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(rev 1.1) Detecting a Criminal Mind, by 'W~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 31-07-08 22:17

Detecting a Criminal Mind, by 'What does he (or she) NOT talk about,
NOT look at, NOT do?'

25 July 2008*
{HRI 20080725-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 31 July 2008)


A MAJOR TOOL to detect someone's hidden Insanity or Malice, is

'What does he (or she) NOT talk about, NOT look at, and most of
all, NOT do?'

and then also, making it more obvious,

'What does he (or she) REFUSE to talk about, REFUSE to look at,
and most of all, REFUSE to do?'

and then also, insisting further,

ABOUT IT, still refuse to talk about, refuse to look at, and
most of all, refuse to do?'


For some, I need to mention, that 'PRETENDING to talk
about something,' 'pretending to look at something,' or
'pretending to do something,' is equivalent to (or
rather, it may be even quite a lot worse than) 'not
talk about,' 'not look' or 'not do.'

Further, the 'NOT talk,' is - obviously - opposed to
'talk,' in this context;

'talk' meaning: that what a person is EXPECTED very much
to talk about, to be highly interested in,

say, if someone claims to be interested in peace,
he would be INTENSELY interested in the Definition
of Peace, *(4)

or if someone claims to be interested in ending
wars, he would be extremely interested in the
Definition of War, isn't it, *(5)(6)

and if someone claims to be an expert regarding
perception, or wants to restore his perception and
that of others, then he would, most burningly, be
interested in the Definition of Perception, *(7)


However, if he or she DOES NOT, or IS NOT (wanting to
look at and to act upon some issue that - from a broad
viewpoint with wide and correct knowledge and care - is
obviously truly vital) then you know, that you are quite
possibly looking at a Criminal Mind,

or at someone - a Destructive Coward, who by
definition is or desires to be and to remain -
enslaved spiritually to a Criminal Mind.



This present Human Rights Issue 'Detecting a Criminal
Mind, by "What does he (or she) NOT talk about, NOT look
at, NOT do?"' is going well beyond

the level of handling arguments with Criminal
Minds, disputes that are started and carried on by
Criminal Minds,

which I described to your advantage - so that you
are not caved in by, but winning over Criminal
Minds "accusing you" - in the HRI's

'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of
Vital Truth' *(1)

and which is followed by the HRI

'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND
That THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You'

and by the HRI

'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth' *(3)



It, meaning here a particular subject, that is not talked about by a
Criminal Mind, is not some possibly interesting but small fact,

not something like "whether eating yoghurt with either 'left-'
or 'right-turning' proteins,

will (either one, or the other) more likely increase the life
span of humans,

when these live in Tibet and when they do not use cell

BUT it is about some major subject, that pertains very much to
the goals which someone claims to have or promotes,

and that the community may be paying him or her for, to pursue
and to achieve,

a major subject, like the stated goals of his or her group or
organization, foundation, charity, profession, institute,
science, news service, political party, etc..



For example - and this always amazes me - the news (wire) services
REFUSE to report about very decent, caring, responsible people,
having been tortured and imprisoned,

in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, and in Hu Jintao's China, and in
Putin's Russia.

They REFUSE to mention or discuss the millions of people who are
held in the current concentration camps in the current communist
China dictatorship.

It "is the law," that these facts, and also the fact,
that the Chinese government recently refused to pass on
the early warnings for the recent major earth quake,

it "is the law," that these facts are NOT REPORTED,

violations of "that law" punishable by the same
torture and imprisonment that they are "by law"
not to report - and which is "an internal affair,"

that they are demanded not to report and NOT TO PROTECT


But when some actual, really bad and menacing people are kept
prisoner of war, who carry vital data they should divulge to
ensure the safety of others,

when these, a handful of people, are given the feeling
that they will be drowned, in order to try and make them
divulge truly vital data that they should have divulged
freely in the first place

- care and decency being as absolute as truth
itself -

then however, these news services, and Germany's Angela
Merkel too, DO report on that widely and with a very false

"comparing 'apples with pears'," as you say.



taken prisoner without form of process, beaten - often to the
death of the captive person - or tortured to death, or tortured
into signing a confession, EACH DAY,

in the Chinese dictatorship,

but we hear NOTHING about that from our news services,

not really, even, from Amnesty International or from
Human Rights Watch, yes,

not even from Angela Merkel of Germany who has
personally visited China,

and who, in considerable disgust of it, thus
refuses to attend the Chinese Dictatorial Games,
that mock the Olympic Games, this coming August

(The next games then, according to the
International Olympics Committee chairman,
Mr. Rogge, will no doubt be held in Myanmar.:)



Particularly in the medical and social and political "sciences,"

that are rampant with very highly destructive Criminal Minds,

these can be detected by examining - if you want to, um, huh - with
this detection tool:

'What does someone - when approached or informed about it -
refuse to talk about, refuse to look at, refuse properly to
investigate, and thus refuse to do?'

It is not unlikely, that the person questioned who IS
a Criminal Mind, will 'blow up' (get emotionally or
Energetically or physically violent) when approached
on the subject,

but then again, they may not, if they are very

or he or she will have the "necessary" answers and lies
"ready for use," like you know it from the Chinese Foreign
Ministry spokesman or -woman:

Sudan's Criminal Mind, Bashir, BLOCKS United
Nations Peace missions to be deployed in Sudan,

but the Criminal Minds from China, Russia and
(South) Africa, claim, that indicting and REMOVING
the Criminal Mind of Sudan, Bashir, "is endangering
the UN Peace Mission."

Criminal Minds ENJOY lying, ENJOY to find some
lie, that THE journalists will accept and
relay to 'the international community,' to
'the community of all nations,'

to drive people sufficiently 'nuts,' and
to thus protect Criminal Minds from being

- they protect EACH OTHER, as you have seen:

If one can be indicted, then the others can
be indicted too.


In this context, it is not a big step from "politics," to



Practically all "charities" do suffer from Criminal Minds very
severely - as is not entirely uncommon knowledge.

The United Nations Organization is a hotbed of people who specialize
in promoting and in acting out the Insanity and Malice, for instance
in their medical programs and in their food programs.

Delivering ENDLESS amounts of food to North Korea, INSTEAD of
demanding, that Kim Jong Il and its dictatorship be removed,

per The First International Law, and

which will automatically restore abundance, also in food, to the
people of North Korea,

per The Rights of Criminal Minds.



In the medical 'world,' it is saddening and disheartening, that people
are deceived and kept suffering so severely, so painfully, in our
very "civilized" society.

I carefully avoid any hospitals, not for lack of facing the
evil, but for seeing so much institutionalized, carefully
hidden malice and pretense of "care" for people who do suffer
often intensely and mortally.

According to this Human Rights Issue - if used - any 'Cancer Society'
or 'Multiple Sclerosis' or 'Muscular Dystrophy' or 'Migraine' or
'Epilepsy' ~ Society, ~ Institute etc., or any 'Society for the
Blind' or any 'Kidney Society' or 'Heart Attack Society,' etc.,
etc., etc.,

is run or controlled, muzzled, shackled, crippled, by Criminal

whom you can detect, very simply - should you care at all
about the people who are suffering from the mentioned physical
symptoms and pains and disabilities - these blocks to enjoying
their own life (blocks which, equally, are blocks to providing
great joy in the life of others, of course, too) -

(charities, and research institutes, and medical journals, run or
controlled or otherwise crippled by Criminal Minds) whom

you can detect, very simply - and you maybe should detect, um, huh? -
by examining

'What do they - when approached or informed about it - refuse
to talk about, refuse to look at, refuse properly to investi-
gate, and thus refuse to do?'




Above, you have a tool, to detect such "very well adapted" Criminal
Minds, not only in any charity, but also people in your local club
or political party or in any doctor's office or branch of any
university, or in any news agency.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(1) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(2) 'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You'
- (incl. Textnote d. on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
in order to feel good')
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

(3) 'Criminal Minds KNOW VERY WELL, Who Tells The Truth'
{HRI 20060427-V1.1} - adds to {HRI 20050527-V3.5} *(3)
(27 April 2006 - Version 1.1 on 29 April 2006)

(4) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.3}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.3 on 22 Apr 2008)

(5) 'Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing the Nature of War -
Quote from 'The Nature Of War' {HRI 20051027-V1.6}'
(7 November 2005 - Quote Version 1.0.2 on 14 Dec 2006)

(6) 'The Nature of War' (NOW)
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

(7) 'Definition of Perception - Protecting against the Criminal Mind
- Fine Particle Physics on the main Poisonous Life Energy
{FPP-HRI 20080608-V3.4}
(8 June 2008 - Version 3.4 on 24 June 2008)

(more to be added)


(to be added)

Issue Note:

(*) Issued on 31 July 2008, to keep to an intended sequence of
publication of Human Rights Issues.



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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