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Nyt fra AC/DC
Fra : Steen Jensen

Dato : 22-04-08 20:10

Blabbermouth.net skriver:
AC/DC has finished recording its new album and is currently mixing the
effort for a late 2008 release, the group's vocalist Brian Johnson
revealed this morning (Tuesday, April 22) during an interview with
Washigton D.C.'s DC 101 radio station. Johnson has apparently left the
studio in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada where AC/DC guitarists
Angus and Malcolm Young have remained with producers Mike Fraser and
Brendan O'Brien in order to complete work on the CD. Brian also stated
that the band will next work on getting the artwork done and take care
of the promotional activities in connection with the release, to be
followed by a tour.

Mathias (22-04-2008)
Fra : Mathias

Dato : 22-04-08 20:24

Må indrømme at jeg er mest hooked på en turne.

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