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Fra : Whileyouslept

Dato : 06-06-08 11:24

Disorder: Bilderbergers Set To Meet In D.C’ - ‘Portuguese Newspaper
Admits Bilderberg Kingmaker Power’ - ‘Bilderberg, Shadow
Supergovernment’ – ‘World Leaders Meet In Secret at Bilderberg 2008,
Plan the End of the Free World’ – ‘Bilderberg Ruse Exposed’ – ‘The
Trilateral Commission, One Of The Three Most Powerful Globalist Groups
In The World, Held Closed-Door Meetings In Washington, D.C. From April
25 To 28’ – ‘Trilateral Commission Key Members 2008’ – GLOBALISTS FACE
‘Ireland's Anti-European Treaty of Lisbon Campaigners Lead Opinion

- o O o -

THE NEW WORLD DISORDER: Bilderbergers Set To Meet In D.C.

Secret Confab Source Of Global Plotting Theories.

© 2008 WorldNetDaily
June 4, 2008

(Photo) The Bilderberg Group previously met in Istanbul, Turkey

The annual secretive gathering of representatives from West European
and North American countries, known as the Bilderberg Group, is
scheduled to begin tomorrow in the Washington, D.C., area.

While the specific location is still a mystery to the general public,
Sweden's Dagens Nyheter reports the conference is being held at the
Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Va., on the outskirts of the
nation's capital.

The Bilderberg Group is an elite invitation-only conference of
influential members of the business, media and political communities.
Past attendees have included Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, former
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and former British Prime Minister
Tony Blair.

The group meets at luxury hotels and resorts throughout the world.
Last year's conference was held at the Ritz-Carlton in Istanbul,
Turkey. Every four years the conference is held in the U.S. or Canada.
The group has an office in Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands.

While the group claims its purpose is to facilitate discussion among
Western powers, many see the group as a means toward globalization.

The highly secretive conference is off limits to press, but past
reports from sources that have managed to penetrate the high-security
venues have stated the meetings emphasize a globalist agenda and
dismiss national sovereignty as regressive.

The BBC declared the Bilderberg Group to be one of the most
influential organizations in the world.

"It's officially described as a private gathering," BBC reported, "but
with a guest list including the heads of European and American
corporations, political leaders and a few intellectuals, it's one of
the most influential organizations on the planet."

Attendees of the Bilderberg conference are not allowed to speak a word
of what was discussed in the meetings outside of the group. The group
has no website, and no minutes are kept of the sessions to ensure

Despite speculation the conference will be held at the Westfields
Marriott, hotel employees could not confirm the location venue for

Source: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=66198

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Portuguese Newspaper Admits Bilderberg Kingmaker Power

Sol reports on 2008 meeting, cowardly complicit American corporate
media silent about this week's confab of nearly 200 global

by Paul Joseph Watson,
Prison Planet,
June 3, 2008.

A Portuguese newspaper has reported on something the American
corporate media remains cowardly complicit about and dare not even
mention - this week's confab of nearly 200 of the world's most
influential powerbrokers in Chantilly Virginia for the 2008 Bilderberg
Group meeting.

The Sol newspaper carries a story today concerning two of the
Portuguese attendees of this year's conference, the mayors of Lisbon
and Porto - Antonio Costa and Rui Rio (pictured top).

Tellingly, the report highlights the fact that Bilderberg has
kingmaker power in vetting future Prime Ministers and Presidents,
noting how Pedro Santana Lopes and Jose Socrates attended the 2004
meeting in Stresa, Italy before both going on to become Prime Minster
of Portugal.

In addition, the report underscores how both Costa and Rio have
ambitions to lead their respective parties and potentially run for
Prime Minister in the future.

The clear implication is that Costa and Rio are being groomed by
Bilderberg for future "selection" as Portuguese Prime Minister in the
same way that Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were vetted by the secretive
organization in the early 1990's.

The fact that there has been just one mainstream news report about
Bilderberg and not one single mention of this year's meeting in the
U.S. corporate media less than 48 hours before nearly 200 top
globalists will meet to set the agenda for the planet is another
damning indictment of the back-slapping cronyism that dominates the
national media.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the editors of such
newspapers as the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and the New
York Times are regular Bilderberg attendees and value Bilderberg's
strict secrecy rule over and above any responsibility to their readers
or the American people.

Bilderberg is routinely attended by the world's top CEO's, Prime
Minsters, Presidents, NATO officials, UN officials, Federal Reserve
members, European Central Bank heads, banking heads, oil heads,
University Professors, as well as people like Henry Kissinger, David
Rockefeller and Bill Gates.

If 200 football or basketball stars met in secret do you think the
media would be interested in finding out what they were talking

Yet these people shape the destiny of our world and there's barely a
hint of a mention in the U.S. media.

The full translation of the Portuguese article appears below. Thanks
to Rui Garrido for sending it in.

"Meeting in Washington: Bilderberg invites Antonio Costa and Rui Rio

By Helena Pereira

Mayors of Lisbon and Porto represent Portugal in the think-tank's
annual meeting which starts this Thursday

The mayors of Lisbon and Porto, Antonio Costa (PS), and Rui Rio (PSD),
are the Portuguese invitees at Bilderberg, which will have its annual
meeting by the end of this week in Washington.

Bilderberg is an exclusive think-tank which, every year, seeks to
invite influential personalities of the political and business world.
In 2004, for example, the Portuguese invitees were Pedro Santana Lopes
and Jose Socrates, who were to later become prime-ministers.

Besides being mayors to the two biggest cities in the country, both
Antonio Costa and Rui Rio are seen as strong candidates to their
respective parties' leaderships, in the near future.

This year's Bilderberg meeting will take place between next Thursday
and Sunday in a hotel located in the vicinities of Washington.

Francisco Pinto Balsemão, the chairman of Impresa, is the only
Portuguese citizen in Bilderberg's board of directors."

Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/060308_bilderberg_kingmaker.htm

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Bilderberg, Shadow Supergovernment

The economic summit will take place this week near Washington

by Enrico Piovesana,
Peace Reporter, Italy,
3 June, 2008.

It was particularly difficult this year to find out when and where the
annual conclave of world powerbrokers, the Bilderberg Group, would
take place. Finally, it appears certain that the highly secret meeting
of western political-military elites will take place from June 5 – 8
in Chantilly, Virginia, near Washington, in a luxury hotel immersed in
nature, the Westfield’s Marriott.

What is Bilderberg? The Bilderberg group, which convened for the first
time in 1954 in Holland, is considered the most powerful decision-
making organization in the world. Semi-secret (without even a
website), the group consists of elite political, financial,
managerial, military, and media leaders from North America and Western
Europe. In contrast with the Trilateral Commission, which was created
out of the Bilderberg Group specifically to work with emerging Asian
nations (Japan in the Seventies, China and India today), the
Bilderberg Group is a genuine “shadow government” of the West that,
some critics say, decides the fate of the world to suit the interests
of the restricted oligarchy it represents.

On the Table. Two years ago, a press release sent out on the date of
the opening session in 2006 (held in Ottawa, Canada), explained that
the annual meeting would discuss the War on Terrorism, the situation
in Iran and the Middle East, Oil, Russia, US-EU relations, and
relations between the West and Asia, as well as Immigration. It is to
be supposed that this year’s meeting will include discussion of
current international emergencies, such as Afghanistan, the high cost
of oil, and the world economic crisis. Concerning oil: after the
Ottawa meeting, indiscreet leaks reported that a decision had been
announced by oil producers to raise the cost of oil to over $100 a
barrel over the course of two years.

The most recent list of Bilderberg members dates from the 2006
meeting, and includes high Bush administration officials, Henry
Kissinger, the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank, Credit Suisse,
Rothschild Europe (Vice President Franco Bernabè), representatives of
Shell, BP, and ENI (Paolo Scaroni), Coca Cola, Phillips, Unilever,
Time Warner, AOL, Tyssen-Krupp, and Fiat (Vice President John Elkann).
Also present were representatives from Nato, the United Nations, the
World Bank, the European Union, and economists (including Giulio
Tremonti and Mario Monti) and many Western leaders (Italy’s
representative was Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa). See below other Italian
participants at past Bilderberg meetings.

Why all the privacy? Considering the grave importance to the public of
the subjects discussed and the people present at the meetings, it
would be logical – if for no other reason that to discourage paranoid
theories – not to keep the meetings so private (or secret, if you
prefer), and not to hold them behind closed doors in super-secure
locations surrounded by armed guards, far from the prying eyes of
journalists and the curious. If they have nothing to hide, why are
they hiding?

- o O o -

World Leaders Meet In Secret at Bilderberg 2008 - Plan the End of the
Free World

Posted by: bruceontheloose
Bilderberg 2008 Evades All Scrutiny in Vouliagmeni, Greece

Tony Gosling,
via Granite Bay Press Tribune, USA,
May 13, 2008

Well the old tricksters did it this year. They evaded all our efforts
to track them down to a precise date and venue. There has been a lot
of Bilderberg searching activity on the forum ( ) including
examination of bilderbergers' schedules, checking of hotels but no
100% definite answer.

Whilst I had been displaying this at the top of the Bilderberg.org
front page as a possible venue and date for a week or so Bilderberg
researchers such as Marek Tysis, Jim Tucker and myself simply did not
have enough hard facts to pin them down beforehand.

The trouble is that this year particularly all the key Bilderberg
people have been keeping very quiet about their future plans. In past
years they have been relatively open about where they were planning to
be and it's then quite a simple matter to identify gaps in the
schedules of, say the boss of the European Central Bank and the Queen
of the Netherlands, that coincide.

Marek Tysis believed, rightly as it transpired, that it would be in
Vouliagmeni, Greece in one of the first two weekends of May. What they
were talking about we may never know. Let's hope at least SOMEBODY who
realises that these people are where war and money meets and far too
close to the Nazis (through Prince Bernhard and the occult connections
particularly) has got some leaks.

What are they planning for us this year then? We might guess that
Henry Kissinger has had problems with his War on Terror because nobody
is believing it is anything other than a US, Israeli and British grab
for empire. A continuation of Hitler's diseased dream of an occult
empire to rival the extent of the old British Empire and Commonwealth
and all the psychological pressure is now being piled on Gordon Brown
who is not playing ball with the Bilderbergers' fascistic

There is not a lot of doubt in my mind that the immense power that
Bilderberg wields is ultimately satanic. One could pick a random
homeless tramp on the streets of London to preside over such a
conference you would get more common sense in his little finger than
all the Bilderberg Steering committee have in their collective greedy

Maybe that is what is needed. A jubilee of renewal to remove these
despots and their freemasonic underlings from the committees that
select candidates for the political parties.

What seemed a real political hope in the UK, the Liberal Democrat
Party has somehow got itself a City of London stooge, Nick Clegg, in
charge now so has made itself unelectable just a the time when it
could have swept to power because of voter hatred of both Labour and
Tory parties.

Israel too is 'celebrating' 60 years of existence and as such 60 years
of terrorism, horror and hatred of the arabs. The Jewish people don't
want it but what can they do with a fanatical far right Zionist
government there. Jews are in exactly the same bind as the rest of us.
Democracy has been stealthily and deliberately undermined in Israel
just as in the US and Britain and Europe by Secret Societies operating
within the 'cover' of freemasonry.

The Beijing Olympics looming appears something like the Berlin
Olympics of 1936. A derisory show of male and female machismo with a
few who will be this year's Jesse Owens?

So Bilderberg may have been successful in stopping scrutiny of
themselves this year, no participant list, nothing whatsoever has
emerged. And that bodes extremely ill for the coming Summer and
Autumn. Whatever bloodcurdling warstarting event, whether or not
connected with the Beijing Olympics, and whether or not leading to a
global crash which will make a few people very very rich, you can be
sure they will be in the know. Which means that Bilderberg is
culpable, there's a lot of bucks riding on this. That is why they do
everything they can, with their limitless supply of money, to keep
these meetings out of the public eye.

What we need of course is a united front such as that which has formed
in South America, probably because they have been the subject of so
much evil and illegal US interference. A united front based on a media
free of racist Zionist moles and on an understanding of the true facts
behind 9/11 which kicked off all this 'War on Resistance Fighters'
madness. It really is as if the war is against the plucky partisans
and leaders of the French Resistance to Nazi occupation.

So it doesn't take a lot of imagination, once you've joined the Nazi
dots, to see where Henry Kissinger and Bilderberg are coming from. His
present company, Kissinger Associates, is the biggest protection
racket on the planet and the UN eats out of its hands, that means the
UN Charter and the Geneva Conventions have been torn to pieces by
these people, paving the way for mass slaughter and maybe a little
more power. Kissinger gets kudos from his impunity and Rockefeller,
Rothschild and his financial backers and other underground friends are
egged on to further madness by our gullibility. Then their is their
love of Eugenics, what more proof do we need? How much more can we

They want a more subtly spun global version of what Hitler had in the
early 1940s and they are not going to get it because the human spirit
will not have it. But they are so greedy and determined, indeed
psychopathic in their goal, that they would rather pull our whole
beautiful God-given world down around our heads than allow us to be
the free people we were made to be. The real solutions to the problem
of wage slavery, poverty, are so simple as to be almost obvious. Land
reform and money reform, putting land back into the hands of those who
need it as a ree gift to mankind. Taking the power to issue money out
of private corporate hands.

Source; http://www.granitebaypt.com/detail/84001.html

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by James P. Tucker Jr.,
American Free Press, DC,
22 May, 2008.

BILDERBERG’S ATTEMPT TO FOOL the public into believing it had already
met in Greece has been exposed.

We now believe Bilderberg will meet from Thursday, June 5 to Sunday,
June 8 in Chantilly, Va., near Washington’s Dulles International
Airport. The precise scene of the crime is the Westfields Marriott,
14750 Conference Center Drive, Chantilly, Va. 20151. 703-818-0300.

This paperboy will arrive Wednesday, June 4, checking into the Hilton
in nearby Herndon, Va., Address: 13869 Park Center Road, Herndon, Va.
20171. 703-818-2900.

I belabor these details in the hope that you can help me by joining
protesters at the gates. You will find it fun.

In Europe, I have a lot of help from numerous journalists and
broadcasters who also pursue Bilderberg. European papers are much more
free to report the facts about these schemers than the “free press” in
the United States. But, because of the costs, it is unlikely any of
them will come here.

So, as Uncle Sam would say, I need you. You will read nothing about
this secret meeting of international banksters, superfraudsters and
political fourflushers in The Washington Post, New York Times, Los
Angeles Times etc. All the gang members attend on a solemn oath of

As usual, finding Bilderberg’s meeting site was difficult and its
staff was composed of Artful Dodgers. Some Internet postings had
Bilderberg meeting May 8-11 in Vougliameni, a suburb of Athens,
Greece, where they met in 1993. But, before rushing to the airport, I
checked on three Bilderberg regulars and found they would all be in
Washington that weekend.

Some of my European colleagues think Bilderberg was behind the
posting. If so, the diversion almost worked.

But a reader who has much more computer knowledge than I do was able
to crack into the in-house computer of the Dutch Embassy where the
staff was told that the prime minister would attend Bilderberg at
Chantilly. The embassy confirmed the information. It was independently
confirmed by a Bilderberg insider who has helped me nail them for 20

I hope you can join me.

James P. Tucker Jr.

(Issue # 22, June 2, 2008)

Please make a donation to American Free Press

Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as
long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania
Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003

Source: http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/bilderberg_ruse_exposed_138.html

- o O o -

The Trilateral Commission — One Of The Three Most Powerful Globalist
Groups In The World — Held Closed-Door Meetings Right Here In
Washington, D.C. From April 25 To 28. True To Form, Those Members Of
The Media Who Knew About The Meeting — Or Were Themselves Participants
In The Proceedings — Refused To Discuss What Went On Inside Or Report
On The Attendees. Luckily, AFP’s Own Editor, Jim Tucker, Was On The
Scene To Bust This Clandestine Confabulation Wide Open.

By James P. Tucker Jr.,
American Free Press.
May 6, 2008.

Luminaries at the Trilateral Commission meeting in Washington
expressed confidence that they own all three major presidential
candidates, who, despite political posturing, will support sovereignty-
surrendering measures such as NAFTA and the “North American Union.”

“John has always supported free trade, even while campaigning before
union leaders,” said one. “Hil and Barack are pretending to be unhappy
about some things, but that’s merely political posturing. They’re
solidly in support.”

He was referring to Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Hillary Clinton (D-
N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

Mrs. Clinton, they noted, held strategy sessions as first lady on how
to get Congress to approve NAFTA “without changes.” As president, they
agreed, she would do no more than “dot an i or cross a t.”

Candidate Obama has not denied news reports in Canada that his top
economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee, assured Canadian diplomats that the
senator would keep NAFTA intact and his anti-trade talk is just
“campaign rhetoric.”


While they are confident they can deal with any “potential president,”
the Trilateralists paid huge tribute to Ron Paul in an equally large
twist of irony, by expressing alarm that he is causing “significant
future damage.”

They expressed concern that Paul’s rallies have attracted multitudes
of young people who are getting “their political education.” They want
Republicans to pressure Paul to drop out now and stop his education
rallies. This assignment was given to Thomas Foley, former U.S. House

The reasons Paul’s “education campaign” strikes fear into Trilateral
hearts are obvious. Paul would refuse to surrender an ounce of U.S.
sovereignty to an international organization and TC wants world

Paul would immediately bring U.S. troops home from Iraq, Afghanistan
and from 130 UN “peacekeeping” missions around the globe. TC wants to
enjoy war profiteering and global power. Paul would abolish the
federal income tax while the TC wants to pile on a global tax payable
to the UN.

The formal agenda was loaded with everything Paul and American
patriots detest: higher taxes, more foreign giveaways, more
immigration, both legal and illegal, into the United States and
“engaging Iran,” among others.


The Trilaterals got down to real work on Saturday, April 26, with a
high-powered panel called “U.S. Foreign and Domestic Policy: Broad
Outlines for a New Administration.”

It was presided over by journalistic pimp David Gergen, who will write
nothing about TC in his magazine, U.S News and World Report. Also
participating were Kenneth Duberstein, former White House chief of
staff for President Ronald Reagan; Strobe Talbot, president of the
Brookings Institution and former deputy secretary of state; and Joseph
Nye, former assistant secretary of defense. Henry Kissinger, former
secretary of state and long-time Bilderberg leader, was present and
listed as a participant. But a TC staff member crossed his name out.
Some speculated he had throat problems.

This panel had these orders for the next president: increase foreign
aid across the board because “America does not pay its fair share,”
pay up the arrears in UN dues, allow as many immigrants into the
United States as want to come and provide “amnesty” for illegal aliens
already here.

Little, if anything, was said about the fact that American taxpayers
pay one-fourth of the UN’s operating costs and one-third of the cost
of 130 “peacekeeping missions” or the fact that immigrants from South
America depress wages here and the average immigrant family costs the
government thousands of dollars a year in welfare, health and other

Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank and another long-time
Bilderberg boy, largely echoed these views in a sweetheart “interview”
by another journalistic strumpet, Lionel Barber, editor of The
Financial Times, who will obediently report nothing.


There were “subgroup” meetings on “climate change,” “water and
sanitation” and “migration and development.” Every nation, especially
the U.S., should spend big bucks to fight “global warming,” they
agreed. The United States should spend more “because Americans cause
the most pollution,” one argued. Americans should send more money to
Africa so natives can drink clean water and scrub themselves, they

Antonio Garrigues Walker, chairman of Garrigues Abogadas y Asesores
Tributarios, joined Peter Sutherland, the UN secretary-general’s
“special representative on migration and development,” to call on the
United States to not only allow unlimited immigration, but to throw
more money at Mexico and other impoverished Latin countries. It was,
somehow, their “right” to have more U.S. dollars. Sutherland is
chairman of British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs International. He is
also a long-time Bilderberg leader.


Bill Emmott, another kept journalist, spoke on “the rise of Asia” at a
reception-dinner held at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Emmott,
former editor of The Economist, will report nothing.

Sunday morning, Robert Blackwill, former U.S. deputy national security
adviser for Iraq, led a panel discussion on “engaging Iran and
building peace in the Persian Gulf Region.” For the first time, there
was dissent. Blackwill tried to rationalize the invasion of Iraq.
Others doubted that Saddam Hussein was connected to the 9-11 terrorist
attacks or was a nuclear threat. Blackwill said the military option
remains but he hopes diplomatic efforts succeed.

Other participants were Ray Takeyh of the Council on Foreign
Relations, which functions as the propaganda ministry for TC and
Bilderberg; Volker Perthes, head of the German Institute for
International and Security Affairs and Hitoshi Tanaka, former Japanese
deputy minister of Foreign Affairs.


More foreigners demanded more U.S. money at a lunch panel called
“European and Asian views on U.S. Foreign and Security Policy.”
Participants were Elisabeth Guigou, a member of the French National
Assembly and former minister for European affairs and Han Sung-joo,
former minister of foreign affairs for South Korea.

An afternoon session addressed “global health” with more calls for
American tax dollars. A major voice in this cause came from Sylvia
Mathews Burwell, president of Global Development Programs, Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has attended at least one
Bilderberg meeting.


John Negroponte, U.S. deputy secretary of state, addressed the evening
dinner on “U.S. foreign policy perspectives.” Again, the invasions of
Iraq and Afghanistan were rationalized and an invasion of Iran held
out as a possibility.

The Monday morning finale addressed the Global Financial Crisis
involving these luminaries: Robert Kimmitt, U.S. deputy secretary of
the treasury; Martin Feldstein, former chairman of the President’s
Council of Economic Advisers; David Rubenstein, managing director of
The Carlyle Group; Naoki Tanaka, president of the Center for
International Public Policy Studies and Sir Andrew Crockett, president
of JP Morgan Chase International.

Among them, there was much talk of the U.S. government’s “duty” to
“intervene” on behalf of “financial institutions under stress.” Little
or nothing was said of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who are
losing their homes because financial institutions lured them into
buying houses they could not afford.

Throughout the weekend, no American voices were heard objecting to the
demands on their country. Instead, there were smiles, nods and

AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many
years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he
has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-
the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such
as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker’s
Bilderberg Diary. Loaded with photos—many never published before—the
book recounts Tucker’s experiences over the last quarter century at
Bilderberg meetings. $25 from AFP. No charge for S&H in U.S.

(Issue # 19, May 12, 2008)

Please make a donation to American Free Press

Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as
long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania
Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003

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Trilateral Commission: North American Group 2008


Thomas S. Foley North American Chairman
Peter Sutherland European Chairman
Yotaro Kobayashi Pacific Asia Chairman
Allan E. Gotlieb North American Deputy Chairman
Herve De Carmoy European Deputy Chairman
Han Sung-Joo Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman
Lorenzo H. Zamibrano North American Deputy Chairman
Ainijrzej Olechowski European Deputy Chairman
Shijuro Ogata Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman
David Rockefeller Founder And Honorary Chairman
Paul A. Volcker North American Honorary Chairman
Georges Berthoin Chairman European Honorary
Otto Graf Lambsdorf European Honorary Chairman
Michael J. O’Neil North American Director
Paul Revay European Director
Tadashi Yamamoto Pacific Asia Director


Madeleine K Albright The Albright Group LLC Washington, D.C.
Graham Allison Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Cambridge, Mass.
Richard L. Armitage Armitage International Washington, D.C.
James L. Balsillie Co-Chief Exec. Officer, Research in Motion
Waterloo, Ontario
Charlene Barshefsky Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering Washington, D.C.
Alan R. Batkin Eton Park Capital Management New York, N.Y.
Lael Brainard The Brookings Institution Washington, D.C.
Doug Bereuter The Asia Foundation San Francisco.
C. Fred Bergsten Peterson Institute for Int’l Economics Washington,
Catherine Bertini Syracuse University Syracuse, N.Y.
Robert D. Blackwill Former Deputy Asst, to the President Washington
Dennis Blair, USN (Ret.) Institute for Defense Analyses Alexandria,
H. Blanco Mendoza Private Office of Herminio Blanco Mexico City
Stephen W. Bosworth Dean, Tufts University Medford, Mass.
David G. Bradley Atlantic Media Company Washington, D.C.
Harold Brown Center for Strategic and Int’l Studies Washington, D.C.
Zbigniew Brzezinski Center for Strategic and Int’l Studies Washington,
Sylvia Mathews Burwell President Global Development Program Hinton, WV
Louis C. Camilleri Altria Group, Inc New York, N.Y.
Kurt Campbell CEO Center New American Security Washington, D.C.
Raymond Chrétien Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Montreal, Quebec
William T. Coleman III Cassatt Corporation San Jose, Calif.
Timothy C. Collins Ripplewood Holdings New York, N.Y.
Richard N. Cooper Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.
F. Gerald Corrigan Goldman, Sachs & Co. New York, N.Y.
Michael J. Critelli Pitney Bowes Inc. Stamford, Conn.
Lee Cullum “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” Dallas, Texas
H. Lawrence Culp, Jr CEO of Danaher Washington, D.C.
Gerald L. Curtis Columbia University New York, N.Y.
Douglas Daft The Coca Cola Company Atlanta, Ga.
Lynn Davis The RAND Corporation Arlington, Va.
Arthur A. DeFehr Palliser Furniture Winnipeg
André Desmarais Power Corporation of Canada Montréal, Quebec
John M. Deutch Mass. Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass.
Jamie Dimon JP Morgan Chase & Co. New York, N.Y.
Peter C. Dobell Parliamentary Centre Ottawa, Ontario
Wendy K Dobson University of Toronto Toronto
Kenneth M. Duberstein The Duberstein Group Washington, D.C.
Robert Eckert Mattel, Inc. El Segundo, Calif.
Jessica P. Einhorn The Johns Hopkins University Washington, D.C.
Jeffrey Epstein J. Epstein & Company, Inc. New York, N.Y.
Dianne Feinstein U.S. Senate (D-Calif.) Washington, D.C.
Martin S. Feldstein Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Swiss Re America Holding Corp. Washington, D.C.
Stanley Fischer Bank of Israel; frmr president, Citigroup New York,
Richard W. Fisher Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Dallas, Texas
Thomas S. Foley Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld Washington, D.C.
Kristin J. Forbes Associate Prof. of Int’l Management Cambridge Mass.
Michael B.G. Froman Citigroup Inc. New York, N.Y.
Francis Fukuyama The Johns Hopkins University Washington, D.C.
Dionisio Garza Medina ALFA Mexico
Richard A. Gephardt Former member House of Reps. (D-Mo.) Washington,
David Gergen Harvard; Editor, USN&WR Cambridge, Mass.
Peter C. Godsoe Scotiabank (ret.) Toronto, Ontario
Allan E. Gotlieb Bennett Jones LLP Toronto, Ontario
Bill Graham Canadian House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario
Donald E. Graham CEO of The Washington Post Company Washington, D.C.
Jeffrey W. Greenberg Aquiline Capital Partners, LLC New York, N.Y.
Richard N. Haass President, Council on Foreign Relations New York,
James T. Hackett Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Texas
John J. Hamre Center for Strategic and Int’l Studies Washington, D.C.
William A. Haseltine Haseltine Global Health, LLC Washington, D.C.
Richard F. Haskayne University of Calgary Alberta
Charles B. Heck Senior Adviser, Trilateral Commission Washington, D.C.
Carlos Heredia International Affairs Mexico
Carla A. Hills Hills & Company, Int’l Consultants Washington, D.C.
Richard Holbrooke Perseus LLC New York, N.Y.
Karen Elliott House Dow Jones & Co. & Wall Street Journal Princeton,
Alej. Junco de la Vega Grupo Reforma Monterrey, Mexico
Robert Kagan Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace Washington, D.C.
Arnold Kanter The Scowcroft Group Washington, D.C.
Charles R. Kaye Warburg Pincus LLC New York, N.Y.
James Kimsey Founding CEO of AOL Washington, D.C.
Michael Klein Citigroup Inc. New York, N.Y.
Steven E. Koonin British Petroleum London
Enrique Krauze Editorial Clio Libros y Videos, S.A. de C.V. Mexico
Robert Lane Deere & Company Moline, Ill.
Fred Langhammer The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. New York, N.Y.
Jim Leach Former U.S. Representative (R-IA) Washington, D.C.
Gerald M. Levin AOL Time Warner, Inc. New York, N.Y.
Winston Lord International Rescue Committee New York, N.Y.
E. Peter Lougheed Bennett Jones, Banisters & Solicitors Calgary,
Roy MacLaren Former High Commissioner to the UK Toronto, Ontario
John A. MacNaughton Frmr CEO Canada Pension Plan Invest. Brd Toronto,
Antonio Madero San Luis Corporacion, S.A. de C.V. Mexico
John Manley McCarthy Tétrault LLP Ottawa, Ontario
Sir Deryck C. Maughan KKR Asia, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. New
York, N.Y.
Jay Mazur Union of Needletrades, Textile Employees New York, N.Y.
James Moore Canadian Parliament Ottawa, Ontario
Marc H. Morial National Urban League New York, N.Y.
Heather Munroe-Blum McGill University Montreal, Quebed
Brian Mulroney Ogilvy Renault Montréal, Quebec
Indra K. Nooyi PepsiCo, Inc. Purchase, N.Y.
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Cambridge,
David J. O’Reilly Chevron Corporation San Ramon, Calif.
Meghan O’Sullivan Former Deputy National Security Adviser Washington,
Richard N. Perle American Enterprise Institute Washington, D.C.
Thomas R. Pickering Consultant, The Boeing Company Arlington, Va.
Martha C. Piper The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C.
Richard Plepler Executive Vice President, HBO New York, N.Y.
Joe Ralston, USAF (Ret) The Cohen Group Washington, D.C.
Charles B. Rangel U.S. House of Representatives (D-N.Y.) Washington,
Susan Rice Brookings Institution Washington, D.C.
Hartley Richardson James Richardson & Sons, Ltd. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Joseph E. Robert, Jr. J.E. Robert Companies McLean, Va.
John D. Rockefeller IV U.S. Senate (D-W.V.) Washington, D.C.
Kenneth Rogoff Center for Int’l Development, Harvard Cambridge, Mass.
Charles Rose The Charlie Rose Show, PBS New York, N.Y.
Irene B. Rosenfeld CEO Kraft Foods Northfield, Ill
Dennis Ross Ambassador Counselor and Ziegler Washington, D.C.
David M. Rubenstein The Carlyle Group Washington, D.C.
Luis Rubio Center of Research for Development Mexico City, Mexico
Arthur F. Ryan Prudential Financial, Inc. Newark, N.J.
Jaime Serra SAI Consulting Mexico City, Mexico
Dinakar Singh TPG-Axon Capital New York, N.Y.
Anne-Marie Slaughter Princeton University Princeton, N.J.
Gordon Smith Centre for Global Studies, U. of Victoria Victoria, B.C.
Donald R. Sobey Empire Company Ltd. Halifax, Nova Scotia
Ronald D. Southern ATCO Group Calgary, Alberta
James B. Steinberg LBJ School of Public Affairs, U. of Texas Austin,
Jessica Stern Program on Terrorism & the Law, Harvard Cambridge, Mass.
Barbara Stymiest RBC Financial Group Toronto, Ontario
Lawrence H. Summers Harvard University Cambridge, Mass.
John J. Sweeney AFL-CIO Washington, D.C.
Strobe Talbott The Brookings Institution Washington, D.C.
George J. Tenet Georgetown Univ., former CIA Director Washington, D.C.
John Thain New York Stock Exchange, Inc. New York, N.Y.
G. Richard Thoman Columbia University New York, N.Y.
Paul A. Volcker Wolfensohn & Co., Inc., frmr Fed. Res. Chair.New York,
William H. Webster Former CIA Director Washington, D.C.
Fareed Zakaria Newsweek International New York, N.Y.
Lorenzo H. Zambrano CEMEX Monterey, Mexico
Ernesto Zedillo Former president of Mexico; Yale Univ. New Haven,
Mortimer B. Zuckerman Chairman, U.S. News & World Report New York,
William T. Coleman, Jr. Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission
Washington, D.C.
Henry A. Kissinger Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission Washington,
Robert S. McNamara Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission,
frmr pres., World Bank; frmr sec.of Defense; frmr pres., Ford Motor.
Washington, D.C.
David Rockefeller Founder, Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Comm. New
York, N.Y.


Patricia Barbizet CEO Artemis Group, France
Dermot Gleeson Chairman, AIB Group, Ireland
Elisabeth Guigou French National Assembly, France
Nigel Higgins Senior Partner N M Rohschild & Sons, UK
Jerzy Kozminski President & CEO Polish-American Freedom, Poland
Thomas Leysen CEO Umicore, Belgium
Manfred Bischoff Chairman, SNCF, France
Arpad Kovacs Pres. State Audit Office Hungary, Budapest
Friedrich Merz Member of the German Bundestag, Germany
Pietro Modiano Mng. Director CEO Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy
Hans Reisenhuber (returning) Member of the German Bundestag, Germany
Jeroen van der Veer Chief Executive, Royal Dutch Shell, The

(Issue # 19, May 12, 2008)

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- o O o -

Ireland's Anti-European Treaty of Lisbon Campaigners Lead Opinion

By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels,
Daily Telegraph, UK,
6 June, 2008.

Ireland's No campaigners against the new European Union Treaty of
Lisbon have taken the lead in opinion polls for the first time - under
a week before Irish voters vote in a referendum next week.

A TNS/MRBI poll published in the Irish Times shows that opposition to
the EU Treaty has more than doubled over the last week, increasing
from 17 to 35 per cent over the last three weeks.

Support for Yes campaigners, supporting a Treaty crafted to replace
the old EU Constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters three
years, has dropped five points to 30 per cent in the same period.

Undecided voters stand at 28 per cent and seven per cent said they
would not vote.

Ireland is the only of 27 EU member states to hold a popular vote and
a referendum rejection would create intense political pressure on
Gordon Brown.

The Conservatives have argued that the British Prime Minister has
refused to uphold a 2005 election manifesto promise to hold a
referendum and ratification of the EU Treaty remains unfinished
business in Westminster.

As in France and the Netherlands in 2005, before voters destroyed the
EU Constitution, Ireland's three biggest political parties, trade
unions, the farming lobby and business groups have all backed the EU

But the Irish political establishment has failed to win the argument
against opponents who claim the new EU Treaty will hand powers over
taxation, trade, abortion and military neutrality to Brussels.

"Unless there is a significant change in the public mood by next
Thursday, the EU will be plunged," the Irish Times said.

In 2001, Ireland sent shockwaves throughout the EU when it voted No to
Nice, the EU Treaty Lisbon replaces.

That decision was reversed in another referendum the following year
after reassurances that Ireland's 80-year commitment to non-Nato
military neutrality would be honoured.

Irish vote next Thursday, the results will be announced the following
day, Friday the 13th.


(These news stories are posted under ‘Fair Use’ provisions)

See also:

The Elite’s Secretive Plan For A ‘North American Union’

‘The Plan For Three World Wars’

Ready and Waiting: 'The Constitution for the Newstates of America'

'Astounding Quotes From The Political And Financial Elite On The
Planned New World Order' http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/TRAGEDY.HTM

Archived ‘New World Order Intelligence Update’ Articles on the ‘New
World Order’

- o O o -

'How The Bilderberg Group Secretly Planned And Executed The Kosovo
The 1998 Bilderberg Conference at the luxurious Turnberry Hotel,
Ayrshire, Scotland.'

Read these ground-breaking and detailed press releases on the1996
Bilderberg Conference in Toronto, Canada

Go to the fascinating late-July,1998, Alert on the Bilderberger-
planned Turkey/Greece/Israel conflict on Cyprus

Go to the exclusive and detailed advanced agenda summary for the 1999
Bilderberg Conference in Portugal

Read the original story written by an award-winning British
journalist<br> on the 1999 Bilderberg Conference before his newspaper
edited and re-wrote it!

‘The Secretive, Elite 2005 Bilderberg Conference: Paul Martin:
Bilderberg In His Blood? Stephen Harper Attended 2003 Bilderberg,
Stephan Dion Attended 1998 Bilderberg'

- o O o -

See the recently-added stunning photos of a chemtrail tanker creating
a 'Chemtrail X' in the skies over Toronto, Canada, together with more
amazing photos of chemtrails over Toronto – plus, WE get chemtrailed
as a result!

See also the astonishing ‘earthquake cloud’ photographs which
appear to indicate Tesla-type ionization of the atmosphere directly
before the recent massive Gansu And Sichuan earthquakes in China.
Was this a HAARP hit?

All this, and more, at 'Chemtrails: Are They For Climate Control,
Weather Modification, 'Black Ops' Or For Biological Warfare
And Mass Vaccine Testing?'

And see also...

'Nikolai Tesla And Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons'

- o O o-

Did Tsar Nicholas II Of Russia And The Romanov Royal Family Die In The
Ipatiev House in Ekaterinburg - Or Did Britain And The U.S. Cooperate
In Their Secret Rescue...?

History says 'NO', but some surprising voices say 'YES!'

Read online or download for free the 1920's book, 'Rescuing The Czar:
Two Authentic Diaries', together with some equally surprising news
reports, at http://www.mimico-by-the-lake.com/histrus3.htm

You'll find a wide range of other free online classic history and
travel books (on English history, American History, Canadian History,
European History, Napoleonic History, Russian History, German History,
Greek and Roman History), plus the books of Jane Austen, at

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And for free online Classic Christian Books and Writings…

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