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EU's Juncker: Future Peace on Earth Blocke~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 24-04-08 09:21

EU's Juncker: Future Peace on Earth Blocked by the Sociopaths, by
Putin (financed by Juncker of EU Luxembourg) and by Hu Jintao

24 April 2008
{HRI note 20080424}


The European Union's finance man, Jean-Claude Juncker

(who is also head of the - by consequence destructive - banking-
oriented country of Luxembourg, in Europe)

is, since long, PROTECTING THE EVIL OF - and financing - the
sociopath who is Russia's head of state, Vladimir Putin,

Luxembourg's Juncker maintains Putin's personal and secret fortune.




Thus the question to ask of you who DOES have a conscience, is a

Describe your or others' JOY of being secretly betrayed, and your or
others' JOY of secretly betraying others.


For those Europeans who rather speak German, I repeat:

'Beschreibe die FREUDE, die Du oder die andere dabei empfinden,
wenn man ohne es zu wissen, von seinen Freunden betrogen wird,

'beschreibe auch die FREUDE, die Du oder die andere dabei
empfinden, wenn man seine Freunde insgeheim betruegt.'


Note: One of the hallmarks of Putin's nature and "success" in life,
is to always betray his friends (and not only his wife, but ALL
those he tricks into 'being his friends') (and not only Bush
or Berlusconi, or Luxembourg banker Juncker, but ALL those, that
he, Putin, BLINDS AND THEN tricks into 'being his friends').

Criminal Minds - and the sociopath Putin is a very severe
one - do however not ever change,

ALSO NOT AT THE GRAVE OF Russia's Yeltsin:

They can only pretend, and hide the joy of their betraying
everyone constantly.


The only effective way about them, is TO STOP THEM. There
is - unfortunately - no other solution.



All these things have been already described extensively, for your
understanding, in the corresponding Human Rights Issues.


I wish you will do your own job, your own work,

so that I can do my work, which is much more advanced than
holding your hand and wiping your (according to Putin, even
'snotty') nose

- according to the sociopath Putin and his utter contempt
for you and


(Putin's utter contempt for his greatest "friends,"
Luxembourg's Juncker, and Italy's Berlusconi and
America's Bush,

but ALSO for the Russians themselves, for his OWN
people (including his wife),

and for all other people, of Chechnya, of Venezuela,
of Palestine, of Syria, of China, of North Korea,
of Vietnam, of Belarus, of Iraq, etc., etc.,

whom, as you know, he has betrayed repeatedly by
assisting the corresponding dictators AGAINST HIS
"FRIENDS" - as long as these paid him enough for
his weapons,

Putin feels a very intense revulsion and contempt)

FOR their being too stupid to look through him.

While, of course, you have to understand of
the Criminal Mind, that he WANTS his "friends"
(and also journalists) to be that stupid,

he, Putin, spiritually blinds them
and MAKES them stupid,

IN ORDER THAT HE, PUTIN, the sociopath, CAN

and be proud of how utterly Insane you
are being towards him,

to trust him, and to give in to
his demands, and to finance him...




I wrote earlier, to you:

We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - (Quote One)

- 'Balance of Power' and 'People are all Equal'

7 February 2007
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1}

(Version 3.7
on 21 Feb 2008)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(Quote from
{HRI 20070207-V3.7})

Definition of Peace:

'Sufficient identification of Criminal Minds, and sufficient
constraint of Criminal impulses.' *(1)


Putin is at present (7 February 2007) the most destructive politician
on Earth, in that he is actively preventing and actively destroying
Global Peace, with Hu Jintao a close second.

(On 9 Jan 2008, it is Hu Jintao who is first in evil to Earth,
and Putin a close second, in evil to Earth). *(2)(3)


They achieve this primarily by supporting, and trading with, and by
(thus) keeping very severe Criminals in positions of power

- preferably by keeping very severe Sociopaths in positions as
heads of state.


They deceive the global community by PRETENDING, that that is
"understandable," because of "their economic reasons."

Of course, destroying global peace - which they do very actively
destroy - is not economical at all,

except maybe seemingly so for a short moment and to a few people
who are shown only the short term "benefits."


Of course a thief or a dictator does not want any security
at all for people, certainly not globally.



The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be, without being

and this is why they oppose any actual Democracy and, with it,
any legal security and security of expression and security of
possession for others, *(5)

and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
stops their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack"
law and freedom being established globally by

the Democratic and free states of Earth.


The current (meaning, the 10 February 2007) public
Sociopathic "rant" of Putin, is entirely and only
aimed at driving people insane and at thus helping
other Sociopaths to stay in power.

This is also the only aim of his (in 2007) intended
"diplomatic" visits to the Middle East:

To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal,
to make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.


Balance of Power:

When they can not achieve that, they demand
a 'balance of power' - the next best
"defense position" of a Criminal Mind,

"people have to have the right to be
evil, and need places to freely be
evil, unchecked,"

or "sovereign" and "protected by
international law," *(5)

which is, how THEY would like, or
even demand, that others should

"understand" the "rights, they can
claim" to "sovereignty," and to
"international law,"

to create and maintain a regime of evil,
and that,

NOT merely to terrorize a part of
TOWN or of a PROVINCE, as common
criminals like to accomplish it,


so that any Criminal can choose the side of
evil, and flee there from the wrath of those
he harmed

(from prosecution for murder committed
against a very valuable and courageous
person - perpetrated for instance by
pouring Polonium in the tea of the

and to have a base, from which to inflict harm
"on others:"


"There has to be a balance between good and
evil" - is, what they mean very literally

but, they can, of course, not say that
exactly as they mean it.

What they mean, is:

"If we do NOT, at this time, manage to
dominate global organizations, then:"

"The United Nations Organization must be
a balanced representation of all
countries" - MEANING:

"It must represent a balance between good
and evil, and must be composed of and
must be controlled by good and by evil

"as long as we can not manage to
have it - the United Nations
Organization - FULLY dominated by
evil individuals (by dictators)."




And a Criminal Mind (Benjamin Franklin)

(the same Benjamin Franklin who,
together with Lavoisier, got the
global scientific community - then
concentrated in France's capital -

to OFFICIALLY deny the existence
of Life Energy, which really means
the denial of Life itself,

resulting in you now, two hundred
years later, almost certainly
dying in the agony of a disease
or in a state of dementia,

with the same fate for your
friends and family, for all
people really, to die not
normally and healthy, of old
age, but of some form of
agonizing disease, and often
drugged because of it, and
maybe dying even in a state
of dementia or Alzheimer

the Sociopath Benjamin Franklin,

wrote in the United States Constitution,
that (and as any sane and normal person
knows, it was contrary to all evidence,
that he was stating nevertheless the
"pleasant," but entirely malicious lie
and insanity) "all people are equal,"



- so, it being part of a country's
Constitution, now you have of
course to agree NOT to detect
Sociopaths, or Criminal souls,
because "all people are equal,"

or are "brothers," as
the Arabs say when
they encounter a
Sociopath willing to
lead them to their

or which the French,
shortly after Benjamin
Franklin visited them,
said in this way:



A "brotherhood," and
"freedom" established
for a while, with the
'Fraternity' meaning
"all souls are equal,"

made to seem true with
the help of the sharp
knife, the Guillotine,

falling continuously
onto the neck of all
who would be, or were
seen as, "not equal"

("seen" by Sociopaths
and by their cowardly
admirers and aides,
as "not equal")


which IS the intention of
the malicious but "pleasant"
lie, that "we are all equal"

intending, that therefore
you have to agree, that

which is of course
heavily countered by
the heros, the 'Three
Musketeers,' Alexandre
Dumas's heros, who
very strongly opposed
the wholly false idea,

(the FALSE idea, about war,

"IT IS NOT a matter of evil
fighting good," but instead
the lie, that

"war etc. is a fight 'between
two equal sides'" - it is

merely "friction, conflict
and controversy," measuring
of who is stronger and more

ideas, that all are
stemming DIRECTLY from
Criminal Minds, and
which you - and the
Associated Parrots -
accept and use and
spread, lies which do
claim, that what is
there, the situation,

"it is NOT" what it IS:

a fight between good
and evil, caused by
Criminal Minds,

BUT "all people are

implying and intending
to imply, that the
biggest Criminal Mind,

IF he or she is head
of state,

or just made
Deputy Prime
Minister of
Russia by Putin,

"is senior to you,"

so you have to agree

to that "balance of power" -




'Criminal Minds "do not exist",' that is,
according to the Constitution of the
United States

- with one stroke of the
Criminal's pen, in one
"beautiful" and "pleasant"

wholly intended to make you
spiritually blind,

to force onto everyone the
same blindness -
(see References)


DENYING the daily experience of anyone,

and OPPOSING the vital activity,
that any sane and caring man and
woman and child is engaged in,

constantly in daily life,

necessary for being able to survive at
all, and properly to care for and defend
others, so that you can love them,

that many are very good, and that some
are very, very bad indeed BY THEIR

And then Robert D. Hare has
to spend a life time of
research, to "make a strong
case for the view, that
psychopaths are actually
born like that, and not
made into psychopaths during
their life,"

even though it is against
the Constitution, to report
that truth about life.



Instead, Criminal Minds, Sociopaths, are DENYING,
that people are very, very different, yes, some
even deny altogether, that people are souls, that
people are distinct and very unique souls, each of

and most of you are of TREMENDOUS Beauty and
Love, by the way, but

in the eyes of Sociopaths, in the Criminal Mind's
eye, however,

how THEY would LIKE to see and feel and to
manipulate others, is by saying, or acting as
if, or making "laws" according to which

"everyone is a Sociopath, a Criminal Mind, really"

- only "some are more ingenious than others, in
their acting and pretending and lying, in hiding
or camouflaging their actual intentions; and some
are more cleverly or more forcefully evil than
others," but

- "all people are basically evil," is what they like
to say or act upon:

"All people must be dominated and
controlled, else they will be evil,"

while communism and fascism, including
when it is disguised as "socialism" or
"nationalism" and disguised as anything

has proven completely - to you and to
everyone - that this ONLY applies to
Criminal Minds and to their lackeys
(their spiritual slaves),

and, that for normal people,
for the vast majority of the
population, the opposite is true,
which is, the truth, that

exactly when normal people are NOT
dominated and NOT controlled, THEN
people will develop their Beauty
and Love, and tremendous care for
each other

- which can ONLY stem from free
will and the exertion of free
will -

completely CONTRARY to



"all people must be dominated and controlled,
and should cower in fear, like dogs do obey,"

'the state' - meaning, of course, the dictators
- must own most of life, and must determine
most of life - "else people will be evil,"

as for instance the Sociopath or Criminal Mind
Chavez from Venezuela, and Russia's Putin and
China's Hu Jintao are doing:

They - those dictators - try to make people
spiritually blind, and thus try to hypnotize
their own people, into ''feeling they are
"being cared for".



They, Putin and Hu Jintao, are very severe Sociopaths.

And - contrary to the 'doctrines of the New Age "Peace Activists" or
of the "Anti-War" protesters'- the condition of someone being a
Sociopath, his soul, does NOT change,

also not by journalists passing on all their lies to you; and

the condition of Kim Jong Il does also not change, no
matter how many lies he forces onto his "own (the North
Korean) people,"

nor does the condition of any other Sociopath change, by
any practice or doctrine of Buddhism, Hinduism or 'New
Age,' with their lies about life aimed solely at NOT
facing and NOT understanding and NOT stopping evil, but
by PRETENDING "it is not there," or "evil is necessary,"
or "evil is just a matter of viewpoint;" nor does the
condition of Sociopaths change, by

journalists passing on and making others believe what those
Sociopaths do lie about:

While Hu Jintao publicly does NOT label the very severe
Chinese Criminals in China's past - of course not, he
would have to label himself and Jiang Zemin as well - as
severely criminal, and as being Sociopaths,

so does also Putin NOT declare severe Criminal Minds of
Russia's past, like Lenin, or Stalin, and other major
Russian Criminals, to be what these are, BUT

Putin - as all Criminal Minds do, he does THE OPPOSITE,

like Hu Jintao towards Chinese - Putin DOES falsely arrest, and
"convict," and imprison

- or if he can't do that, THEN he acts as a serial killer,

the very caring, the very capable, the very decent and the very
loving Russians, who DO love Russia and who ARE capable of loving
the people of Russia, and of loving people globally.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(1) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

(2) 'China's Hu Jintao, currently the most evil and the most
unhandled evil to Earth'
{HRI 20080102-V1.3}'
(2 January 2008 - Version 1.3 on 4 Jan 2008)

(3) 'Is Hu Jintao exposing the most atrocious evil that ... committed
against the CHINESE?'
{HRI 20051120-V5.2-q1-V1.1}
(2 January 2008 - Version 1.1 on 4 Jan 2008)

(4) 'Is This Your Role on Earth? - A Very Simple Observation'
{HRI 20070629-II-V2.1-Q1-V3.3.1}
(2 July 2007 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Jan 2008)

(5) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
{HRI 20060429-V3.4.1} - it quotes from {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
(29 April 2006 - Version 3.4.1 on 19 Feb 2008)


For enclosures, see, for instance:

'Putin - At Present The Most Destructive Politician On Earth,
In Actively Preventing And Actively Destroying Global Peace,
With Hu Jintao A Close Second'
{HRI 20070207-V1.1}
(7 February 2007 - Version 1.1)


'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor'
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

'Definition Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040410-V1.2}
(10 April 2004 - Version 1.2 on 16 Apr 2004)

'Facing Having Been Made Spiritually Blind'
{HRI 20070105-V3.3}
(5 January 2007 - Version 3.3 on 4 Feb 2007)

See also the other HRI's that obviously are on the subject.



Copyright 2007, 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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