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Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 12-08-08 01:08

Hvad du ikke ønsker gjort mod dig selv, skal du ikke gøre mod

I et velstyret land er fattigdom noget, man burde skamme sig over. I et
slet styret land er rigdom noget, man burde skamme sig over. Kung-fu-tse

I used to spend whole days without food and whole nights without sleep in
order to meditate. But I made no progress. Study, I found, was better.

If names are not correct, language will not be in accordance to the truth
of things.Confucius

It is not truth that makes man great, but man who makes truth great.

Jeg skal fortælle jer, hvad viden er.At vide når man ved noget, og at vide
når man ikke ved noget.Det er viden.Confucius

Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is

Man kan måske nok få folk til at følge en bevægelse, men det er ikke
sikkert, man kan få dem til at forstå den. Kung-Fu-Tse

Mand og hustru skal opføre sig overfor hinanden som om de var gæst i
hinandens hjemKung-Fu-Tse

Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than
thyself.Confucius (B.C. 551-479)Chinese Ethical Teacher - Founder of

Når du ser en god mand, prøv, om du kan ligne ham; når du ser en ond mand,
prøv at finde hans fejl hos dig selv.Kung-Fu-Tse

Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with

The essence of knowledge is possesing it, to use it.Confucius

The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands
what will sell.Confucius

The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills. The
wise are active; the virtuous are tranquil. The wise are joyful; the
virtuous are long-lived.Confucius

There is no spectacle more agreeable than watching an old friend fall from a

They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who
love it are not equal to those who delight in it. Confucius

To be poor without murmuring is difficult, to be rich without being proud is
easy. Confucius

To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.Confucius

To love a thing means wanting it to live.Confucius

We take greater pains to persuade others that we are happy than in
endeavoring to think so ourselves Confucius (B.C. 551-479)Chinese Ethical
Teacher - Founder of Confucianism.

What the superior man seeks is in himself. What the mean man seeks is in
others. Confucius

Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from

Den ædle stiller krav til sig selv - den simple til andre. Kung-fu-Tse

Hvis man forlanger meget af sig selv, og kun lidt af andre, så undgår man
andres nag. Kun-fu-tse

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