)

(view Summary
by skipping - some
or much - indentation)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Evil people, including Russia's Putin, are by nature Evil, they have
an evil nature, they want evil things.


You can call them, not entirely without reason and logic,
'demonic creatures' in the flesh, because they are.

They are very intelligent, very forceful, intensely
hateful, with tremendous contempt especially for
very, very good people

caring, highly successful, and honest heads
of state, such as Georgia's Saakashvili, in
this case).



Putin and similar creatures, do WANT TO DO EVIL THINGS,

and the less they are stopped, the MORE EVIL THINGS they do.

They have The Rights of Criminal Minds. *(1)



I will say that in other language, very specifically:

Russia's Putin, Lavrov, Ivanov, Patrushev, Churkin, and


So when you offer them a choice - to make them
choose in their own or their group's best interest -

they are happy and satisfied, that they kept
you from understanding and from seeing Evil
that exists, they hide from you even their
JOY of being Evil

- they ENJOY, that they kept you from
understanding their nature,

which (their nature) is ENTIRELY
(your) mind:


Your mind is trained and educated
to work rationally, which you
define as relating KNOWN facts
and drawing conclusions from those
to align with goals. {definition}

Your mind is NOT trained and NOT
educated, in your mathematics
classes, to deal with Criminal
Minds, to deal with IRRATIONAL

but being trained in that,
is of the utmost importance,

and also the HRI
'Trinity of Science'
PROVES that by very
simple logic, to you;

you will have to learn to deal
with and handle and know how to
detect and label and take into
account and anticipate activities
and the corresponding data, that


Distorted, Hidden, Mis-directing,
Pretending, violently-forcefully-
intentionally-secretly False,
Without conscience, Mean, Ugly,
Undetectable, As-If-Non-Existent,
Imperceptible, Un-Anticipated, and
counter to all RATIONAL thought
and action. {definition}

However, that is THEIR way of
thinking, of feeling, of enjoying
THEIR life "with" others.


You see them do that to you, also from Iran,
from Cuba, from Venezuela, etc.:

You can offer them all the best things
for life, for their group, for their
country, but THAT is not what THEY want!

(from those countries: they
are Khamenei, Ahmadinejad,
Fidel Castro, and Chavez)

Venezuela's Chavez takes AWAY
from the Venezuelan people,
billions of dollars, which he
gives to the actual enemy, to
Russia's Putin, in order to
combat a made-up, fictitious
"enemy" that he "needs" to "exist"
in order to drive the people of
Venezuela "sufficiently" Insane.

Now you tell THAT to the
king of Spain (who might
want to listen).

But you can not even DEFINE
'enemy' or 'friend'...

An enemy, is someone who intends to
dominate or destroy life,

no matter how 'friendly' and
'supportive' and 'aligned in
purposes,' he or his group
may seem or act towards you.



Criminals DO NOT WANT THE BEST INTEREST for themselves or
for their group or for country, at all,

else they would give up being Criminal, which WOULD BE in
the best interest of themselves, and of their group, and
of their country, and of all nations.


But they ENJOY being Criminal, that is their nature,

it is the ONLY way of life, they know they can
succeed in.


Now, WHY is that so hard to understand for you?

You being of extremely low Intelligence Level, we
will leave the understanding of that, to another
time, to another HRI.



Putin has never wanted the best for Russia - never at all in all his
actions; no matter what he did "for Russia," he only deceived you -

what Putin "did for Russia," is THE SAME as the best-known
dictator of Germany "did for Germany"

- but of course, that requires looking at the past, at
real people, rather than at some Olympic idiots who
pretend "to have achieved something" when others are
made to Admire them ...for nothing admirable at all.

They did not at all prevent World War Two, with their
sports "achievements," "to promote peace and understanding
between all countries," now, did they - in Berlin in 1936.

From that crazy exercise in Admiration for vulgate
trivialities - the Olympic Games -


NO peace, NOR understanding between nations, was

The whole city, Germany's capital, Berlin, was
bombed flat, and at least half the population of
Germany was murdered or killed 'LEGALLY,' before
ten years - the span of a person's youth - had gone


That - ALSO "democratically chosen" and ALSO 'very highly
popular' - leader, in that case of Germany, (he)

ALSO "wanted to make his country strong and respected again"
and "a major player 'on the world stage' again," "flexing its
muscles," etc. -

as the Criminal journalists at Time.com and elsewhere,
even from the AP, do put it, "describe it," NOW again,
in their present life time.

He - the former dictator of Germany - ALSO claimed to be caring,
yes, even "caring most for people," "because he restored the

And the proof of that, ALSO was there, he ended
unemployment and poverty, within a few years, and
restored "great pride" to "the German Nation."

He - the former and most infamous dictator of Germany - ALSO
wanted to destroy his own country, AND the world.

And the proof of that, ALSO came fast: Within ten years,
he had Germany, its cities, its population, its
reputation, COMPLETELY DESTROYED, in rubble, and submerged
in hate and in contempt for life.



You refuse to see, or point out (in the current case, of
Russia's Putin) what he, Putin, did NOT do - he did NOT align
with supporting, friendly countries - something that any person
who means well for his own country, WOULD have done - BUT he
portrayed friends as "opponents who destroy Russia," and he did
NOT convict and point out actual enemies, but supported and
protected these.


I pointed that out to you in the previous HRI, as a major
tool: 'How to detect Criminal Minds, by what they do NOT
do,' (which is its title in short).

But you did not read that, because "it is not
interesting to you..." - actually, you did not
read it, because

Criminal Minds compel you to "read other things,
that are 'much more important,' or 'much more

You have been hypnotized into doing, and
also into getting yourself informed about,
so-called "very important things,"

- like who runs two micro-seconds
faster than others, on a hundred
meters sprint -

"very, very important to know,"
for keeping your own daily life
and that of your children safe,
(by being "socially accepted")

- you are being hypnotized
constantly by mechanisms
that know no distance,
by the projection of the
the corresponding Energy
Particles (Energies,
thoughts, feelings,
mental force) which are
hypnotic because you are
not aware of who does it
and what is done with it
to you -

as they, Criminal Minds, demand in your
thoughts of you, an Energetic, unconscious
demand, which is therefore the action of
hypnotism, inflicted

IN ORDER THAT you will NOT get the faintest

of what and whom you SHOULD look at and
SHOULD investigate and also find out

and (so you will not decide correctly,
as to) what and whom you SHOULD protect
and defend,

which also the promised, upcoming
HRI of 26 July 2008 will be (and
when published, is) telling you



the evil he has installed IN RUSSIA, at all the Criminal Minds he has
put into key positions IN RUSSIA, some of whom I have mentioned again
now, by name, above.

Now it is so, that, putting heavy Criminal Minds
in charge of, and owning Russia's industries, is


you see?


But you don't or did not want to see that, because it is
CAMOUFLAGED with "prosperity" - and in the West and in the
press, there are enough Criminal Minds, who are forcing,

that "increased prosperity," is evidence for "things going
well," in Russia and in China:

They - these Criminal Minds of Russia (and of
China) - DO shout that "evidence" loudly, and the
journalists parrot the lies as loudly,



And the actually good RUSSIAN people, the real Russian heroes, like
Khodorkovsky, like Litvinenko, like the various Russian journalists,
and many other Russians, have been smashed down or secretly murdered
by Stalin - excuse me - by Putin,

Putin has got them secretly murdered or else imprisoned.

Well, what do you expect of a Criminal Mind...

or do you still REFUSE to admit it, and still claim, that
Putin is NOT a severely Criminal Mind?


In Russia, his home, Putin does NOTHING BUT LYING, as you
have seen once again in the present case of Georgia.

In fact, you can simply learn the truth now, by just
REVERSING what Putin, and his slave Medvedev, say

it is that blatant, that blunt nowadays, that
he exhibits his Criminal Mind, the demonic fabric
of his soul.



Abroad, Putin has supported and is supporting all the evil heads
of state, supplying them with weapons, and secretly with nuclear
weapons technology, <<========

so it appears now (20080816) - as his, Putin's connection to
North-Korea, and Putin via North-Korea to Syria and to Iran.


AND THAT, you want to have on a SECURITY COUNCIL? - You are
giving him, Putin (and Hu Jintao for that matter) a power of

You must not be out of your mind... BUT you ARE entirely
out of your mind

- that is not an insult, but an observation, for
which you should be grateful, that I made AND
communicated it, explained it constructively in
this HRI - and

as I described it to you in the previous HRI, about (your
entirely lacking in) 'Detecting Criminal Minds by what
these do NOT do.'





As the title states, I can now add in this revision (Version
3.5 of 24 August 2008), that the commenting journalists

have done their cackling and squawking, as a gaggle of
geese and a flock or coop full of chickens do

when alive and excited with fear,

like when the door to their pen is left open or a
when they see a fox prowling around, they become
excited by fear,

and these commenting, "explaining" journalists

have spared no effort and "intelligence"

- in all sorts of "historic and cultural and political
and military terms" -

with as a recent example, the Associated Press Writer
Douglas Birch, from Moscow, on 23 August 2008, in his
article 'Russia rolls into Georgia, rolls back the clock,'

PRETENDING to be very "rational,"

to "explain" the actions seen, but not to name

- not to simply point out the source of all the Evil
rising up and risen up in Russia, caused entirely by -

Putin being of an INTENSELY evil nature, and as such being the
entire and only cause of the destructive events in and by and
to Russia,

PUTIN having the continuous intention TO SPREAD EVIL

visible as such to any sane and practical mind:


If NOT a demonic soul (Putin), BUT a normal person had been leading
Russia, then Russia would have been a peaceful, helpful nation,

and of course an aspiring member of NATO, too.

But, as I wrote already in the earliest version, and in
the subject title:



It happens to be so, that the journalists want to "explain" evil deeds
to the public. They, the journalists, consider that to be their job,
their obligation to you:

Putin wants to be evil, "because..."

"'Russia' does not like (this or that)" - so "if we stop (this or
that) then Putin will stop doing (that or this) evil."


"IF we grant NATO (MAP) status to Georgia, then Putin
might attack Georgia and we have to come, to fight Putin

"And we don't like fighting, much like policemen 'do not
like to arrest a criminal'??!"

You are having everything in reverse, because you,
with the journalists, do think, 'what you are told
to think' by Putin etc.,

(and your agreeing so, does violate the
Second Law Of Human Rights (SLOHR))

VIA THE JOURNALISTS who are parroting all his
lies but WITHOUT telling you, that Putin is
INTENTIONALLY lying only, and

without telling you what Putin is
actually thinking and also is actually

intending, behind and with his lies to
cover up what he actually wants,

lies relayed by journalists

- which are simply lies to manipulate
people and news media globally.


What Putin did NOT say, and did NOT want you to
think - but which is the very simple truth -

and which even you, with your feeble
intelligence, can understand, is:



which attacks he had already prepared for years, in
order to occupy Georgia,


And now he thought the moment had come, and he
ordered the Criminals,

whom he had put already in place and kept
financed and had given a "legal" basis to

in the two separate provinces of Georgia,

to attack the ethnic Georgian population inside
those "Russia-connected" provinces, telling the
ethnic Georgian people there, who refused to take a
Russian passport, 'you leave now or we kill you

which gave - as Putin INTENDED - Georgia's
president no other choice, than to defend the
population in those provinces,

and to attack and try and oust the
rebels there, who were financed and
controlled by Putin,

the "reason" Putin had intended
inevitably to be provoked, for
the Russian army already lying in
wait, "to protect the Russians
from the evil Georgian soldiers,"

WHICH - people defending themselves and others
against (his) Evil - IS THE MOTIVE that the
sociopath Putin enjoys most, to attack and
subdue others.

Putin 'Iron Law': "People must NOT (be able
to) defend themselves against (his) Evil."

That would be his demise, of
course, if people could defend
themselves against him,

BECAUSE he is an evil

It is entirely Evil - you know, Evil,
that 'thing' (Evil) that you refuse to

while you rather Admire a person
for running his body 'two nano-
seconds' faster than some others,
over a stretch of 100 meters, to

your mind wholly off facing Evil,

and that, while of course any
'trance-runner' of Tibet (**) is
disqualified from running,

because these run much
faster, using much more of
their Life Energy, rather
than their body only -
simply described - to run.


Putin had already destroyed France's Sarkozy (made Sarkozy
'see' - and enjoy to think - that "it is in the best of
interests, to support evil").

And he, Putin, had done similar things to Germany's

Putin made them spiritually blind,

which he had already done life times earlier, to
George "Washington" Bush life times earlier.


And Bush is ALSO blind to seeing the intensely Evil
soul called Henry Kissinger, the "friendly American
adviser to Putin and to Hu Jintao."

Henry Kissinger - the 'Rasputin of
Kennebunkport' (of the Bush residency) -

is a major agent in keeping (various American)
presidents blind to his own and others' Evil,

and in destroying the Republican Party,
as well.




THERE IS NO EXPLANATION FOR EVIL - by definition, it is the opposite
of reason, there is NO REASON in it, nor is there a reason for it -
it has no reason.

This I have ALSO explained to you very thoroughly,
after half a century of the most grueling and intense
research on that subject.


There IS NO REASON in Russia's Putin, or in Iran's "leaders," or in
China's "leaders," and in other evil people,

for wanting "their country" to see America as "an enemy."

Nor for stealing the property of others, by force and trickery, as
Criminals do BY NATURE.

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse:

What these want and do is ONLY and ENTIRELY INSANE.

And that is contrary to what medical "science" has to say "about

Medical "science" BY ITS OWN DEFINITION, refuses to face evil,
but ONLY treats symptoms.

So the UN now - Ban Ki Moon and his medical friends - can
ONLY think of asking for 'Humanitarian Aid,' they do not
even consider they want to stop the fighting...

Same with all the Insane ideas for 'creating peace,'
by vegetarians and Norwegian Nobel Prize committee



War is basically the handling of Insane
people, of the individuals who are the source
of the Insanity, and, it is handling those
people (often a large part of a nation) who
have been made to want or are forced, to
be, think and act Insanely. {definition}

Remember - 'remember' meaning, that you
have to INTEGRATE into your thinking -

Criminal Minds have everything in

They REVERSE 'Sane' and 'Insane,'
and what is Evil, is "good," in
their thinking.

This you can very easily
study in Putin, by what
he says - now not only
behind very closed doors,
but also - publicly.

They REVERSE truth and lies:

Malicious Lies being "the truth,"
and truth being "malicious lies,"

the results of which you see
now again from Russia's
Putin, and

as is best known globally,
and in most history books,
from the last German


You have to keep CONSTANTLY in mind, in
life on Earth, that

Criminal Minds have everything in


It is thus very worthwhile,
to know of an individual,
THAT he or she is a Criminal

Suddenly you can NOT ONLY
understand, what that person
says and does and intends,
or did,

but ALSO, you can accurately
predict it, as I do, now,

regardless of all the
lies and pretense, of
him or her:

REGARDLESS of what the journalists
write, or what these at CNN.com
say or show,

"to explain to you, 'what is

instead of their pointing out the

Truth is DEFINED as

'what happened (PLUS) WHO
CAUSED IT (PLUS) with what
INTENTIONS.' {definition}



Also the present 'demand' of Iraq's embodiment
of Evil, the vile and cowardly and lying Muslim
scholar, al-Sadr the "Anti-American,"

also HIS present "demand" is entirely Insane, AND
lying, that "he will give up all fighting when all
American soldiers leave Iraq," because

he only intends to revive Iraq as a state dominated
by Criminal Minds,

with some religious cloak, to be able to sell it to
the Iraqi population,

as they do now in Iran, where al-Sadr has
taken refuge - "refuge" from

American soldiers who brought and keep
bringing peace to Iraq.


Making others pretend to "see" - to "see"
the Americans - who are their ACTUAL friends,

as "enemies," IS INSANE, and, indeed, Evil.

But that is what Putin has been
doing for years, once he got
seated firmly enough to be able
to do so unpunished and instead
be "supported" in it.


It is justified by the tribal Insanity
of "the tribe 'has no Criminal Minds as
leaders,' because 'these would have
been removed or dealt with by the tribe
itself'." {definition}

Apparently this is how Gorbachev
"sees" the Russian nation, now, so
he blames the evil NOT on the
leader who commands 'the tribe,'
meaning, on who commands the
Russians, on who DOES the evil,
- on Putin - BUT he, the Russian

Gorbachev puts the blame 'as "the
tribe" orders it to be put,'

and he, Gorbachev, upholds the
lies and propaganda of the

['Pravda:' a Russian word
made up by Communists,
which is defined - by the
actuality of life, by its
actual use - as:

'Mean, hateful, and very
destructive lies, that one
must accept in order to be
and remain part of the tribe
("of Russia," that is)'.]


Completely the opposite, and not
suffering from destructive tribal

I will and would welcome, and have welcomed
American soldiers in my country - in fact,
they liberated it, much like they now did
liberate and CONTINUE to liberate the people
of Iraq from the scourge of Evil.


OF COURSE Criminal Minds HATE that,
because these individuals have
everything in reverse.

They HATE IT, when the people of
Iraq are being freed.

And as I further explain below, Criminal
Minds invent all kind of lies, to make
you not see and not understand that;

and instead, they very meanly, and very
falsely indeed, "accuse America,"

as also the intensely Evil, and
Criminal Mind, the demonic
creature Vladimir Putin does

as well as all the other Criminal
Minds and their parrots,

who, by their comments, easily
'show their feathers' to you, the



Back to Russia:

Medvedev is just a puppet to Russia's Putin and to (minister)
Lavrov and to (ambassador) Churkin, the trio - Putin, Lavrov,
Churkin - of evil that we have come to know so well.

Above, I added another three to them: Ivanov, Patrushev,
and Nogovitsyn - whom you can compare quite well to
Goering, to Himmler, and to Keitel or Jodl, respectively

Russia's Medvedev does not have the mental force nor the
communication ability nor intelligence,

to stand up to the biting and cunning evil and intrigue of that
'troika' - of Putin, Lavrov, and Churkin - and of others as
mentioned, and for instance of some in Rosoboron-Export, of
Russia's state weapon's salesmen.

You might say, that Medvedev is under constant hypnotic
command of Putin, and so has no own personality, really,
unless Putin permits him to show some of it.

Or think of it, as Medvedev being fully dependent
on Putin and obedient to Putin, also when Putin is
not immediately present.




It is a global fight between good and evil, that is going on: between
freedom, with truth available, against domination, which has truth
hidden, opposed, and replaced with lies.

I have told you, what Your Role On Earth is, and
it has nothing whatsoever to do with any religion or
such, at all, as I ALSO explained to you.

Evil is "justified," and hidden, by the people who cause
the Evil,

they are providing "reasons"

(a very typical example, is the intensely Evil Fidel
Castro, or the Evil "philosopher" Karl Marx, and
others who OPPOSE the First Law of Economics, which
I gave you recently).


THEIR work is to "justify" and to hide or camouflage Evil,

by lies - lies, that you, or journalist Henry Meyer
in Moscow for Bloomberg news, will somehow accept as
"justifications for the evil of Criminal Minds,"

making it somehow "acceptable, or at least
understandable," what these Criminal Minds CLAIM
they want, or what these actually do.

All "Revolutionary Armies" are an example
of that - they PRETEND, whether in Africa or
Asia or Middle America or South America or
Cuba, or the Philippines now -

these "Revolutionary Armies" PRETEND "to
bring freedom to the people," but these are
just the lies of Criminal Minds;

these - and dictator Mugabe has succeeded in
"his" African country with it - these want
just to have Criminals run the country or
part of it,

as Colombia's Betancourt now is capable
of telling you, thanks to very caring
and very decent people,

that any genuine Red Cross
organization would be proud of,
honoring those,

who freed her from such a "Revolutionary



Evil, is "justified," however, and thus hidden, by (the)
people who cause (the) Evil, who want (the) evil, who
ENJOY evil being inflicted on people, especially on
decent people, on you.

Because they REFUSE to say, that Evil is Evil, and
that Insane is Insane, they instead "justify" it,

they make you NOT SEE EVIL AND INSANITY, by stating,

NOT, that 'Putin has an Evil nature,' BUT

"'Russia' is 'flexing its muscles," "is restoring its
old power."

Criminal Minds have everything in reverse,

while all that is going on, is that Putin has been
and is and will continue to be destroying Russia,
and as much as he can with it, UNLESS stopped by
you and me.



'I never told you that,' now, did I?

Yet you go on justifying Evil, with "the 'reason' is money:"

"Yes, he murdered the hard worker, BUT... he wanted to have the
money and position and wife of the murdered..."

So when Putin murders some Russians - be it a journalist or
someone {Litvinenko} who published his mass murder of (300)
Russians and Putin's general state-organized global terrorism -

"that is understandable, because Putin wants to maintain his
position," and he has money, or steals it from Russia's Yukos

Also now, Putin wants to destroy the population of
Georgia, and "that is understandable..." ???

You are so completely out of your mind...


"...so you HAVE TO FIND IT 'UNDERSTANDABLE' (that Putin bombs Georgia,
and that he spreads hate against caring and decent people who live in
freedom)" - etc...

You are so nauseatingly Insane - and it is about time, that
you realize that, so that you stop at least some of your own

and so that you stop at least some of the Insanity of
journalists, and thereby, indirectly, the Insanity of the




Let's return to Beijing, to the "non-political" games:

By the way, it is typical of Evil people, to demand
of you, in any activity, that

"you must see, that we do not want (this or that)"
(like "you must not politicize the Olympic Games")
but then THAT is exactly what THEY do,

after having made you agree, that "they do not do
that, so you must not either."

Let's thus return to Beijing, to the "non-political"
reception of the heads of state, who were "non-
politically" attending the opening ceremony of the Olympic

and how they "non-politically" indeed (failed to,
they were) NOT publicly demanding the release and
freedom of Gao Zhisheng in China, and demand his
torturing be stopped and he be visited and

or in Russia for that matter, of Khodorkovsky.




If you did NOT feel any nausea of the INTENSE UGLINESS
of the act of George "Washington" Bush, when he, Bush,

'heartily and enthusiastically greeted' the vilest
enemies we on Earth have currently to cope with:

Russia's Putin, and China's Hu Jintao,

if instead, "you found that to be 'furthering the peace',"
then you are just immersed in and craving for lies and
euphoria, for pretense, and

so you have become even more Insane, once again, by these
public acts (of Bush, in this case) offending every soul
and heart of Mankind,

of one billion viewers, today (8 August).


But - even when the broadcast was delayed for ten seconds,
"for security reasons" -

the journalists did not cut out of our view THESE highly
shameful and enormously debilitating acts,

nor did they, the journalists, even comment on the vile
Ugliness of demands like 'you must refuse to see, refuse
to name, and refuse to oppose Evil individuals,'

which is contrasted with (something they very
heavily DID comment on, that happened during
another TV broadcast, of a sports event in
America) when some woman showed a small piece of
a lovely-shaped breast including the nipple of the

a body part that everyone knows so well soon
after each birth, but

these viewers were pretending, that such universal
and important parts of life "do not exist," or that
these "must not be remembered"

- in that case pretending there are
"religious" reasons for it, while such
"religious" people failed even to understand
Solomon's Canticle of Canticles,

let alone that these "religious" people can
properly define religion or God...



This is just to point out your INTENSE Insanity, and
your complete REVERSAL on the subject of security
and of determining WHAT IS INSECURE.

Bush embracing enthusiastically the most vile
creatures that are heads of the biggest countries

- you see, truth is absolute, it is NOT what
Putin or Hu Jintao say "is true," but

truth is that what actually happened,
and who caused and wanted it -

(sorry, that I never told you that, but
for everything, there has to be a first

Bush embracing enthusiastically the most
vile creatures that are heads of the biggest
countries, on Earth,

is not only the biggest kind of offense TO THE

it is also a sign of the greatest lack of
International Security.

Did Bush, in his embrace of Putin,
PERCEIVE the actual intentions and
nature of Putin?

No, not at all. He KNOWS about all
the international terrorism BY
Putin and BY Hu Jintao,

yet he can not perceive them
and respect these as they actually

Which is a gross, gross, break in
security, global security even.


But, "because nobody says so, you do
not have to understand it or agree with
this observation, and to act on it,"
now, do you.

Take care you don't drop off the
edge of the flat Earth...



Evil people - Putin, Lavrov, Hu Jintao etc.
WANT EVIL, that IS THEIR NATURE, it is their
JOY to be evil,

you have to respect their true nature,
if you deal with them, and they have
no right whatsoever to govern any
country or people,

which IS The First International
Law, which is in YOUR soul, but

that - enjoying to "successfully," and on a
large scale, inflict evil onto others, THAT -
is the nature of their soul,

the existence of which (the soul,
which) medical "science," does even
"scientifically" deny.


This is just to point out your INTENSE
Insanity, your complete REVERSAL on the
subject of truth and lies, of good and evil,
of perception and blindness, of Sane and

And it sounds like an introduction to
the next HRI to be published ('About
your past lives,' lives, which, no
doubt, "science" - meaning intensely
Evil individuals - will tell you, "do
not exist either").

This is just to further point out
your INTENSE Insanity, your
complete REVERSAL

on the subject of lies and truth,
of evil and good, of blindness
and perception, of insane and
sane, of hate and love and of war
and peace.



Further, contrary to the Olympic Committee's shame

contrary to Mr. Jacques Rogge, who 'sees' all Evil
"resolved" simply by not looking at it and instead
'you just be enthusiastic in sports,'

which reminds me so thoroughly of 1936,
Germany, and

contrary to Olympic president Rogge in his POLITICAL
statement during his opening speech, that "there are
different political systems,"

in which he preferred to submit to the
hypnotic lies of Hu Jintao, who claims very
loudly, that "there must be two systems, two
different political systems"

- Hu Jintao means, but does not say:

one good system led by decent people, who
hold in check Criminals, naturally,

and one system of "government" led by
Criminals as one party, holding in check
and dominating and locking up DECENT
AND CARING people, and putting THESE through
concentration camps to "educate them," by
force and humiliation and deprivation,
about "who is boss over their life" -

again, contrary thus (also) to the sociopath Hu
Jintao and his lies "about politics,"

it is so, in the actual business of governing
people, that


THERE ARE NO "different political systems:"

Governing is governing, and not the opposite.

But Criminals have everything in reverse,

THEY want public, official worship, of
the most vile Criminals of the past of
their country:

Mao Zedong, Stalin, and elsewhere they
make the biggest Criminal, Guevara, to
"be a hero."



I 'never told you' that, or any of the other things above, did I...

Now apparently I have to tell you this twenty times a day, because
you don't tell others, do you:




The First Law of Human Rights (FLOHR) (*)

1 June 2006
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.2}

(Version 3.1.2
on 31 Dec 2007)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(View Summary
by skipping


Do not envy wicked individuals,
do not desire their company;

for their hearts
plot violence,
and their lips talk
about making trouble.

King Solomon
Proverbs 24:1



The First Law of Human Rights:

Do not do what a Criminal Mind wants.



You can put this in slightly different words and emotions:

Avoid doing what a Criminal Mind wants.

Never do that, what Criminal Minds want of you.

Refuse to do what a Criminal Mind wants.


If you are attacked by a Criminal Mind,
NEVER do what he or she wants, already
from the very beginning:

ALL their requests or demands are ONLY
to bring you into a position where
you can be more easily or more severely

They have no conscience AND they
ENJOY to harm you.

You can't and must not reason with
them - they want the opposite of


This applies at any level, whether you are the
president of a country, or simply a pedestrian
in the street,

also at your work place, your school,
in your family, or when you are just
standing or sitting in (the train of)
the subway, the underground, or the metro:



with all your Energy, that means - and
do not give any of your Energy to, do
not give any agreement to, but block

any approach of a Criminal Mind towards you,

because that stops or blocks their evil
impulse. *(0)


On the other hand, the action of YOU
approaching THEM,

IF you are strong and perceptive
enough and in a position or in
circumstances where you can defend
yourself and bystanders, then

YOU approaching THEM, knowing and perceiving
they ARE Criminal Minds, *(0)

and not approaching because THEY want
you to approach or when THEY trick you
into approaching, but,

you are OPPOSING what they would want
or are likely to want,

it is a complete disagreement with

which radiates at them, that they will
have no chance with you - and so your
doing that,

will also block their evil impulses for that time.


ALL communications from a Criminal Mind, are attacks on you

- no matter how "friendly" and "helpful" they are,

- no matter how "reasonable" their requests or demands are:

Any and all, even the tiniest communication from a Criminal
Mind, IS an attack on you and on others.

That is due to their nature, due to the extent of the
damage inflicted irreparably on their soul.

Treat their communications like that, and you will do well and
protect others - which is in accordance with 'Your Role on
Earth.' *(17)

DON'T and you will fail and succumb, and others in your
care, will too. (see also *(a) sub (1))


Because you are basically aware of this Human Right, they, being
Criminal Minds, in most circumstances have to hide, and they DO hide,
what they want, *(4)(5)(2)

certainly in the beginning, till they got you somehow
involved enough and trapped enough,

so that you can not easily escape doing or being
subjected to what they ACTUALLY want.




'Do not do what a Criminal Mind wants,' not only GETS you out of
trouble, but also helps you to STAY out of trouble, and this

'Do not do what a Criminal Mind wants'

(which IS the First Law of Human Rights)

then requires - of course - that you know (at the minimum) the
following Human Rights Issues,

which are part of your soul anyway, but which the Criminal Minds
have smashed out of you or blocked you from staying connected
to, so I refresh that,

a refreshing breeze for your soul, so to speak:

(some of these have introductory HRI's as well)

[check for updates and new HRI's on the subject]

1. 'Rights of Criminal Minds' *
{HRI 20040108-V1.0.1}

2. ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds
As 'Ability To Perceive Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}

3. 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}

4. 'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know They Intentionally Lie'
{HRI 20050527-V3.5.2}

5. 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}

6. 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.2.1}

7. 'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}

8. 'Consequences Of Not Facing A Criminal Mind As Head Of State'
{HRI 20051120-V5.2}

9. 'The First International Law'
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}

10. 'Basic Economics - In Government and Enterprise, People Are
Not Objects'
(HRI note 20060201 version 3)


Understanding these things, leads then to what is

'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights.' *(14)


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

                'God gave Solomon wisdom
                and very great insight,
               and a breadth of understanding
                as measureless
                as the sand on the seashore.'

                1 Kings 4:29


(a) Studying it, not with a purpose of doing those things, but to
understand, and thus studying to defend against Criminal Minds,

who by their very nature, ARE constantly doing such
things to everyone, (you would do well in)

studying Hypnotism and Stage Magic in order to learn how they
'win' over you *(see sub (1) and (2), below)

- how they win without that you even know, THAT a fight has
taken place:

Contrary to what Criminal Minds want to be believed, and
want called "science" by you - contrary to that, you may
know, that

ALL life consists of and is directly steered by Life
Energy, *(sub (3))

which you know as Feelings and Thoughts and Desires
and Memories and Perceptions and Abilities - these
all ARE Energies - Life Energy.


sub (1) {Stage Magic - definition}

Stage magic is primarily the subject of (more or less artfully)
diverting your attention, and of (more or less artfully) hiding
(their carefully practiced) deception from you,

and to make you create the Energy of Admiration for your
being successfully deceived and to then flow that Energy
to the performer.

It is getting you to Admire others FOR their
managing to deceive you.


That is - amongst other things - a violation of the
condition from which the Definition of Sanity stems:

' Sanity is being able to look through the deceptions,
the masks and the tricks, that you and others are
immersed in,

the deceptions that you are pushed into and
are continuously being subjected to, or
are causing, or aiding. *(13)


Sanity of course includes the desire not only to
be ABLE to detect, but it includes also DOING
that looking through the deceptions, and acting

thus Sanity means, that the intention to exert that
ability, is very alive, and is continuously active,

ALSO to detect tricks that your friends have
succumbed to. *(15)

You need each other to see each other's
Blind Spots, isn't it... *(13)


Which means, that your sanity is considerably increased
by studying their tricks - how they actually manage to
deceive you. (The same applies to hypnotism, except for
the fact, that most hypnotists will only give you some
so-called "explanations" in order that you won't ask or
not investigate further, how they do it, and - even if
they DO know themselves the mechanisms - they almost never
will say what they really do in order to hypnotize - but
you can read between their lines.)



sub (2) {Hypnotism - definition}

Hypnotism is the subject of, another blocking, replacing and
steering and commanding, your connection to or your creation of
Feelings and Thoughts and Desires and Memories and Perceptions
(which all are things that are contained in, and thus are called
Life Energies). *(sub (3))

Hypnotism is a major part of life

- and current hypnotic practice, meaning, as
practiced by professional hypnotists,

is only used to counter or change or deepen some
tiny portion of the on-going, over-all hypnotism -

that for instance you know best as sleep, which IS
hypnotism, and it actually gives you a marvelous
opportunity every day, to study how you are being
hypnotized. *(11)(11a)

And you might come to the conclusion, that,
the more 'Enlightened' a person claims to be
or is told he or she is,

the more he or she is accepting the common
and basic hypnotism, that he or she "is not
hypnotized." *(12)


In another example, it is highly objectionable
- destructively insane, you might say - to tell
your children, they "must go to bed now," and
"must sleep," and even worse, to force them to


and have their Awareness-Energies and other types
of Energy taken away during their sleep "in order
to wake up again 'fresh and new',"

"because everybody does that."

I certainly would not want to be born to you, if you
were parents who would demand that of me...



sub (3) {Life Energy - definition}

ALL of Life consists of, and is directly steered

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