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KONVERSATION, som ligner usenetdebat
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 30-03-08 23:52

"When entering a marriage, one should ask the question:
do you think you will be able to have good conversation with this woman
right into old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory, but most of
the time in interaction is spent in conversation.. Nietzsche

con One of the reasons that we find so few
persons rational and agreeable in conversation
is, that there is hardly a person who does not think more of, what he
wants to say, than of his answer to, what is said. Duc de La

con Diskusion: en måde at befæste andre i deres misforståelser.
Ambroce Bierce

con lves Oscar Wilde

cd There is no conversation more boring than the one where
everybody agrees Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592)

conTænk dig om to gange før du taler. Så vil du opdage, at de andre talte om
noget helt andet.Francis Rodman

con Det var umuligt at holde en samtale igang, for alle talte alt for
meget. Yogi Berra

con When elderly invalids meet with
fellow-victims of their own ailments, then at last real conversation begins,
and life is delicious. Logan Pearsall Smith

con Alle mennesker er kedelige, undtagen når vi har brug for dem.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Con Conversation is an art in which man has all mankind for
competitors. R.W.Emerson

con Den kunst at samtale består at to: af kunsten at kunne tale
og kunsten at kunne tie og høre. Georg Brandes

Con Der findes intet, som hedder konversation. Det er en illusion.
Hvad der findes, er afbrudte monologer. (Dialog er ofte to samtidige
monologer i hver sin retning) Rebecca West

con Et virkeligt godt råd er derfor, at vi alle bruger
størstedelen af vor samfundsdebattid på indgående og fordomsfrit at
beskæftige os med det, vore modstandere siger og skriver. (Glistrup-citat)

Con Hun lider af verbal inkontinens. Hendes problem er, at hun
helt mangler evnen til at konversere, men bestemt ikke evnen til at tale.
George Bernard Shaw

con If you wish to appear agreeable in society, you must consent
to be taught many things which you know already. John Caspar Lavater

COna Den ene søger en fødselshjælper til sine tanker, den anden en,
som han kan hjælpe: sådan opstår en god samtale. Nietzsche

cona Konversation burde berøre alt, men ikke samle sig om noget.
Oscar Wilde

Cona Man tænker bedst, når man har talt. Piet Hein

cona The bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in
friendship, is conversation. Oscar Wilde

conb I samtaler mellem mennesker bliver de trefjerdedel af
spørgsmålene stillede og de trefjerdedele af svarende givne for at gøre den
samtalende en ganske lille smule ondt.
Derfor tørster mange mennesker så stærkt efter selskaber,
Det yder dem en følelse af deres kraft." (Nietzsche)

conc One of the reasons that we find so few persons rational and
agreeable in conversation is, that there is hardly a person who does not
think more of, what he wants to say, than of his answer to, what is
said. Duc de La Rochefoucauld

Conc That is the happiest conversation where there is no
competition, no vanity, but a calm quite interchange of sentiments. Gerald

Conf Snak og veltalenhed er ikke det samme: At tale og tale godt er
to ting. Et fjols kan snakke, men en klog mand taler Ben Johnson

conf There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody
agrees Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592)

conf Women have simple taste. They can get pleasure out of the
conversation of children in arms and men in love. H.L. MenckenCHILDISH

cong Menneskers samtale er en blanding af beklagelser og bange
anelser. R.W.Emerson

cong Ultimately the bond of all companionship whether in marriage
or in friendship, is conversation. Oscar Wilde

conke Kedelig kaldes en person, som kun vil tale, når du vil have, at
han skal høre efter Ambrose Bierce 1842-1914

conke Vi tilgiver ofte dem, som keder os, men aldrig dem, som vi
keder.Duc de La Rochefoucauld

cons People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for
merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against
the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.
Adam Smith

conxz A man of no conversation should smoke.

conxz Few people will not expose the private affairs of their
friends, when at a loss for at subject of conversation Nietzsche

conz As it is the characteristic of great wits to say much in few

ct Conversation is an art in which man has
all mankind for competitors. R.W.Emerson

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